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Where our country is right now ...

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The democrats concentrated on snaring the brown and black vote and ignored the plight of white middle class workers -- so they lost.

The republicans are led by a billionaire white racist.

Clearly, we are in the midst of a racist-classist war.  On one side, the ultra rich and the worried white Christian middle class who realizes they are losing their economic and social power.

On the other side, you have all the non-whites, the non-Christians, women, gay men and gay women, unemployed workers, people spending their lives at part-time low wage jobs with little or no hope for economic improvement under the current leadership of the 1% and all the legislators they have bought.

Historically -- a subject in which I am keenly interested -- the people who fought the same struggles from the turn of the last century to the present -- the organizations who helped  formed the unions and fought racism, sexism and unfair exploitation were joined by communists and socialists, because they believed in the same struggle for human fairness and equality.  

That's why Bernie Sanders was so successful.  

America still says it believes in equality and justice under the law.  America Inc. doesn't.  

Unless you're totally mad, you have to agree we are in the midst of a classist-racist war.  

And then you have to decide which side you're on.

Face it, Trump may not be pleased that virtually every white racist organisation -- the KKK, the Nazis, Skinheads, etc. -- still celebrate his victory -- but no one can deny that all those people who for the most part claim they are white Christian Americans, and the  "real" Americans who should rightfully own and run this country, are indeed Trump's following.  

One thing for sure -- America can't progress unless we resolve the basic issues that divide us.  Soon there will be more Latinos, Blacks, gays, young people and freedom-seeking feminists than white Christians. And that's a fact even Trump and his warped followers admit.  

Trump and his "let's make America Great Again" mob are going to lose. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch!

Long live We The People!



On Friday our great country will be at the bottom of the bowl and Trump will allow his Russian lover Putin the first mercy flush.



Even the fake president's own son said David Duke deserves a bullet.



Where our country is right now ... SenatorByrd-1






Where our country is right now ... Gallup%20Poll_zpskqnulq8u



The Truth about where are country is going starting Friday.

Where our country is right now ... 7_dead10




Where our country is right now ... Gallup%20Poll_zpskqnulq8u

Absolutely nothing you have presented in your responses to my thread, counter any of the truths I've presented. White Christian oligarchs are doomed by the numbers of the disenfranchised -- browns, yellows, blacks, whites, gays, non-Christians, workers whose wages keep them in permanent struggle; women who suffer as second class citizens economically, and whose healthcare, access to contraception and abortion is dictated by white Christian fanatics.

The problems I've listed are not restricted to America. They exist around the globe. The plight of the peasant and the workers everywhere are virtually the same.

Long term, not just in America but across the globe, the 1% who now rule everything, are doomed.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving bag of miscreants and cretins.

Viva We the People!



Wordslinger wrote:

Where our country is right now ... Gallup%20Poll_zpskqnulq8u

Absolutely nothing you have presented in your responses to my thread,
counter any of the truths I've presented. White Christian oligarchs are doomed by the numbers of the disenfranchised -- browns, yellows, blacks, whites, gays, non-Christians, workers whose wages keep them in a permanent struggle; women who suffer as second class citizens economically, and whose healthcare, access to contraception and abortion is dictated by white Christian fanatics.

The problems I've listed are not restricted to America. They exist around the globe. The plight of the peasant and the workers everywhere are virtually the same.

Long term, not just in America but across the globe, the 1% who now rule everything, are doomed.

Couldn't happen to a more deserving bag of miscreants and cretins.

Viva We the People!

Your headline was that your thread concerned where America is right now. I posted a far more detailed and unbiased tally of that according to American citizens.

I understand how unpleasant this is to you.

Last edited by Markle on 1/18/2017, 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:

Where our country is right now ... Gallup%20Poll_zpskqnulq8u

Absolutely nothing you have presented in your responses to my thread,
counter any of the truths I've presented.  White Christian oligarchs are doomed by the numbers of the disenfranchised -- browns, yellows, blacks, whites, gays, non-Christians, workers whose wages keep them in permanent struggle; women who suffer as second class citizens economically, and whose healthcare, access to contraception and abortion is dictated by white Christian fanatics.

The problems I've listed are not restricted to America.  They exist around the globe.  The plight of the peasant and the workers everywhere are virtually the same.

Long term, not just in America but across the globe, the 1% who now rule everything, are doomed.  

Couldn't happen to a more deserving bag of miscreants and cretins.  

Viva We the People!

Your headline was that your thread concerned where America is right now.  I posted far more a far more detailed and unbiased tally of that according to American citizens.

I understand how unpleasant this is to you.

