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Third Kavanaugh accuser now on record

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gatorfan wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Yet there's no corroboration to any specific act and nothing reported for 35 after.

Are you that dense??  You're completely ignoring all the reams and reams of gathered evidence as to the fact that these are the most under-reported crimes in our society, and the WHY of that fact, much less the fact right in your face that the accusers are ALL REQUESTING AN FBI INVESTIGATION SPECIFICALLY SO THAT THEIR ACCUSATIONS CAN BE CORROBORATED.

You are making a worse a**hole of yourself than ever, and that's saying a LOT.

Disgusting.  Evil or Very Mad

Evidence? Unsupported accusations, privately completed depositions, etc., are not "evidence". The FBI did a background check on him and he was clean. You do realize these "allegations" (aside from being obvious political theater) are not federal crimes so the FBI wouldn't investigate them anyway. I still wonder why these people didn't report these supposed actions to SOMEONE back in the day.......if they go in front of the committee they will have very tough and possibly embarrassing questions to answer about their convenient accusations at this point in time.

Don't know about your reading comprehension skills, but I was talking about "evidence" that sexual assault crimes are the most under-reported, and more so then than now.  If you don't know that already, I'm not going to be your librarian.  If you care to look, those facts are widely available and easily found from reliable sources who study such phenomena.

The FBI typically looks for reported and/or adjudicated crimes, and from what I've read may only concentrate on the past 7 - 9 years.  They obviously knew nothing of any of this, and we wouldn't either were it not for the bravery of these women who didn't want this P.O.S. sitting on the Supreme Court, no matter how he may (or may not) have rehabilitated himself since.  The reason the FBI is being called upon for investigation is because they have the resources and skill to find and interview possible corroborating witnesses.  Who else are these women supposed to rely on?  You want them to hire their own PI's or something?  And would you believe the results?  No.   The FBI makes the most sense, and this is, after all, an extremely important, lifetime FEDERAL position that should justify the time and expense.

Otherwise, ditch Kavanaugh.  He was a last minute McGahn pick anyway and we all have a good idea why.   There are plenty of others out there, hopefully without such skeletons in their closets.

Last edited by RealLindaL on 9/26/2018, 5:13 pm; edited 1 time in total


EmeraldGhost wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:Julie Swetnick, apparently a quite credible individual,l

She is?  How so?

To my mind, because (1) I don't see Michael Avenatti as being a particularly gullible person who'd stick his neck out on the national stage to back someone who wasn't credible , and (2) because she's obviously not just some air-headed bimbo.   All of this, of course, is subject to individual judgment once she has a fair opportunity to be heard, if that EVER happens under the current Republican denial tactics.


My only concern is getting Donald Trump out of office. I do not want Pence who I believe has been complicit in the conspiracy to commit a felony by violating election laws. However, this is like jet fuel for the trump base to fire them up for the mid terms. I agree with Michael Moore who has warned that Trump can win. It is utter insanity on the chit show the democrats are putting on only to be met with crushing defeat on this nomination which shows utter impotency where traditional blue collar democrats see the same and will vote for trump. The whining and hysteria if you turn off the news for a couple days then turn it back on and you realize the democrats are disconnected with America.

So what then.....the Supreme Court Justice is ruling on cases, and the mid terms ended up with the house and senate still with the Republicans......what then? What does it take to take a new direction in the democratic party to connect with the American people where most Americans agree on most issues with the Democratic Party, yet like the Dixiecrats have hijacked the Republican party, the new socialist forgive student loans and make college free does not resonate with most Americans as they gain influence as union blue collar lunch bucket becomes the minority.......America has a lot more serious problems than a 17 year old kid coping a feel and covering a girl's mouth, and not being able to distinguish the same is the Rachel Maddow syndrome which crowns the trump monarchy.





RealLindaL wrote:
EmeraldGhost wrote:
RealLindaL wrote:Julie Swetnick, apparently a quite credible individual,l

She is?  How so?

To my mind, because (1) I don't see Michael Avenatti as being a particularly gullible person who'd stick his neck out on the national stage to back someone who wasn't credible ,

LOL!  Well, we don't have the same view of this Avenatti guy.  But ... okay.  You're entitled to your view, I s'pose.

RealLindaL wrote:
and (2) because she's obviously not just some air-headed bimbo.  

Why?  Because she's worked for the government in some capacity as some kind of a website developer or something?

Lemme tell ya what ... I've known some Federal GS-1811 Special Agents who were "air-headed bimbos" and some guys too whatever you might want to call the male version for that.  I've known at least one full-bird Army Colonel who was definitely not a few cards short of playing with a full deck.

RealLindaL wrote:

Hmmmm .... not seeing the part where she is "decorated"?   Are they calling this Microsoft certification she has a "decoration"?   Don't most IT people have a bunch of Microsoft (and other computer company) certifications? I wouldn't exactly call that a "decoration"

Or are they talking about the low-level security clearances she says she has or once had?   Those are "decorations"?  Laughing[/quote]

Last edited by EmeraldGhost on 9/26/2018, 4:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


All of this, of course, is subject to individual judgment once she has a fair opportunity to be heard, if that EVER happens under the current Republican denial tactics.

