Average cost of community college is currently $15,000 a year...
So the cost of two years of community college will be approximately $30,000.
There's approximately 300 million people in the United States so...
300,000,000 people X $30,000 = $9,000,000,000,000 total cost.
The cost this project over the next 20-40 years will be high but after that, so long as the costs remain fixed and the population remains the same, we're talking a annual cost of $80 billion a year assuming everyone takes advantage of their 'free' college opportunity.
Of course we're talking of the government contracting to have a mouse built so we can at least double to triple that cost estimate so let's say $160 billion to the more likely figure of $300 billion a year... In which case the above estimated total cost of $9 trillion will actually be $18 trillion to the more likely cost of $27 trillion.
Of course this still doesn't address my question of how you get the slugs, you know those high school drop outs who didn't want an education, to take advantage of the opportunity.
But what the hey'. Let's just throw some money at the problem and hope it goes away.