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176PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/12/2021, 4:58 pm



"Over 41 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through February 7, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 1,170 reports of death (0.003%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine."

So basically 1 in 33k. But we know that this count won't be done along the same political agenda that covid deaths have been.

177PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/13/2021, 8:40 am



PkrBum wrote:

I wonder how many Michigan junkies were listed as COVID deaths So many friends and relatives want me on that list, bless their hearts.

178PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/13/2021, 9:37 am



I wonder how many books he'd have sold had this PUBLIC record been released?

NEW YORK (AP) — The new number of 9,056 recovering patients sent to hundreds of nursing homes is more than 40% higher than what the state health department previously released. And it raises new questions as to whether a March 25 directive from Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration helped spread sickness and death among residents, a charge the state disputes.

“The lack of transparency and the meting out of bits of important data has undermined our ability to both recognize the scope and severity of what’s going on” and address it, said Richard Mollot, the executive director of the Long Term Care Community Coalition, a residents advocacy group.

The new figures come as the Cuomo administration has been forced in recent weeks to acknowledge i t has been underreporting the overall number of COVID-19 deaths among long-term care residents. It is now nearly 15,000 up from the 8,500 previously disclosed.

The Cuomo administration's March 25 directive barred nursing homes from refusing people just because they had COVID-19. It was intended to free up space in hospitals swamped in the early days of the pandemic. It came under criticism from advocates for nursing home residents and their relatives, who said it had the potential to spread the virus in a state that at the time already had the nation’s highest nursing home death toll.

In its reply to an AP Freedom of Information request from May, the state health department this week released two figures: a previously disclosed count of 6,327 admissions of patients directly from hospitals and a new count of 2,729 “readmissions” of patients sent back from a hospital to the nursing home where they had lived before.

Before the state released any data, the AP conducted its own survey and found at least 4,500 such patients.

Critics have long argued there were many other places those patients could have been sent, including New York City’s Jacob Javits Convention Center, which had been set up as a makeshift hospital, and the USS Comfort military hospital ship. The state contends those facilities were not suitable substitutes for the care of nursing homes.

Cuomo reversed the directive May 10, barring nursing homes from accepting COVID-19 patients without a negative test first.

State health officials contend that asymptomatic nursing home employees, not recovering COVID-19 patients, were the driving factor in nursing home outbreaks. And they have repeatedly noted that by law, nursing homes weren’t supposed to accept anyone they couldn’t adequately care for.

“At least 98% of nursing home facilities in the state had COVID in their facility before their first admission or readmission, and as we’ve seen across the nation, the major driver of infections appears to be from asymptomatic staff through no fault of their own," said state Health Commissioner Dr. Howard Zucker in a statement to the AP.

He added that the March 25 directive followed federal guidance, and that the percentage of coronavirus deaths statewide that happened in nursing homes didn't change from the spring to the fall — after the directive was reversed.

A leader of a California group of nursing home clinicians and administrators, however, sees New York officials as seeking to shift blame.

“There has never been any question in my mind that sending COVID-19 patients into completely unprepared, understaffed and underresourced nursing homes both increased transmission and led to a greater number of deaths,” said Dr. Michael Wasserman, president of the California Association of Long Term Care Medicine.

New York's health department in July released a 33-page report, heavily criticized by health experts and resident advocates, that said patients sent to homes posed little danger to residents because they had spent an average nine days at the hospitals — consistent with federal guidance at the time about how long it took for people to stop being contagious.

While it may be impossible to know whether the additional 2,729 patients factored in the virus’ transmission in nursing homes, “any policy that is implemented that does not do everything it can to safeguard COVID from coming into a health care facility has the potential to increase the spread of the virus,” said Stephen Hanse, president of a large nursing home group called the New York State Health Facilities Association and the New York State Center for Assisted Living.

The months-later disclosure “further confirms the state’s flawed approach in implementing a hospital-centric strategy to combat the COVID-19 pandemic,” Hanse said.

Some states, including Connecticut, set up COVID 19-only nursing homes relatively early on.

Zucker told lawmakers in a letter this week that the state started working in November to establish COVID-only nursing homes for some “persistently positive” patients coming out of hospitals. There are now 19 such homes statewide, totaling nearly 2,000 beds.

Cuomo, who wrote a book about his leadership in the virus crisis, has repeatedly downplayed criticism of his administration’s handling of nursing homes as a politically motivated “blame game."

