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Oscars. 2017

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1Oscars. 2017 Empty Oscars. 2017 1/26/2017, 12:51 am



Looks like La La Land is already a big winner with 14 nominations. A feel good old time romantic musical with a modern attitude. Nominated for movie, director, actor and actress. Don't know how Amy Adams didn't get nominated for Arrival. She was in almost every scene of the science fiction mystery but the film won it's share of nominations. Manchester By The Sea took nominations for film, director and actor but it is a sad depressing film.

2Oscars. 2017 Empty Re: Oscars. 2017 3/13/2017, 12:34 pm



Well we all know about the mix up. La La Land was announced but then they called it for Moonlight. I still think La La Land was the better movie.

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