Thanks for the laugh! What you want is for the 1% to live like Kings while the rest of us struggle as serfs. You want to take us back to the dark ages because the only thing you celebrate is wealth and power. You're exactly like those who dominate what is supposed to be OUR congress.

We get it. You're a fascist-racist and most of the people who frequent this forum understand your values.

Here's a frightening thought for you Markle: the white Christian working class, feminist activists, blacks, browns, non-Christians, gay men and women, transgenders are already organizing and, realizing that peoples' unity is the best destroyer of oligarchy, they know very well just who their enemies are. Suck on that big boy. I understand just how unpleasant this is for you ....



What a load of shit. All hyperbole, leftist talkingpoints, and personal attacks... next to no content.



PkrBum wrote:What a load of shit. All hyperbole, leftist talkingpoints, and personal attacks... next to no content.

OK, we get it Pkrbum -- like Markle you're happy with the rigged economy run by the 1% -- particularly when the 99% include non-Christians, gays, feminists, blacks, browns and white middle class workers who are all disenfranchised under the current setup.

We understand where you're coming from .. even if you don't.


Actually the poll by Gallup is very indicative of the truth. The positive numbers or neutral all deal with good things like the economy and increased rights for folks, and the bottom negative numbers deal with things which are largely in the control of the oligarchy which requires the MIC to find another war, find another scapegoat, convince Americans that all taxation is bad, that terrorism which has fewer people dying than from bee stings requires American blood and wealth being spilled down the rabbit hole, that the debt caused by rampant greed and bailouts for wall street and banksters.......not one who was prosecuted by the worst AG in American history, and the best part of the success of propaganda is that crime is historical terms we are near a four decade low. No the Gallup poll clearly indicates that propaganda and doublethink has been effective, but the positives also tell a story. The truth stands independent of attempts by the Russians, the alt right, skinheads and racist to create false news and innuendo. The Gallup Poll is the truth. Americans think crime is up, that we have become weak withdrawing from the middle east, and that we need to spend more on the military......the proof is in the pudding.



Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:What a load of shit. All hyperbole, leftist talkingpoints, and personal attacks... next to no content.

OK, we get it Pkrbum -- like Markle you're happy with the rigged economy run by the 1% -- particularly when the 99% include non-Christians, gays, feminists, blacks, browns and white middle class workers who are all disenfranchised under the current setup.  

We understand where you're coming from .. even if you don't.

I'll make perfectly clear what I think as it happens.

All you're doing is jumping up and down in a fit hair on fire... as directed by the leftist talkingpoints.



PkrBum wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:What a load of shit. All hyperbole, leftist talkingpoints, and personal attacks... next to no content.

OK, we get it Pkrbum -- like Markle you're happy with the rigged economy run by the 1% -- particularly when the 99% include non-Christians, gays, feminists, blacks, browns and white middle class workers who are all disenfranchised under the current setup.  

We understand where you're coming from .. even if you don't.

I'll make perfectly clear what I think as it happens.

All you're doing is jumping up and down in a fit hair on fire... as directed by the leftist talkingpoints.

Left talking points, right talking points ... what matters isn't whether they're conservative or liberal, but whether they're true. Tell a Mexican or African that he has equality and legal and economic justice here, or a woman, or a gay person, or a middle class factory worker in Ohio who lost his job when the factories closed. You are clearly incapable of dealing with the truth, unless it's framed by liberalism or conservatism. Fortunately, most of us don't suffer that way.



Equal opportunity is protected... it's there... it's real. What isn't protected is a person from their bad decisions. Often these bad decisions are generational... and localized. That doesn't prove that there isn't equal opportunity. It proves that nature exists... a natural order... and that humans are subject to it.

Shocking... I'm sure.



PkrBum wrote:Equal opportunity is protected... it's there... it's real. What isn't protected is a person from their bad decisions. Often these bad decisions are generational... and localized. That doesn't prove that there isn't equal opportunity. It proves that nature exists... a natural order... and that humans are subject to it.

Shocking... I'm sure.

What's shocking is your shallow, callous attitude towards anyone who isn't a straight, white Christian conservative. Millions of white Christian Americans, democrat or republican are out of work because the oligarchs have closed our manufacturing in order to exploit low labor costs in third world countries. Tell those people that equal opportunity for them is protected. Tell it to the entire middle class whose earnings have been stagnant or declined over the last 30 years.



PkrBum wrote:Equal opportunity is protected... it's there... it's real. What isn't protected is a person from their bad decisions. Often these bad decisions are generational... and localized. That doesn't prove that there isn't equal opportunity. It proves that nature exists... a natural order... and that humans are subject to it.

Shocking... I'm sure.

