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Beohner makes first overture...

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1Beohner makes first overture... Empty Beohner makes first overture... 11/7/2012, 7:35 pm



He's willing to raise taxes along with making spending cuts. The Speaker needs to make sure the cuts are not transferred to spending on items elsewhere.

* Cut food stamps back to the 2009 levels. Hell, if the SRCSB can operate on a budget 12 million less than what we were funded on in the 07-08 school year, by God so can the federal government.



He wasn't willing before he saw folks are tired of his and his cronies shit.



Dreamsglore wrote:He wasn't willing before he saw folks are tired of his and his cronies shit.

Unfortunately for your hero, the purse strings are held by the GOP controlled House of Representatives. Read up on where budgets begin in our Constitution if your paltry reading level allows you to do so.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:He wasn't willing before he saw folks are tired of his and his cronies shit.

Unfortunately for your hero, the purse strings are held by the GOP controlled House of Representatives. Read up on where budgets begin in our Constitution if your paltry reading level allows you to do so.

It does them no good if they can't pass it through the Dem controlled senate,Einstein.



In order to get the deficit down, revenue must increase and spending must decrease. Let's see if the Speaker is sincere in his overtures. The President isn't running for re-election anymore, so he has nothing to lose from bargaining hard. It will be interesting to see how the Lame Duck Congress works out the looming expiration of the Bush tax cuts. Sequestration begins next January if they cannot make headway.



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:In order to get the deficit down, revenue must increase and spending must decrease. Let's see if the Speaker is sincere in his overtures. The President isn't running for re-election anymore, so he has nothing to lose from bargaining hard. It will be interesting to see how the Lame Duck Congress works out the looming expiration of the Bush tax cuts. Sequestration begins next January if they cannot make headway.

He DOES have everything to lose from bargaining hard. He has a legacy to fight for, which is worth about as much as a warm bucket of spit right now, and he'd like to have something else to go along with the Obamacare tax.



I'm not sure why you make the statements you do,PD. Your opinion is not fact. You don't seem to get that. Obama already has a great legacy whether you agree or not. He will go down in history as the first black president, the first President to pass healthcare, a Nobel prize winner and a multitude of other accomplishments. It really doesn't matter what you say.



Dreamsglore wrote:I'm not sure why you make the statements you do,PD. Your opinion is not fact. You don't seem to get that. Obama already has a great legacy whether you agree or not. He will go down in history as the first black president, the first President to pass healthcare, a Nobel prize winner and a multitude of other accomplishments. It really doesn't matter what you say.

Obama has no legacy but divisiveness and cover-up of impeachable offenses that occured at Benghazi and giving Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood weapons without the consent of Congress. Remember that Iran/Contra thing in the 80s? Obama just had his own. Chickens will come home to roost. He'll be politically impotent by spring or summer. The Fast and Furious issue has not died either.

boards of FL

boards of FL

PACEDOG#1 wrote:

He's willing to raise taxes along with making spending cuts. The Speaker needs to make sure the cuts are not transferred to spending on items elsewhere.

* Cut food stamps back to the 2009 levels. Hell, if the SRCSB can operate on a budget 12 million less than what we were funded on in the 07-08 school year, by God so can the federal government.

This looks promising.

I approve this message.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:I'm not sure why you make the statements you do,PD. Your opinion is not fact. You don't seem to get that. Obama already has a great legacy whether you agree or not. He will go down in history as the first black president, the first President to pass healthcare, a Nobel prize winner and a multitude of other accomplishments. It really doesn't matter what you say.

Obama has no legacy but divisiveness and cover-up of impeachable offenses that occured at Benghazi and giving Al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood weapons without the consent of Congress. Remember that Iran/Contra thing in the 80s? Obama just had his own. Chickens will come home to roost. He'll be politically impotent by spring or summer. The Fast and Furious issue has not died either.

Get over it,PD. Your party lost and will continue to lose w/ opinions like yours.



Dreamsglore wrote:

Get over it,PD. Your party lost and will continue to lose w/ opinions like yours.

...wrong as usual. Obama will do nothing without the consent of Congress.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:

Get over it,PD. Your party lost and will continue to lose w/ opinions like yours.