But the flurry of new disclosures began last month after state Attorney General Letitia James, a fellow Democrat, issued a blistering report accusing the administration of underreporting its long-term care deaths by more than 50%.

That was consistent with an AP report from August that focused on the fact that New York is one of the only states that counts just those who died on nursing home property and not those who died after being transported to hospitals.

179PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/13/2021, 10:00 am



lol! Obviously Pkr Bum only pretends to have yours truly blocked. These feeble Michigan drug fiends are so easy to trigger. No hard feelings Bum. I already have a jumbo bottle of painkillers ready as a gift for your birthday. So when is your birthday again, Bum? September 8? You'll be turning 59 if you don't over do the painkillers, right? elephant

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180PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/13/2021, 12:09 pm



Yet another timeline to remind someone who wants to criticize Cuomo for underreporting cases:

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181PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/13/2021, 5:26 pm



Sickening that you'd run cover for his nursing home eugenics program. You have no ethics or morals.

182PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/14/2021, 2:25 am



PkrBum wrote:Sickening that I run cover for DeSantis eugenics program. I have no ethics or morals.

Fixed it.

PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Killin12

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183PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/15/2021, 1:12 pm



Please sign and share:

Dear Attorney General __________
We are writing to urge you to have your state law enforcement authorities open a criminal investigation into potential liability for avoidable/preventable coronavirus deaths in your state. Given the public reporting, we believe there is prima facie evidence that Donald Trump, Jared Kushner, Mike Pence and potentially other Trump administration officials are criminally liable
for, at a minimum, a low-level of homicide, such as negligent homicide/involuntary manslaughter. In our estimation, there certainly is adequate predication to open a criminal investigation into such matters.

Team Justice is a diverse group of people dedicated to honor, integrity and decency in public service, holding criminal government officials accountable for their crimes and, above all else, pursuing equal justice for all. There are signatories to this letter from each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia. Collectively, we seek accountability for any and all crimes of our
federal and state government officials, with the corresponding goal of restoring public trust, faith and confidence in government.

The founder of Team Justice, Glenn Kirschner, is a former career federal prosecutor who spent decades prosecuting murder cases as an Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Columbia. He also served as Chief of the Homicide Section of that office, supervising approximately 30 homicide prosecutors and overseeing all murder prosecutions in DC.

Without engaging in a full legal analysis (footnote), the publicly reported information about the grossly negligent mismanagement of the coronavirus pandemic by the Trump administration includes:
Donald Trump’s lies to the American people about the danger of the virus and its ease of transmission and corresponding ease of prevention (as revealed in the Bob Woodward audio recordings of conversations with Donald Trump); the decision by Mike Pence, then serving as head of the Coronavirus task force, to allow Trump’s dangerous lies to the American people to go uncorrected; the complicity of Jared Kushner who advocated letting the virus flourish because it was disproportionally affecting so-called “blue states”; etc. These are just some of the facts and
circumstances supporting opening a criminal investigation.
The families who lost loved ones to the coronavirus deserve and demand that the government officials responsible for allowing the pandemic to spread needlessly through our communities be held accountable. Accordingly, we respectfully implore you to open criminal investigations into
the conduct of government officials in an attempt to hold them accountable for any and all crimes supported by the evidence. Only a full, fair, ethical, aggressive, apolitical investigation can ensure accountability and help prevent future misconduct by government officials. Absent accountability for avoidable coronavirus deaths there can be no justice. Absent justice
there can be no healing for families who lost loved ones to the coronavirus.
We thank you for your time and attention to this most important matter and look forward to your reply.


Team Justice
By: _____________________
Glenn Kirschner
Founder, Team Justice

(footnote) Although statutes vary from state to state, there are certain universal principles in assessing potential homicide
liability. On the lower end of the homicide-liability scale, there are offenses referred to alternatively as negligent
1. A negligent/grossly negligent/criminally reckless act OR a duty to act and a negligent/grossly negligent/reckless failure to act,
2. That act/failure to act is reasonably likely to result in death or serious bodily injury to another, which thereby,
3. Causes the death of another.
Importantly, the term “causation” is generally defined in the law as conduct that is a substantial factor in bringing
about the death.