I ask all fair minded people on this forum as to what their opinion would be if during the Hillary Clinton confirmation hearings on her becoming SOS, a Republican senator stood up and said the Democrats are ramming this nomination through and we needed to listen to witnesses which confirm that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and a pizza joint were coordinating a world wide child porn network, and to not allow them to testify is the Democrats ramming Hillary Clinton and they were going to get an injunction to force the courts to let these witnesses talk.....but there is more.....a second accuser says that Hillary did trains in high school, and deserves to testify before the committee.......Insanity. People have become as irrational in their hate of Trump that they have replaced the crazies who hated Obama.....common sense folks.



2seaoat wrote:All of this, of course, is subject to individual judgment once she has a fair opportunity to be heard, if that EVER happens under the current Republican denial tactics.

I ask all fair minded people on this forum as to what their opinion would be if during the Hillary Clinton confirmation hearings on her becoming SOS, a Republican senator stood up and said the Democrats are ramming this nomination through and we needed to listen to witnesses which confirm that Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, the Clinton Foundation, and a pizza joint were coordinating a world wide child porn network, and to not allow them to testify is the Democrats ramming Hillary Clinton and they were going to get an injunction to force the courts to let these witnesses talk.....but there is more.....a second accuser says that Hillary did trains in high school, and deserves to testify before the committee.......Insanity.  People have become as irrational in their hate of Trump that they have replaced the crazies who hated Obama.....common sense folks.

I heard Bill and Hill were into all that free-love orgy stuff in college. Laughing



It crossed my mind that both Blasey Ford and Swetnick's photos will very soon become the subject of a whole lot of memes very much like the ubiquitious "Overly Attached Girlfriend" girl.

I mean, in both of their photos have they kinds seem to have that same "crazy girlfriend" look about them, doncha think?   Laughing

Third Kavanaugh accuser now on record - Page 2 Xwr3f

Third Kavanaugh accuser now on record - Page 2 Christine-ford-1200x675

Third Kavanaugh accuser now on record - Page 2 Z



EmeraldGhost wrote:It crossed my mind that both Blasey Ford and Swetnick's photos will very soon become the subject of a whole lot of memes very much like the ubiquitious "Overly Attached Girlfriend" girl.

I mean, in both of their photos have they kinds seem to have that same "crazy girlfriend" look about them, doncha think?   Laughing

Third Kavanaugh accuser now on record - Page 2 Xwr3f

Third Kavanaugh accuser now on record - Page 2 Christine-ford-1200x675

Third Kavanaugh accuser now on record - Page 2 Z

Have you ever noticed that most people reject glibertarianism as juvenile and impractical around the same time they start getting laid on a regular basis?

I guess that explains your misogyny too.


I guess that explains your misogyny too.

Please hit the easy button......because it appears that is all you got......I mean in the that all you got? You have adjusted to your impotency.......just keep telling us your dick does not work anymore, and you have become more sensitive to women, and that gang raping jurist just sent a strange tingle to your nether regions, which complicates things, but you know the courts will enjoin congress from nominating men who drink, play football, go to church, and gang rape woman. Now see how easy that gang rapers welcome will replace the current supreme court motto:

"Equal Justice under Law" is the motto of the Supreme Court.

There is no equal justice in this political circus.

Deus X

Deus X

Fourth Kavanaugh Accuser Comes Forward, Is Speaking to Authorities in Maryland: Report

The Montgomery Country Police Department on Monday said it has not recevied a request to investigate Brett Kavanaugh.

According to a statement, the department stand "ready to investigate any claim of sexual assault that is alleged to have occurred within our County."

Kavanaugh is toast, there is no chance he will be confirmed in the Senate. After this latest allegation, it's more and more likely he will bail before that.

P.S. My dick works fine, by the way--when I can find a place to put it.



2seaoat wrote:This is twilight zone lemmings rushing to the cliff.  A big....and I mean big hearsay on hearsay.......brought at the last minute as the most patently absurd attempt to over turn a nomination in political desperation.  Gang raping women at the country club....please.......and running a child porn ring out of pizza place at the direction of Hillary Clinton I thought was a new low.....nope same blade, just the other side.  The judiciary should NOT be subjected to political influence like a third world dictatorship, and this will set back the judiciary for years as a new low has been established.

A new low has been established alright.

First you compare women who have been sexually abused with the abuse of frogs ...

... and, now we get a comparison of sober minded people who take seriously the plausible allegations of credible women with low IQ conspiraloons who absorb everything they hear on Info Wars as gospel.

That comparison is three rungs lower than whale shit.


Chris Matthews just broke the news of a fourth accuser. Have to wait and see what that one has to say. OOPs Deus- I didn't see your post.

Okay, this one is a charge from the mother of a woman who Kavanaugh shoved up against the wall of a bar and this happened in 1998.
Sounds like he was an adult to me. Also sounds like it may be reported to the Maryland police, which is what the Doctor should do as well. Put the complaint out there and let the cops investigate.