...wrong as usual. Obama will do nothing without the consent of Congress.

LOL! I think you better look in the mirror at who was wrong.


I really do not get much of the dialogue the last two days. I have stayed clear. America does not win or lose by an election. America wins or loses when everybody on both sides of the aisle are working for what is best for America. I think objectively we have commonality of issues on about 75-80% of core economic goals. If anybody thinks that America has won just because of an election, I would politely disagree.

My biggest concern with the reelection of President Obama is that he is going to have to learn from history, and not spike the ball in the end zone. He will have to anger much of his base to seek compromise which accomplishes what is good for America. Too many people on these forums see politics as a zero sum game. It rarely is, and there can be win/win situations. We need everybody to work to accomplish those 75% issues which we can agree, and we need leadership who is willing to put America first. As I said on the thread about Lincoln.......America needs to watch that movie.....we need to understand that the greater good of this union must survive the divisive special interests who tear this nation apart.



2seaoat wrote:I really do not get much of the dialogue the last two days. I have stayed clear. America does not win or lose by an election. America wins or loses when everybody on both sides of the aisle are working for what is best for America. I think objectively we have commonality of issues on about 75-80% of core economic goals. If anybody thinks that America has won just because of an election, I would politely disagree.

My biggest concern with the reelection of President Obama is that he is going to have to learn from history, and not spike the ball in the end zone. He will have to anger much of his base to seek compromise which accomplishes what is good for America. Too many people on these forums see politics as a zero sum game. It rarely is, and there can be win/win situations. We need everybody to work to accomplish those 75% issues which we can agree, and we need leadership who is willing to put America first. As I said on the thread about Lincoln.......America needs to watch that movie.....we need to understand that the greater good of this union must survive the divisive special interests who tear this nation apart.

Yes, congress and the president have to work together.
The press COULD do a lot of good, a tremendous amount of good if it would stop (I'm talking both sides now) creating an atmosphere of emergency and disaster at every turn.

You'd think the world was coming to an end because Obama got re-elected.

The press could contribute a lot to the problem solving process by explaining to its viewers and listeners the reality of the budget choices rather than exaggerating the effects of reducing military spending and other things that should be up for consideration.

What we need is a good dose of reality, some real education going on so that the average person on the street could begin to understand our national financial situation but I don't see that happening.

There is too much money to be made and people, especially "low information" people are so easy to fool. dammit.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:

He's willing to raise taxes along with making spending cuts. The Speaker needs to make sure the cuts are not transferred to spending on items elsewhere.

* Cut food stamps back to the 2009 levels. Hell, if the SRCSB can operate on a budget 12 million less than what we were funded on in the 07-08 school year, by God so can the federal government.

Ahem, what John of Orange rolled out was Romney’s plan. Lock, stock, and barrel. Cut tax rates across the board. Limit deductions. “Overhaul” (read: gut) entitlements. And dismiss deficit concerns through “dynamic scoring.”

Let's be clear here. What Boehner less than 24 hours after the election is asking Obama to adopt, wholly, is Mitt Romney’s economic plan.

How about, no?



Dreamsglore wrote:I'm not sure why you make the statements you do,PD. Your opinion is not fact. You don't seem to get that. Obama already has a great legacy whether you agree or not. He will go down in history as the first black president, the first President to pass healthcare, a Nobel prize winner and a multitude of other accomplishments. It really doesn't matter what you say.

He passed ObamaCare AGAINST the wishes of the majority of voters. It is ANOTHER unsustainable, unaffordable government program.

Nobel Prize? You can't be serious, he "won" the Nobel Prize after being in office for...TWO WEEKS. That has to set a record and finishes the degredation of the "award".

As for his accomplishments, he certainly has a list.

Beohner makes first overture... Obama-results3162012

The malaise will continue.



salinsky wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

He's willing to raise taxes along with making spending cuts. The Speaker needs to make sure the cuts are not transferred to spending on items elsewhere.

* Cut food stamps back to the 2009 levels. Hell, if the SRCSB can operate on a budget 12 million less than what we were funded on in the 07-08 school year, by God so can the federal government.

