We came back and just like last year they messed with our internet. We were getting 25mg through feed which was good enough for our Roku delivery of digital tv. However, there were times it would spin. For five more dollars a month we were able to increase the same to 60mg and because we are only a block away from a fiber optic substation the tech said we will actually be getting 80, We ordered the upgrade just like last year, and in two , years they increased our monthly cost by 20 bucks and it seems strange every time we are gone for over two weeks, our internet goes down.
I am 100% behind a 5g national cellular wireless network provided by the government. This could open up commerce in rural areas and like the rural electrification in the depression. I saw today that the wireless cell providers are choking down bandwidth on certain applications which they have denied, yet they have made an app for all cell phones for people to check when they are being choked down because of choice of an application. I saw where a person uses utube gets chocked down to 2 meg from 6 for other applications. The big cell providers are denying the same, but the proof from these apps are overpowering. The problem is that the current law allows chocking down bandwidth if a particular cell tower is getting slammed and other people cannot check their emails........I want these people gone. Just like Ike built an interstate system, it is time to build a digital interstate system with redundancy and security.
I am 100% behind a 5g national cellular wireless network provided by the government. This could open up commerce in rural areas and like the rural electrification in the depression. I saw today that the wireless cell providers are choking down bandwidth on certain applications which they have denied, yet they have made an app for all cell phones for people to check when they are being choked down because of choice of an application. I saw where a person uses utube gets chocked down to 2 meg from 6 for other applications. The big cell providers are denying the same, but the proof from these apps are overpowering. The problem is that the current law allows chocking down bandwidth if a particular cell tower is getting slammed and other people cannot check their emails........I want these people gone. Just like Ike built an interstate system, it is time to build a digital interstate system with redundancy and security.