(link at site)


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184PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/15/2021, 5:42 pm



Lol... it's terminal TDS. jocolor

185PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/16/2021, 2:22 pm



New York City Releases COVID Vaccination Data By Zip Code

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) – New York City has released data on COVID vaccinations by zip code.

There have long been inquiries about who was getting the vaccine and where amid reports of disparities.

According to the report, Staten Island and Manhattan (WEALTHY WHITE) have the highest overall vaccination rates. The South Bronx, parts of central Queens and central Brooklyn (POOR POC) have the lowest.

“Just as we’ve seen a smaller proportion of vaccine going to Black and Brown new yorkers, we see these geographic disparities baring out as well,” said NYC Health Department Deputy Commissioner Dr. Torian Easterling. (RACISM)

186PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/17/2021, 12:30 pm



Please excuse Pkr Bum, he suffers from acute TDS, Trump Dick Sucking. jocolor

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187PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/18/2021, 11:42 am



Cuomo said 'he can destroy me': NY assemblyman alleges governor threatened him over nursing homes scandal

(CNN)New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has been pleading with lawmakers for support and even threatening political retribution against Democrats who have criticized him in an aggressive effort to contain political fallout from revelations that his administration had concealed the full extent of nursing home-related deaths during the Covid pandemic.

"Gov. Cuomo called me directly on Thursday to threaten my career if I did not cover up for Melissa [DeRosa] and what she said. He tried to pressure me to issue a statement, and it was a very traumatizing experience," Kim said. Cuomo proceeded to tell the assemblyman that "we're in this business together and we don't cross certain lines and he said I hadn't seen his wrath and that he can destroy me," according to Kim.

188PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/18/2021, 4:55 pm



PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Ron_de10

189PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/18/2021, 5:08 pm



“On February 7, the WHO warned about the limited stock of PPE. That same day, the Trump administration announced it was sending 18 tons of masks, gowns and respirators to China.”

PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Meter-true


How the Trump administration has stood in the way of PPE distribution

States are competing for supplies, and manufacturers aren’t sure who to ship PPE to first.

By Terry Nguyen Apr 4, 2020, 2:10pm EDT

"For weeks, state legislators and health care providers across the country have called on the Trump administration to help with the lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) available to fight the coronavirus pandemic. The Trump administration has meanwhile argued it is the states’ responsibility to procure PPE, a stance that has led states to compete with one another for supplies — and that has led to confusion on the part of suppliers.

Since March, US hospitals have faced shortages as the disease became widespread: Health care workers say they’re rapidly running out of masks, gowns, gloves, ventilators, and other protective supplies to treat Covid-19 patients, some of which are necessary to protect doctors, nurses, and providers on the front lines.

Some workers are wearing bandanas and scarves as an alternative to masks, fashioning gowns from trash bags, and rationing or even reusing medical equipment. The federal emergency stockpile is nearly depleted and “the supply chain for PPE worldwide has broken down,” a DHS official told the Washington Post. The situation is dire, and states, especially those with increasing numbers of coronavirus cases, are desperate for supplies. However, the federal distribution of supplies has occurred unevenly and several actions taken by the Trump administration will likely make it harder for hospitals to get the PPE and ventilators they need in the weeks to come.

There’s not enough PPE in the federal stockpile. States are forced to compete for supplies.

After President Donald Trump declared the coronavirus a national emergency in March, he instructed governors to order their own ventilators and other PPE, saying the federal government is “not a shipping clerk.” Trump added the administration will “help out wherever we can,” but state leaders say that current efforts aren’t enough — and that the Trump administration’s refusal to coordinate PPE distribution has forced them to compete with one another for supplies.

“It’s like being on eBay with 50 other states, bidding on a ventilator,” said New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo in a press briefing on March 31.

“We the states are trying to actively get every piece of PPE that we can. We’re bidding against one another, and in some cases, the federal government is taking priority,” Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer said on CNN’s State of the Union.

A number of governors — including Massachusetts Gov. Charlie Baker — have said they’ve seen orders for masks and other needed equipment canceled because the federal government outbid them. This has led to some finding creative ways to disguise their orders to mask them from the Trump administration.

Baker’s administration worked with Patriots owner Robert Kraft, the Chinese UN ambassador, and other Chinese officials to secure a shipment of 1.2 million face masks to the state. The governor told reporters Thursday he worked with the Kraft family to create a “‘private humanitarian mission’ to keep the Feds from finding out” about the mask shipment and seizing it, according to reporter Adam Gaffin — and the masks came to the state on the Patriots’ team plane..."