Ahem, what John of Orange rolled out was Romney’s plan. Lock, stock, and barrel. Cut tax rates across the board. Limit deductions. “Overhaul” (read: gut) entitlements. And dismiss deficit concerns through “dynamic scoring.”
Let's be clear here. What Boehner less than 24 hours after the election is asking Obama to adopt, wholly, is Mitt Romney’s economic plan.

How about, no?

Please explain the difference between Dynamic and the beloved Progressive Static scoring and how that affects our budget.

As for cutting entitlements. In addition to welfare, food stamps, free ObamaPhones how are we NOT going to cut the cost of entitlements. Remember, we have these too.

Where will this money come from? Please don't say the "RICH", they don't have anywhere NEAR this much money.

Current Debt . . . $16.3 TRILLION Plus the $1.2 TRILLION proposed by President Barack Hussein Obama for 2013. (No budget approved)

Unfunded Liabilities (money we have PROMISED, do not have, nor do we have it coming in)

Social Security. . . . $15.9 TRILLION (10,000 Baby Boomers RETIRE EVERY DAY) (How many workers are entering the job market daily?)

Prescription Drugs .$20.4 TRILLION

Medicare. . . . . . . . $83.4 TRILLION

Total Unfunded Liabilities $120.4 TRILLION!

Number of Households in 2010 = 112,611,029

Unfunded Liability Per household $1,053,398.00

PLUS ObamaCare and Untold TRILLIONS more in TAXES

Where will all that money come from? The rich people? Why will they produce more only to have the government take more?


I think the wrong question is being asked. It should not be retention of entitlements vs should be what policies can be put in place where we have across the aisle consensus which objectively can improve our economy and grow GDP. We are not going to cut our way out of this mess, however we can begin using our brains and work on policies which use the tax code to reward GDP growth and job creation.

Do not get me wrong....we need to make government smaller not for the sake of just making cuts, but because our current deployment of government programs does not have a good method of putting said programs in reverse, or shrinking them when they no longer are efficient, or when better methods could save taxpayer dollars.

We do not have a debt problem. I repeat.....we do not have a debt problem. We have a GDP problem, and when the pie gets bigger the taxes generated off a growing GDP will take care of the debt. Congress must focus on those issues where we can get consensus......lets do the easy stuff.....but lets start doing something today....not next week.....and this debate which continues just to tire me to the bone, is just so much wasted energy. Focus on consensus.......focus on GDP growth and policies which achieve the same, and please.......just stop is hard.



Markle has been posting that stupid (and unreadable) graphic both here and at the PNJ since before the summer began. Surely the numbers have changed since then-so his data is both obsolete and invalid.

Markle, you need to get your butt working on some new material for Obama's second term. The old stuff isn't even worth repeating any more. I am just glad my mouse has a scroll wheel......

A thousand Markle cut and pastes posted all over the Internet a thousand times each over the President's first 4-year term, and Obama still got over 300 electoral votes yesterday. Does not give a lot of credence and validity to your methods, for sure. I think you just need a hobby.


Actually his posts are refreshing compared to what this forum evolved into the week prior to the election. He also conducted himself with class when he congratulated the President on his election. I agree his cut and paste answers are tedious, but often there is some truth in what he posts. It just is the lack of balance which throws me off. I would love to see him critical of concepts regardless of where those concepts lie on his perceived political spectrum. Honest is easy, but integrity requires telling the truth when there are consequences.



We have a spending problem. We cannot grow out GDP fast enough to keep up with the spending with an administration who believes it is good policy to denigrate and punish production.

We have vivid demonstrations of what is in store for us in Greece, Italy, Portgugal, Spain and other Eurpoean countries who have for decades promised their citizens more and more free stuff. Sound familiar?

MILLIONS have left the workforce forever. Why work? They went through a deep recession we are told was over in July 2009 but we still have 8% unemployment and no great outlook for the future.

Those millions are now going from unemployment to disability which is permanent along with welfare, food stamps, section 8 housing, they have their flat screen TV, reduced price cable, free ObamaPhone, soon, free health care...WHY GET A JOB?

Democrats refuse to increase the retirement age, only have OTHER PEOPLE pay more and more to support their voting base.

