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Nick's next to Maritime Park

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26Nick's next to Maritime Park - Page 2 Empty Re: Nick's next to Maritime Park 2/28/2018, 5:29 pm



Joanimaroni wrote:
Telstar wrote:
zsomething wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Gawd you're a sad bunch.

Yeah, I don't think anyone could blame you if you went away and never talked to us again!

Rather than -- for some completely inexplicable and probably hugely pathetic reason -- insisting on hanging around with a "sad bunch" you don't like and who don't like you.

Not true. Joani likes him as if he was her sister from Japan. lol!

Pathetic Bill and his Socks, living in the past. Still a sorry loser.

LOL, still obsessed with bill you sordid pile of afterbirth. If you're going to talk about the Z man at least use the same snotty attitude that you did when he was alive. Then again you never could stand anyone crossing that dead inheritance stealing witch that you imagine was your sister. Now forget about the Cadbury and find yourself an Ostrich egg that you can sit on and hatch you deluded old crow. Laughing Laughing Laughing

27Nick's next to Maritime Park - Page 2 Empty Re: Nick's next to Maritime Park 2/28/2018, 5:47 pm



Joanimaroni wrote:
Telstar wrote:
zsomething wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Gawd you're a sad bunch.

Yeah, I don't think anyone could blame you if you went away and never talked to us again!

Rather than -- for some completely inexplicable and probably hugely pathetic reason -- insisting on hanging around with a "sad bunch" you don't like and who don't like you.

Not true. Joani likes him as if he was her sister from Japan. lol!

Pathetic Bill and his Socks, living in the past. Still a sorry loser.

Lol... I don't even see his posts. It's like he's stuck in 7th grade. Zero positive value here.

28Nick's next to Maritime Park - Page 2 Empty Re: Nick's next to Maritime Park 2/28/2018, 6:09 pm



PkrBum wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Telstar wrote:
zsomething wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Gawd you're a sad bunch.

Yeah, I don't think anyone could blame you if you went away and never talked to us again!

Rather than -- for some completely inexplicable and probably hugely pathetic reason -- insisting on hanging around with a "sad bunch" you don't like and who don't like you.

Not true. Joani likes him as if he was her sister from Japan. lol!

Pathetic Bill and his Socks, living in the past. Still a sorry loser.

Lol... I don't even see his posts. It's like he's stuck in 7th grade. Zero positive value here.

Nick's next to Maritime Park - Page 2 Russia20

29Nick's next to Maritime Park - Page 2 Empty Re: Nick's next to Maritime Park 2/28/2018, 6:47 pm



PkrBum wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Telstar wrote:
zsomething wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Gawd you're a sad bunch.

Yeah, I don't think anyone could blame you if you went away and never talked to us again!

Rather than -- for some completely inexplicable and probably hugely pathetic reason -- insisting on hanging around with a "sad bunch" you don't like and who don't like you.

Not true. Joani likes him as if he was her sister from Japan. lol!

Pathetic Bill and his Socks, living in the past. Still a sorry loser.

Lol... I don't even see his posts. It's like he's stuck in 7th grade. Zero positive value here.

Sounds like Bill is drinking. Once a drunk always a drunk.

Like always he is stuck in the past. Bringing up old shit and wanting to slam Neko.

Do your wife a favor and get back on the wagon. It is your turn to take care of her. She supported your worthless ass for years and years. According to her co-workers.

30Nick's next to Maritime Park - Page 2 Empty Re: Nick's next to Maritime Park 2/28/2018, 8:27 pm



Joanimaroni wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:
Telstar wrote:
zsomething wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Gawd you're a sad bunch.

Yeah, I don't think anyone could blame you if you went away and never talked to us again!

Rather than -- for some completely inexplicable and probably hugely pathetic reason -- insisting on hanging around with a "sad bunch" you don't like and who don't like you.

Not true. Joani likes him as if he was her sister from Japan. lol!

Pathetic Bill and his Socks, living in the past. Still a sorry loser.

Lol... I don't even see his posts. It's like he's stuck in 7th grade. Zero positive value here.

Sounds like Bill is drinking. Once a drunk always a drunk.

Like always he is stuck in the past. Bringing up old shit and wanting to slam Neko.

Do your wife a favor and get back on the wagon. It is your turn to take care of her. She supported your worthless ass for years and years. According to her co-workers.

Poor little control bitch. I don't care if you insult bill but some people on this forum still like him a whole lot more than they do you or your dead cunt girlfriend. Now have some Corona and wine and have a little chat with necrocunt. Laughing

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