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Global Grill

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1Global Grill Empty Global Grill 5/18/2018, 5:59 pm



Another dynamite meal at Global Grill. I had another fantastic dinner at Global Grill. Started the evening with Bar Master Tom's Jalapeño Tequila Martini. Perfectly refreshing with a little heat!

The girls and I shared Brussel Sprouts in cream sauce, tempura asparagus, and homemade chips with blue cheese tapas.  We followed the tapas with Blue cheese stuffed Filet Mignon. Pork Medallions and my favorite... New York Strip Steak. Needless to say, even though the entrees were cooked to perfection we had left overs. We had to save room for the Creme Brûlée and berry compote..we had to split it.

Linda if you ever try it again, ask for Tony. He is a great server at Global for about 14 years. He can direct you in creating an awesome meal.

2Global Grill Empty Re: Global Grill 5/28/2018, 4:46 pm


Thanks, Joani. I'd be way willing to try it once more (and would attempt to remember Tony), but my husband is not quite adventurous enough to be interested again. Maybe sometime. First, over time, I have to figure out what it is I can safely eat going forward. Right now I'm on low carbs, no sugar, low or no fat. Pretty restrictive. Most of what you ate would be verboten. Glad you enjoyed yourself!

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