WHY is it that year after year the Academy of Country Music Awards ALWAYS puts on a better show than all the others combined?
They put on a spectacular show, no one curses and has to be bleeped, no one denigrates America or ANY Americans. Instead, they praise America and ALL Americans. It is fun, upbeat, they poke fun at themselves. There are no political speeches. There are songs about Jesus and people cheer rather than turn their backs.
They don't scream "F" Jesus, I did this all myself as did Kathy Griffin a few years back. Instead they thank Him for blessing them with their talents.
They put on a spectacular show, no one curses and has to be bleeped, no one denigrates America or ANY Americans. Instead, they praise America and ALL Americans. It is fun, upbeat, they poke fun at themselves. There are no political speeches. There are songs about Jesus and people cheer rather than turn their backs.
They don't scream "F" Jesus, I did this all myself as did Kathy Griffin a few years back. Instead they thank Him for blessing them with their talents.
Last edited by Markle on 4/7/2013, 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total