White House looks at cutting Covid funds, newborn screenings in ‘anarchist’ cities

Documents show funding for a host of health programs is at risk under the president’s order targeting liberal strongholds.

10/20/2020 07:42 PM EDT

The White House is considering slashing millions of dollars for coronavirus relief, HIV treatment, screenings for newborns and other programs in Democratic-led cities that President Donald Trump has deemed “anarchist jurisdictions,” according to documents obtained by POLITICO.

New York, Portland, Ore., Washington, D.C., and Seattle could lose funding for a wide swath of programs that serve their poorest, sickest residents after the president moved last month to restrict funding, escalating his political battle against liberal cities he’s sought to use as a campaign foil.

The Department of Health and Human Services has identified federal grants covering those services, which are among the nearly 200 health programs that could be in line for cuts as part of a sweeping government-wide directive the administration is advancing during the final weeks of the presidential campaign and amid an intensifying pandemic Trump has downplayed.

Trump in a Sept. 2 order called on federal agencies to curtail funding to jurisdictions that “disempower” police departments and promote “lawlessness.” The memo argued that the cities haven’t done enough to quash riots stemming from this summer’s protests over systemic racism and police violence.

The HHS list offers the most detailed picture yet of the administration’s efforts to quickly comply with the Trump directive and the potentially large cuts facing these cities even as the pandemic strains local budgets. It isn’t immediately clear what criteria the budget office will use to evaluate the grants — or how or when cuts may be made.

But while the White House pores over existing funds, at least one department has already moved to implement Trump’s directive for new funding. The Department of Transportation earlier this month said Trump’s “anarchy” memo would factor into the department’s review of applications for a new $10 million grant program supporting Covid-19 safety measures.

"My Administration will do everything in its power to prevent weak mayors and lawless cities from taking Federal dollars while they let anarchists harm people, burn buildings, and ruin lives and businesses,” Trump tweeted shortly after releasing the Sept. 2 defunding memo.

Almost three weeks later, Attorney General William Barr labeled New York City, Portland and Seattle as “anarchist jurisdictions.” The White House budget office also instructed departments to also scrutinize funding for Washington, D.C.

The HHS list, which was sent Friday to the White House budget office, represents the 1,500-plus funding awards that have gone to the four cities since 2018. Each federal department also faced a Friday deadline to submit their own lists to the Office of Management and Budget, which will make the final decisions about funding.

HHS compiled the list with input from at least 12 agencies it oversees. The list includes 185 programs that touch on everything from Trump’s own initiative to end HIV transmission by the end of the decade to the opioid crisis and research into lung diseases. The list also includes funding for other programs, like $423,000 for universal hearing screenings for newborns in the District of Columbia, housing for people in addiction recovery in Seattle, and services providing nutrition and mental health counseling to elderly New Yorkers.

A spokesperson for HHS declined to comment. OMB declined to comment on the details of the review while pointing to two agency memos issued last month.

The White House budget office has previously said the administration will use the data to determine whether to bar cities from being eligible for new federal cash. A senior administration official did not rule out the possibility that cities could lose their existing funds.

“As the data comes in, OMB will collect it and make a decision,” said the official, who requested anonymity. The review is in the preliminary stages, and the official said the administration will make decisions about each grant individually.

“We need to review the information with agencies before we know,” according to the official. “Grant programs all have different authorities so it’s going to be case by case.”

According to OMB’s own guidelines, just a small fraction of the grants flagged by HHS may be protected from cuts. A Sept. 21 memo from OMB Director Russ Vought instructed agencies to assess whether grants supported law enforcement activities, indicating those would be less vulnerable to elimination. “[S]uch programs and activities, when properly designed and implemented, can help prevent the deterioration of municipalities into lawless zones,” Vought wrote.

HHS identified that just six of the 185 grant programs directly or indirectly have a connection to law enforcement, including some public health measures, hospital emergency preparedness and child support enforcement.

Programs that don’t meet the law enforcement exception include a two-year $4.6 million grant to D.C.’s Department of Health Care Finance that funds addiction treatment and recovery services through next September. Another includes $850,000 through 2025 to King County, which includes Seattle, to support the HIV initiative Trump announced at his State of the Union address last year.