In my opinion, that a key factor. Progressives demand that they are the ones capable of rescuing people who repeatedly make bad decisions.

As you have said in the past. We're all born equal, what happens from there depends on the decisions we and our parents have made. Equal outcome is not guaranteed, nor should it be guaranteed.



Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Equal opportunity is protected... it's there... it's real. What isn't protected is a person from their bad decisions. Often these bad decisions are generational... and localized. That doesn't prove that there isn't equal opportunity. It proves that nature exists... a natural order... and that humans are subject to it.

Shocking... I'm sure.

What's shocking is your shallow, callous attitude towards anyone who isn't a straight, white Christian conservative.  Millions of white Christian Americans, democrat or republican are out of work because the oligarchs have closed our manufacturing in order to exploit low labor costs in third world countries.  Tell those people that equal opportunity for them is protected.  Tell it to the entire middle class whose earnings have been stagnant or declined over the last 30 years.

If it helps (which I highly doubt) I don't give much a damn what a person's race, sex, sexuality,  religion... is. What I don't think a person (or groups of people) do/does as long as they cause no harm to others. When you force some via govt to fund another program,  policy, social engineering,  or person... you injure them. You take what they earn... you lower their standard of living... you directly take from them under duress their labor and earned wealth...  and give it to others. You can call it some social contact or whatever... but it is what it is.

The results (which you ignore or revise) rob us all of dignity. It ignores nature of its due. Giving to charity and helping others is a rewarding experience... it feels good. Receiving charity is also rewarding... it makes you thankful and makes you more charitable to others. The only reason I can think of that leftists want the govt involved (beyond force) is their base distrust and distaste of humanity (their subjective opinion). The funny trick that they don't get is that the govt grows it's control of our very survival with its involvement. Look at the argument they use... that I want people to die... why would they die? Because literally tens of millions of people have literally no way to survive... anymore than the gerbil eating a pellet in a cage does. Why is that?



Wordslinger wrote:
PkrBum wrote:Equal opportunity is protected... it's there... it's real. What isn't protected is a person from their bad decisions. Often these bad decisions are generational... and localized. That doesn't prove that there isn't equal opportunity. It proves that nature exists... a natural order... and that humans are subject to it.

Shocking... I'm sure.

What's shocking is your shallow, callous attitude towards anyone who isn't a straight, white Christian conservative.  Millions of white Christian Americans, democrat or republican are out of work because the oligarchs have closed our manufacturing in order to exploit low labor costs in third world countries.  Tell those people that equal opportunity for them is protected.  Tell it to the entire middle class whose earnings have been stagnant or declined over the last 30 years.

Are there no prisons? Are there no workhouses? The age old mantra of the regressive right.



Economic equality? We've ALWAYS reserved the lowest paying, filthiest, physically hardest menial jobs, for blacks and browns. Because we white sure as hell won't do that kind of work. And, excuse me, "Doris? Would you bring us some coffee?"

Yeah ... we got all the economic equality anyone would want ... fer sure.



Wordslinger wrote:Economic equality?  We've ALWAYS reserved the lowest paying, filthiest, physically hardest menial jobs, for blacks and browns.  Because we white sure as hell won't do that kind of work.  And, excuse me, "Doris? Would you bring us some coffee?"

Yeah ... we got all the economic equality anyone would want ... fer sure.

When someone continuously makes bad decisions, why is that my problem? Do they not have any personal responsibility?



Mark Foley, child molesting long time friend of pussy grabber in chief.

Where our country is right now ... Trump_34



Markle wrote:
Wordslinger wrote:Economic equality?  We've ALWAYS reserved the lowest paying, filthiest, physically hardest menial jobs, for blacks and browns.  Because we white sure as hell won't do that kind of work.  And, excuse me, "Doris? Would you bring us some coffee?"

Yeah ... we got all the economic equality anyone would want ... fer sure.

When someone continuously makes bad decisions, why is that my problem?  Do they not have any personal responsibility?

It is becoming your problem very quickly. And you and your kind are doomed. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch! What a loathsome, disgusting American racist you really are. It's a black or brown American's bad decisions that caused the only jobs available in a white Christian, racist environment, to be menial and underpaid.

You make almost as much sense as Trump's cabinet choices. LOL



Wordslinger wrote:

It is becoming your problem very quickly.  And you and your kind are doomed.  Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch!  What a loathsome, disgusting American racist you really are.  It's a black or brown American's bad decisions that caused the only jobs available in a white Christian, racist environment, to be menial and underpaid.

You make almost as much sense as Trump's cabinet choices.  LOL

Aside from the amount of money they have, what is the major difference between a minority household living in poverty and one living above the poverty level?

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