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The fact is that there have been significant cuts during the first four years of President Obama's administration.....I think Boards has shown the facts repeatedly, but more importantly we can use more cuts, but damn if we are not 72 hours past the election falling into the same traps which condemned this nation to gridlock. We need to work on GDP growth and improving America's comparative advantage in manufacturing. We really do not have the time to watch another factory being packed up and shipped off to China. We can and must pass penalties to change this behavior. The election rhetoric indicated to me we have a national consensus on this issue. We need to address the same immediately. Enough with the negative attitudes.....President Obama was reelected and I am not happy with the same, but I am also not concerned as much about America's future had Romney won....but I would rather of had Romney win and have America address consensus issues, than to fall back into this insane self destruction in America where we fail to address consensus issues.



Obama sucks.

How did Paul Harvey knows this was going to happen back when he made it???

(Not Political)

1965 - Absolutely chilling!!!!!!

Do you remember the famous ABC radio news commentator Paul Harvey?
Millions of Americans listened to his programs which were broadcast over 1,200 radio stations nationwide.

When you listen to it, remember the commentary was broadcast 47 years ago..... April 3, 1965. It's short... Less than 3 minutes.


Pace I do not know if you understand that this was in fact updated and although the original was given in the mid sixties, the references he was using were most certainly current and relevant issues facing America today. He was not a soothsayer, but had in fact updated his original script.

I do not know one Christian who has less faith today than they had last week....the devil has won nothing. America is the shining beacon on the hill and as much as you want to see our decline as a nation, or the Devil triumphant, neither will happen. Good has prevailed and divine intervention once again has this nation on the right course.



2seaoat wrote:I really do not get much of the dialogue the last two days. I have stayed clear. America does not win or lose by an election. America wins or loses when everybody on both sides of the aisle are working for what is best for America. I think objectively we have commonality of issues on about 75-80% of core economic goals. If anybody thinks that America has won just because of an election, I would politely disagree.

My biggest concern with the reelection of President Obama is that he is going to have to learn from history, and not spike the ball in the end zone. He will have to anger much of his base to seek compromise which accomplishes what is good for America. Too many people on these forums see politics as a zero sum game. It rarely is, and there can be win/win situations. We need everybody to work to accomplish those 75% issues which we can agree, and we need leadership who is willing to put America first. As I said on the thread about Lincoln.......America needs to watch that movie.....we need to understand that the greater good of this union must survive the divisive special interests who tear this nation apart.

Obama entered office in the spirit of compromise...too much compromise, IMHO. And you saw how that was met. Nothing but stonewalling, and a statement by McConnell that his overriding concern was making Obama a "one-term president". Nothing will change so long as we have media like Faux Noise, Rush Limbaugh and right-wing radio spewing hatred, lies and misinformation 24/7. And I'm afraid your estimate of 75% issues of agreement is way off the mark.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
2seaoat wrote:. Focus on consensus.......focus on GDP growth and policies which achieve the same, and please.......just stop is hard.

Sell that to the Democrats and people like Zvug who now act as if Romney caused all of the economic problems. Consensus? Ask Harry Reid about what he said last week if Romney had become POTUS. The word "cuts" are not in the Democratic vocabulary. It's spend, spend, spend, print, print, print more money to give out more free things to get more votes.

The complete irony is with all that printing......we all lose.

Wait! Welfare recipients, government employees and union workers will be guaranteed "cost of living" increases while the private sector will just continue to be bled dry.

At least the immigration issue will resolve itself. Sad



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Markle has been posting that stupid (and unreadable) graphic both here and at the PNJ since before the summer began. Surely the numbers have changed since then-so his data is both obsolete and invalid.

Markle, you need to get your butt working on some new material for Obama's second term. The old stuff isn't even worth repeating any more. I am just glad my mouse has a scroll wheel......

A thousand Markle cut and pastes posted all over the Internet a thousand times each over the President's first 4-year term, and Obama still got over 300 electoral votes yesterday. Does not give a lot of credence and validity to your methods, for sure. I think you just need a hobby.

You gotta love Z! He always gets to the truth of the matter.



stormwatch89 wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
2seaoat wrote:. Focus on consensus.......focus on GDP growth and policies which achieve the same, and please.......just stop is hard.

Sell that to the Democrats and people like Zvug who now act as if Romney caused all of the economic problems. Consensus? Ask Harry Reid about what he said last week if Romney had become POTUS. The word "cuts" are not in the Democratic vocabulary. It's spend, spend, spend, print, print, print more money to give out more free things to get more votes.

The complete irony is with all that printing......we all lose.

Wait! Welfare recipients, government employees and union workers will be guaranteed "cost of living" increases while the private sector will just continue to be bled dry.

At least the immigration issue will resolve itself. Sad

At 14 % capital gains taxes nobody is getting bled dry.


At 14 % capital gains taxes nobody is getting bled dry.

Exactly, I had some of my best years paying 28% capital gains, I did just dandy paying 20% capital gains, and I am getting the snot kicked out of me paying 15% capital gains.....fixing our revenue imbalance does not take rocket science, or the creation of this foolish illusion that somehow not collecting taxes which allow balanced budget is somehow socialism if taxes are collected. We need to fix our tax code and start giving incentives to productive citizens who actually make something, not more real estate accelerated depreciation, or tax deferrals, or exemptions from capital gains.....again this never required rocket scientist.....but then for some it might as well require the same.



2seaoat wrote:Actually his posts are refreshing compared to what this forum evolved into the week prior to the election. He also conducted himself with class when he congratulated the President on his election. I agree his cut and paste answers are tedious, but often there is some truth in what he posts. It just is the lack of balance which throws me off. I would love to see him critical of concepts regardless of where those concepts lie on his perceived political spectrum. Honest is easy, but integrity requires telling the truth when there are consequences.

There is little truth in what Markle posts. He repeats false mantras about entitlements that have been non existent for 16 years. There is no permanent welfare, disabilty is reevaluated every year. Free phones have nothing to do w/ Obama and healthcare was provided by medicaid for the poor before Obamacare. I heard Dennis Miller say last night on O'Reilly "there is no reason to work. You can get close to $45,000 a year from the govt." I don't get why people persist in these outrageous lies? It's just mindboggling. There is enough bad realities that we don't have to lie to make it worse.


Dennis Miller is a joke. He was not funny on Saturday Night Live, and he has become just a sad broken down has been comedian when I watched his HBO special....his I am hip approach to comedy is just so tedious, as is his tired ideas, but the man knows that when you lack talent, you can always show up on Fox to collect a pay check....if you simply sell your soul to the devil.



Mock Paper Scissors

•Hey guys, remember that time when the country voted to re-elect the Kenyan Usurper Hawaiian Devil Baby in a fairly crushing landslide, and throw out the mouth-breathing cretins who were arguing for a better economy through fetus-fondling and god-bothering? Me Neither!, and neither does bathtub-drowning enthusiast Grover Norquist! Anyway, he says that because the House did not change hands that means that Republicans have The Real Mandate to not raise taxes.



polecat wrote:Mock Paper Scissors

•Hey guys, remember that time when the country voted to re-elect the Kenyan Usurper Hawaiian Devil Baby in a fairly crushing landslide, and throw out the mouth-breathing cretins who were arguing for a better economy through fetus-fondling and god-bothering? Me Neither!, and neither does bathtub-drowning enthusiast Grover Norquist! Anyway, he says that because the House did not change hands that means that Republicans have The Real Mandate to not raise taxes.

Don't put words in PaceDog's mouth....

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