A $1.8 million grant for Oregon’s Multnomah County, which includes Portland, and a $880,000 grant to King County, both to help community and migrant health centers care for Covid-19 patients, are also under review.

Public health advocates and city officials panned the administration's review, warning that the consequences of pulling funding from these cities — especially during the pandemic — could be dire.

“The bottom line is there's no extra money lying around, and this is not a time to be playing politics with people’s health,” said Chrissie Juliano, executive director of the Big Cities Health Coalition, a national group that represents health departments in major U.S. cities — including the four targeted by Trump.

Officials from New York City and Seattle — as well as the United States Conference of Mayors — have already threatened legal action if the administration moves to block funds.

“This is nothing more than political retribution,” said Laura Feyer, a spokesperson for New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Caitlin Emma contributed to this report.


Trump admitted he deliberately played down coronavirus threat: Reports

He called Bob Woodward's book, for which he gave interviews, a "hit job."

By Ben Gittleson
September 9, 2020, 3:53 PM


Downplayed? He refused to acknowledge the severity of the virus; he refused to wear a mask; he held several superspreader rallies; he called the virus a "Democrat hoax".


Trump’s Disregard for Blue States Is at the Heart of His Shoddy COVID Response

July 31, 2020

As the pandemic swept through largely Democratic-voting states like New York, Massachusetts, and New Jersey this spring, the early response from the Trump administration was defined by a catastrophic mix of ambivalence and incompetence. “Respirators, ventilators, all of the equipment — try getting it yourselves,” President Trump said on a March 16 conference call with the nation’s governors, abdicating federal responsibility and sparking a bidding war among the states for limited hospital supplies. At least one auction was sent into further chaos when the federal government outbid states on the contracts.

But the Trump administration’s disregard for the massive loss of life was not equal: According to a Washington Post report from March 28, hard-hit, Democratic-leaning states like Massachusetts received only 17 percent of the protective gear requested from the national stockpile, while GOP-led Florida promptly received supplies it needed, despite a controlled outbreak at the time.

Four months later, with the American death toll north of 150,000, a report from Vanity Fair details the callous political motivations behind the Trump administration’s early failure to roll out a national pandemic response. As with many recent policy calamities, it begins with White House senior adviser Jared Kushner.

After Trump replaced the White House pandemic response team with an assortment of unqualified private interests — including the president’s son-in-law’s college roommate — Kushner’s bunch reportedly developed an underwhelming proposal: “The plan would have set up a system of national oversight and coordination to surge supplies, allocate test kits, lift regulatory and contractual roadblocks, and establish a widespread virus surveillance system by the fall, to help pinpoint subsequent outbreaks.”

Starting mass testing in the fall would be about six months too late, but we never even got there; the policy was abandoned in April as the president with a “natural instinct for science” renewed his COVID-19 misinformation campaign. Per Vanity Fair:

Trusting his vaunted political instincts, President Trump had been downplaying concerns about the virus and spreading misinformation about it—efforts that were soon amplified by Republican elected officials and right-wing media figures. Worried about the stock market and his reelection prospects, Trump also feared that more testing would only lead to higher case counts and more bad publicity. Meanwhile, Dr. Deborah Birx, the White House’s coronavirus response coordinator, was reportedly sharing models with senior staff that optimistically—and erroneously, it would turn out—predicted the virus would soon fade away.

Against that background, the prospect of launching a large-scale national plan was losing favor, said one public health expert in frequent contact with the White House’s official coronavirus task force.

Most troubling of all, perhaps, was a sentiment the expert said a member of Kushner’s team expressed: that because the virus had hit blue states hardest, a national plan was unnecessary and would not make sense politically. “The political folks believed that because it was going to be relegated to Democratic states, that they could blame those governors, and that would be an effective political strategy,” said the expert.

That logic may have swayed Kushner. “It was very clear that Jared was ultimately the decision maker as to what [plan] was going to come out,” the expert said.

The idea that the Trump White House abandoned a national testing strategy because New Yorkers, not Texans, were dying by the thousands is obviously appalling. And on top of that, even the “successes” of Kushner’s program were troublesome: The 1 million Chinese-made diagnostic tests that the task force procured on March 31 through an intermediary in the United Arab Emirates were faulty. After some of the tests were distributed to the states by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, two separate government laboratories had determined that the batch costing taxpayers $52 million was “contaminated and unusable.” A Food and Drug Administration spokesperson added that they were improperly shipped from the UAE: “The reagents should be kept cold.”

