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Tony & Lady G

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1 Tony & Lady G Empty Tony & Lady G 12/1/2021, 4:01 am



I feel sorry for anyone who missed this CBS Special. Two legends having a good time.

2 Tony & Lady G Empty Re: Tony & Lady G 12/2/2021, 3:52 pm


Rather ironically, my memory's failing me, but seems to me I saw a documentary a couple of months back about the making of this special with Lady G, in which the otherwise deeply demented Tony managed to shine, doing what he always loved from rote. I applauded and cried and applauded some more.

Telstar and zsomething like this post

3 Tony & Lady G Empty Re: Tony & Lady G 12/3/2021, 2:12 am



RealLindaL wrote:Rather ironically, my memory's failing me, but seems to me I saw a documentary a couple of months back about the making of this special with Lady G, in which the otherwise deeply demented Tony managed to shine, doing what he always loved from rote.   I applauded and cried and applauded some more.  

Linda, this is all I could find.

4 Tony & Lady G Empty Re: Tony & Lady G 12/3/2021, 6:21 pm


I'm sure that was it, Tel, thanks for finding. The 60 Minutes segment was amazing and deeply touching -- especially, I'm sure, for those of us who've lost someone to Alzheimer's or other dementias. I highly recommend it.

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