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Listen to this creep

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1Listen to this creep Empty Listen to this creep 8/2/2017, 6:28 pm



If you watch the whole video, take the time for the next one...Drumpf presenting his immigration policy, which, BTW, is not racist and will make America really, really great again.

2Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/2/2017, 8:53 pm



If only your leftist ideology weren't authoritarian and the opposite of individual liberty.

Then your politicians could get elected. Have you considered changing the name again?

3Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/3/2017, 1:14 am


Stephen Miller is a royal flaming arrogant asshole - thoroughly suited to the Trump administration and likely beloved by racist Steve Bannon.

As for Trump's proposed immigration policy, it's thoroughly appalling, just like virtually everything else he's put forth, but fortunately this policy likely has no chance to ever materialize as approved legislation in the Senate.  As others have pointed out, it's nothing more than red meat for Trump's pitiful base.

It amazes me when some cons call liberals "elitist," when there's no one or nothing more elitist than their own tiny-minded, exclusionary president, trying as he is to impose his and his bigoted appointees' purist standards onto all  potential immigrants knocking at freedom's door.   Sad!!

4Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/3/2017, 8:41 am


PkrBum wrote:If only your leftist ideology weren't authoritarian and the opposite of individual liberty.

Ha ha ha haaaaa! That, out of you! A Republican calling anyone else "authoritarian" is hilarious. What's next, you gonna call us theocrats?

"If only you didn't have a shell on your back and live in a lake," said the turtle.

5Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/3/2017, 9:06 am



zsomething wrote:
PkrBum wrote:If only your leftist ideology weren't authoritarian and the opposite of individual liberty.

Ha ha ha haaaaa!  That, out of you!  A Republican calling anyone else "authoritarian" is hilarious.  What's next, you gonna call us theocrats?

"If only you didn't have a shell on your back and live in a lake," said the turtle.

Who passed an edict law mandating every individual's choice concerning healthcare?

On top of the fact that this was rationalized by their subjective hubris and with NO pub votes.

Who does that? Authoritarian assholes.

6Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/3/2017, 9:59 am



I don't think the word irony quite covers this latest ill-conceived  Trumpian proposal on immigration reform. 45's grandfather left Bavaria without permission to move to the US. He had not fulfilled his military obligation to that nation (sound familiar?) so when he pleaded with the government to be allowed to return and live in Bavaria his request was denied. He was forced to return to the US where he had made his fortune more or less in the "hospitality" industry. Read the short article to get a chuckle out of that reference.

This is just another shinny object to distract from the Russia story. Fortunately, Mueller is not distracted.

7Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/3/2017, 10:23 am



othershoe1030 wrote:I don't think the word irony quite covers this latest ill-conceived  Trumpian proposal on immigration reform. 45's grandfather left Bavaria without permission to move to the US. He had not fulfilled his military obligation to that nation (sound familiar?) so when he pleaded with the government to be allowed to return and live in Bavaria his request was denied. He was forced to return to the US where he had made his fortune more or less in the "hospitality" industry. Read the short article to get a chuckle out of that reference.

This is just another shinny object to distract from the Russia story. Fortunately, Mueller is not distracted.

Love your newly adopted moniker btw . . . .

8Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/3/2017, 10:39 am



knothead wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:I don't think the word irony quite covers this latest ill-conceived  Trumpian proposal on immigration reform. 45's grandfather left Bavaria without permission to move to the US. He had not fulfilled his military obligation to that nation (sound familiar?) so when he pleaded with the government to be allowed to return and live in Bavaria his request was denied. He was forced to return to the US where he had made his fortune more or less in the "hospitality" industry. Read the short article to get a chuckle out of that reference.

This is just another shinny object to distract from the Russia story. Fortunately, Mueller is not distracted.

Love your newly adopted moniker btw . . . .

Thanks. It is this CF in a nutshell!

9Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/3/2017, 11:15 am


PkrBum wrote:
Who passed an edict law mandating every individual's choice concerning healthcare?

Nobody. When Obamacare came in it didn't change the healthcare I get from work a bit, other than the premiums going lower. In almost all cases, people still had a choice of doctors and health care plans.

On top of the fact that this was rationalized by their subjective hubris and with NO pub votes.

Who does that? Authoritarian assholes.

Have you watched the news on anything that's been passed (or at least attempted to pass lately? Have you noticed that almost all of Trump's "legislation" has been executive orders, and he's been bullying his own party to rubber-stamp everything he does or he'll threaten to primary 'em? He's basically trying to do away with all checks and balances and turn this into a one-branch government.

