W_T_M wrote:Bob wrote:TEOTWAWKI wrote:
Well the only power the people really have when the government and corporations are in bed together is the power of the purse....we shouldn't buy their crap...of course they have made that almost impossible by wiping out all their competition through EPA and other government intervention...
But it's that consumerism for mass produced corporate product which is now the foundation of our entire economy. If we pursue a policy to abandon our support for that, it's going to produce one whole helluva lot of personal suffering.
See, that's why I said I have no solution. This thing is not as simple and easy as the public dialogue (either from national celebrities or bloggers like ourselves) pretends it to be.
But if you order those Beck jeans and join hair club for men your entire world view world change. Sure you'll spend $165.00 for those jeans, but you'll be putting it to the man, whoever he is.
The hair club thing was superfluous....a mere distraction to confuse you while you're deciding to order those jeans.
And some gold while you're at it. Couple of coins to put in the pocket of those jeans.
Call now....all others may call later.
LOL... My great aunt in New Zealand bought everyone in our family a pair of those jeans. I haven't gotten them yet... and didn't know they cost that much. Whoa... I think there are about 50 of us on that side.