Is there a more honest cartoon?

Beohner makes first overture... Wizard-of-id-parody



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Markle has been posting that stupid (and unreadable) graphic both here and at the PNJ since before the summer began. Surely the numbers have changed since then-so his data is both obsolete and invalid.

Markle, you need to get your butt working on some new material for Obama's second term. The old stuff isn't even worth repeating any more. I am just glad my mouse has a scroll wheel......
A thousand Markle cut and pastes posted all over the Internet a thousand times each over the President's first 4-year term, and Obama still got over 300 electoral votes yesterday. Does not give a lot of credence and validity to your methods, for sure. I think you just need a hobby.

So what you're saying is that after President Barack Hussein Obama's first four years, unlike President George Walker Bush, nothing during those four years are the fault of President Obama.

I'm sorry that the charts and facts are distressing to you and a reminder of how bad this administration has performed but that seems to be your problem not mine.

This election strongly points toward an electorate which has reached the tipping point and the majority now are voting for gimmies. For our future, see Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Murders and riots in the streets because the government doesn't have the money to pay those exorbitant entitlements.



Markle wrote:
ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Markle has been posting that stupid (and unreadable) graphic both here and at the PNJ since before the summer began. Surely the numbers have changed since then-so his data is both obsolete and invalid.

Markle, you need to get your butt working on some new material for Obama's second term. The old stuff isn't even worth repeating any more. I am just glad my mouse has a scroll wheel......
A thousand Markle cut and pastes posted all over the Internet a thousand times each over the President's first 4-year term, and Obama still got over 300 electoral votes yesterday. Does not give a lot of credence and validity to your methods, for sure. I think you just need a hobby.

So what you're saying is that after President Barack Hussein Obama's first four years, unlike President George Walker Bush, nothing during those four years are the fault of President Obama.

I'm sorry that the charts and facts are distressing to you and a reminder of how bad this administration has performed but that seems to be your problem not mine.

This election strongly points toward an electorate which has reached the tipping point and the majority now are voting for gimmies. For our future, see Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Murders and riots in the streets because the government doesn't have the money to pay those exorbitant entitlements.

And Mitt Romney would have solved all of our nation's problems....... Pour some more vodka in your Koolaid and sleep tight tonight.



Markle wrote:
ZVUGKTUBM wrote:Markle has been posting that stupid (and unreadable) graphic both here and at the PNJ since before the summer began. Surely the numbers have changed since then-so his data is both obsolete and invalid.

Markle, you need to get your butt working on some new material for Obama's second term. The old stuff isn't even worth repeating any more. I am just glad my mouse has a scroll wheel......
A thousand Markle cut and pastes posted all over the Internet a thousand times each over the President's first 4-year term, and Obama still got over 300 electoral votes yesterday. Does not give a lot of credence and validity to your methods, for sure. I think you just need a hobby.

So what you're saying is that after President Barack Hussein Obama's first four years, unlike President George Walker Bush, nothing during those four years are the fault of President Obama.

I'm sorry that the charts and facts are distressing to you and a reminder of how bad this administration has performed but that seems to be your problem not mine.

This election strongly points toward an electorate which has reached the tipping point and the majority now are voting for gimmies. For our future, see Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal. Murders and riots in the streets because the government doesn't have the money to pay those exorbitant entitlements.

And Mitt Romney would have solved all of our nation's problems....... Pour some more vodka in your Koolaid and sleep tight tonight.

Would certainly have been a giant step in the right direction by someone who actually KNOWS what he is doing and about LEADERSHIP.

Instead the Progressives denigrated and slandered a good man since they had nothing they could say about any accomplishments by President Barack Hussein Obama and his cabal.

By the way I don't drink.



2seaoat wrote:. Focus on consensus.......focus on GDP growth and policies which achieve the same, and please.......just stop is hard.

Sell that to the Democrats and people like Zvug who now act as if Romney caused all of the economic problems. Consensus? Ask Harry Reid about what he said last week if Romney had become POTUS. The word "cuts" are not in the Democratic vocabulary. It's spend, spend, spend, print, print, print more money to give out more free things to get more votes.

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