Last edited by bigdog on 9/26/2018, 8:12 pm; edited 1 time in total


who take seriously the plausible allegations

So in this new reality TV, where impotency has now allowed "plausible" to be a new standard of proof in American Jurisprudence. I can see Judge Sal (he got confirmed easily as a limp dick) who rallied fellow limp dicks to replace the beyond a reasonable doubt with... was it plausible........

Jury foreman: Like judge we are deadlocked. Like is it plausible aliens from the planet Donkey put all those bodies in John Gacy's crawlspace? One juror does not believe that was plausible......



bigdog wrote:Chris Matthews just broke the news of a fourth accuser. Have to wait and see what that one has to say.

Four strikes, HE'S OUT!!! lol!


This happened in 1998. He was an adult. No more excuses.



bigdog wrote:This happened in 1998. He was an adult. No more excuses.

Adults don't do mushrooms.



Telstar wrote:

Four strikes, HE'S OUT!!!   lol!

Sure, but four balls & he gets to walk to first base !!!  Laughing

Kavanaugh hasn't swung at any of the pitches and the umpire has yet to make the call as to whether they were inside or outside the strike zone.

Sooooo ... stay tuned!



2seaoat wrote:who take seriously the plausible allegations

So in this new reality TV, where impotency has now allowed "plausible" to be a new standard of proof in American Jurisprudence.  I can see Judge Sal (he got confirmed easily as a limp dick) who rallied fellow limp dicks to replace the beyond a reasonable doubt with... was it plausible........

Jury foreman:  Like judge we are deadlocked.  Like is it plausible aliens from the planet Donkey put all those bodies in John Gacy's crawlspace?  One juror does not believe that was plausible......



I was blessed with intelligence and a great education. I am sorry my informed opinions on due process interfere with mob action in a political circus. He will be confirmed. I am probably not going to even watch the hearing, and will be traveling Thursday, but I should be back Friday night to begin watching cable tv again. It is very interesting to see a gang raper on the Supreme Court....oh and that penis being shoved in folks face......probative.....absolutely. He would fit right in with boys trying to determine to determine what pornography is.....

"I shall not today attempt further to define the kinds of material I understand to be embraced... [b]ut I know it when I see it ..." . Justice Potter

Deus X

Deus X

2seaoat wrote:I was blessed with intelligence and a great education.  I am sorry my informed opinions on due process interfere with mob action in a political circus.

Where have you been for the last 50 years?  Political Circus, HA! Without even looking it up I can think of several: Bork!, Haynsworth, Carswell, Clarence Thomas, Fortas to Chief Justice, before that Brandeis. Jesus, Seaoat, you're talking like a man with a paper asshole.

Kavanaugh will NOT be confirmed by the Senate, two of the gang of four--Collins, Murkowski, Flake, Corker--will not vote to approve him and that will sink his nomination, IF he doesn't withdraw before it gets to the Senate.


Deus X wrote:
2seaoat wrote:I was blessed with intelligence and a great education.  I am sorry my informed opinions on due process interfere with mob action in a political circus.

Where have you been for the last 50 years?  Political Circus, HA! Without even looking it up I can think of several: Bork!, Haynsworth, Carswell, Clarence Thomas, Fortas to Chief Justice, before that Brandeis. Jesus, Seaoat, you're talking like a man with a paper asshole.

Kavanaugh will NOT be confirmed by the Senate, two of the gang of four--Collins, Murkowski, Flake, Corker--will not vote to approve him and that will sink his nomination, IF he doesn't withdraw before it gets to the Senate.

Even though I think the fourth accusation must be thrown out as anonymous, I can only hope you're right, Deus, as to the failed nomination of this flawed individual; the "boys will be boys" argument simply no longer flies in an enlightened age.
No, our Seaoat has sunk to a new low -- make it his lowest -- of all the many years I've known him.   The last modicum of any respect I've had left is holding on by a very thin thread, likely to snap any moment presuming he'll never reverse his tiny-minded penis rhetoric and quit terming all the people fully as intelligent as (or more so than) he, "lemmings" for having grown in their humanity and empathy over recent years rather than stagnating in a pool of rigid ancient attitudes as Sea very obviously has.

How utterly appalling.

Deus X

Deus X

Just think how much fun it's gonna be shoving Kavanaugh in his face after this. I'm gonna start every thread with: Kavanaugh!Kavanaugh!Kavanaugh! Maybe I'll make it my signature or something.


Deus X wrote:Just think how much fun it's gonna be shoving Kavanaugh in his face after this. I'm gonna start every thread with: Kavanaugh!Kavanaugh!Kavanaugh! Maybe I'll make it my signature or something.

Not counting my chickens yet but wouldn't mind one bit if all that comes to pass, and very soon.



EmeraldGhost wrote:
Telstar wrote:

Four strikes, HE'S OUT!!!   lol!

Sure, but four balls & he gets to walk to first base !!!  Laughing

Kavanaugh hasn't swung at any of the pitches and the umpire has yet to make the call as to whether they were inside or outside the strike zone.

Sooooo ... stay tuned!

Third Kavanaugh accuser now on record - Page 2 Umpire12

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