Since before he even got elected he was talking about overruling generals, being able to demand that troops torture ("and they'll do it because I say so" ) even though that would be a war crime and violate international law. He's tried to steamroll over courts to get bans passed. He's tried to wreck the electoral process (which is part of the reason he doesn't care that Russia monkeyed with our election -- he's planning to do the same thing). He's tried to discredit the intelligence community and the press so he'll be the sole source of information, empowering bullshit propaganda networks. Sean Hannity is basically his Tokyo Rose now. He's hamstrung federal agencies that are supposed to keep him in check. He's completely fucking the educational system and I'm witnessing that first-hand because I know a lot of college personnel -- war's basically been declared on the educational system. He's pulled America out of international agreements and tried to put himself above them all. He's tried to ban whole groups of people and shut down dissent by force.

He -- like a lot of his voters -- has strong opinions on things he doesn't know a goddamned thing about. Of course, a lot of his voters are natural-born bootlickers who WANT some authoritarian telling them what to do. That's been their comfort zone since they were babies in church.

Good lord, kid. You want to babble at me about authoritarianism, when you back-bend to support this jackal? Don't even try it unless you just like seeing me laugh.

10Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/3/2017, 11:44 am



These people are white supremacists, including Miller, although he's Jewish...but then so is Jared, and Ivanka is a convert to Judaism. Is this alliance unlikely? I don't think so, considering the current leadership and policy of Netanyahu.

According to my reading, Bannon and Miller co-wrote Herr Drumpf's inauguration speech.

Of course, none of this would occur to someone who thinks Hitler's rise was a triumph of...socialism...because the word "socialist" appeared in the name of his party.

11Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/3/2017, 1:04 pm



Trump undoing Obama's executive orders isn't "Have you noticed that almost all of Trump's "legislation" has been executive orders, and he's been bullying his own party to rubber-stamp everything he does or he'll threaten to primary 'em? He's basically trying to do away with all checks and balances and turn this into a one-branch government." try to maintain some semblance of objectivity please.

12Listen to this creep Empty Re: Listen to this creep 8/3/2017, 1:24 pm



PkrBum wrote:Trump undoing Obama's executive orders isn't "Have you noticed that almost all of Trump's "legislation" has been executive orders, and he's been bullying his own party to rubber-stamp everything he does or he'll threaten to primary 'em? He's basically trying to do away with all checks and balances and turn this into a one-branch government." try to maintain some semblance of objectivity please.

"The Clean Air Act is a United States federal law designed to control air pollution on a national level.[1] It is one of the United States' first and most influential modern environmental laws, and one of the most comprehensive air quality laws in the world.[2][3] As with many other major U.S. federal environmental statutes, it is administered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), in coordination with state, local, and tribal governments.[4] Its implementing regulations are codified at 40 C.F.R. Subchapter C, Parts 50-97.

The 1955 Air Pollution Control Act was the first U.S federal legislation that pertained to air pollution; it also provided funds for federal government research of air pollution.[4] The first federal legislation to actually pertain to "controlling" air pollution was the Clean Air Act of 1963.[5] The 1963 act accomplished this by establishing a federal program within the U.S. Public Health Service and authorizing research into techniques for monitoring and controlling air pollution.[6]

It was first amended in 1965, by the Motor Vehicle Air Pollution Control Act, which authorized the federal government to set required standards for controlling the emission of pollutants from certain automobiles, beginning with the 1968 models. A second amendment, the Air Quality Act of 1967, enabled the federal government to increase its activities to investigate enforcing interstate air pollution transport, and, for the first time, to perform far-reaching ambient monitoring studies and stationary source inspections. The 1967 act also authorized expanded studies of air pollutant emission inventories, ambient monitoring techniques, and control techniques.[7]

Amendments approved in 1970 greatly expanded the federal mandate, requiring comprehensive federal and state regulations for both stationary (industrial) pollution sources and mobile sources. It also significantly expanded federal enforcement. Also, EPA was established on December 2, 1970 for the purpose of consolidating pertinent federal research, monitoring, standard-setting and enforcement activities into one agency that ensures environmental protection.[8]

Further amendments were made in 1990 to address the problems of acid rain, ozone depletion, and toxic air pollution, and to establish a national permit program for stationary sources, and increased enforcement authority. The amendments also established new auto gasoline reformulation requirements, set Reid vapor pressure (RVP) standards to control evaporative emissions from gasoline, and mandated new gasoline formulations sold from May to September in many states.

Reviewing his tenure as EPA Administrator under President George H. W. Bush, William K. Reilly characterized passage of the 1990 Clean Air Act as his most notable accomplishment.[9]

The Clean Air Act was the first major environmental law in the United States to include a provision for citizen suits. Numerous state and local governments have enacted similar legislation, either implementing federal programs or filling in locally important gaps in federal programs..."

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