Though Trump was willing to dream that the coronavirus would pass after it devastated Democratic states, his mindset reportedly changed when Republican-controlled states began to post record highs in daily testing. According to a senior administration official who spoke with the Washington Post in July, advisers to the president showed him data of COVID-19 spikes among “our people” in red states, as well as projections showing a potential spread to swing states like Michigan, Minnesota, and Wisconsin. According to the Post, the “new approach seemed to resonate” with the president, to some degree. He switched up his rhetoric at the start of his rebooted coronavirus briefings in mid-July, but he’s continued to spread the false idea that soaring infection rates in the U.S. are the result of more testing, and said publicly that he’s asked his team to “slow the testing down please.”


Now tell me again what Governor Cuomo did.

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190PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/19/2021, 8:51 am



He accepted a "leadership" award and sold a book... while knowing that he covered up a catastrophe.

Intimidated anyone that deviated from that politically motivated deception.

That's who you're running cover for. No

191PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/19/2021, 1:45 pm



PkrBum wrote:He accepted a "leadership" award and sold a book... while knowing that he covered up a catastrophe.

Intimidated anyone that deviated from that politically motivated deception.

That's who you're running cover for. No

Well, this is nauseating ...

... but, I agree with PkrDum here.

Cuomo has been horrible and his political career should be toast at this point.

On the other hand, his culpability in this pandemic catastrophe doesn’t approach Trump’s, so PkrDum’s rank hypocrisy stands unblemished.

So, there’s that.

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192PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/19/2021, 8:07 pm



I know people who had close ties to the Cuomo family more than 30 years ago and even then they said he behaved like a self important tyrant with a chip on his shoulder. Then again that kind of low brow behavior never hindered Trump's popularity with drug abusers from Michigan, with one foot in the grave and the other up their own ass. If Cuomo is so bad maybe he too will be honored by corrupt Florida Governor with half mast flags or a medal from the most despised IIPOTUS in history. Twisted Evil

193PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/19/2021, 8:51 pm



I honestly don't know that much about Cuomo. He was threatened repeatedly by Trump, with a promise of an investigation by DOJ. It appears he caved to the threats. Now the DOJ under Barr is being investigated, so "there's that". There's no denying that Trump repeatedly targeted Democratic governors and could have made good on withholding funds for various programs. He did indeed make them scramble for PPE, lied about the nature and severity of the virus, and actively allowed the spread, when he knew how dangerous it was.

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194PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/20/2021, 7:55 am



195PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/20/2021, 9:54 am



PkrBum wrote:

LOL nice smear shot from the Pkr the Michigan drug abuser. Here are some reminders of cracker barrel, monkey boy Ron DeSantis and his racist history. Twisted Evil

196PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/24/2021, 6:37 pm



197PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/24/2021, 7:55 pm



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198PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/24/2021, 10:58 pm



The Florida official who set up a vaccine site for affluent ZIP codes and created a VIP list is under investigation, sheriff's office says

A Florida sheriff's office is investigating whether a Manatee County official broke the law when she organized a Covid-19 vaccine drive limited to two of the county's most affluent ZIP codes.

The Manatee County Sheriff's Office said it has launched the investigation after a citizen watchdog filed a complaint regarding County Commissioner Vanessa Baugh, who last week admitted she chose the ZIP codes herself and also selected some people for the vaccination list, so she and others could access the Covid-19 vaccine.

zsomething likes this post

199PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/25/2021, 3:19 am


Would personally love to see Crist back as governor, but that's hardly likely (as is his requested investigation of DeSantis, even though it's badly needed):

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200PANDUMBIC - Page 8 Empty Re: PANDUMBIC 2/27/2021, 10:45 pm



There are 30.2 million small businesses in the U.S. But only a fraction of them survive. Twenty percent of small businesses fail by the first year, 30% by the second, 50% by the fifth, and by the 10th year, a staggering 70% of businesses have shut off their lights.

For minorities, the numbers can be even more daunting. Eight out of 10 Black-owned businesses fail within the first 18 months.

Covid-19 has exacerbated some of the issues facing the Black community. African American entrepreneurs have had to close their doors at more than twice the rate of their White counterparts. Black-owned businesses declined by 41% between February and April 2020, compared with a 17% decline among White-owned businesses.

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