"Derrick Lemos @DerrickLemos
What's that, America? A foreign gov helped install a puppet leader? Sorry, I can't hear u over the sound of ALL of Latin America laughing.
4:07 PM - 10 Dec 2016
1,113 1,113 Retweets
Yes, the Russians interfered and the leaks they fed, plus how the FBI joined the effort did, in fact, destroy Hillary Clinton's campaign. But what those leaks actually revealed was the foul underbelly of the DNC's and Hillary's efforts to destroy Bernie Sanders. Add to that disgusting revelation the impact of the leaks that proved Hillary was getting huge donations and speaking fees from Wall Street, while at the same time she was proclaiming her dedication to leveling the rigged economic system that was destroying America's middle class. What a stench!
Did those revelations hurt Hillary? Of course they did. But I have mixed emotions: consider -- without the leaks none of us would have known of the disgusting conspiracy and collusion between the DNC and Hillary's campaign, or how beholden she was to Goldman Sachs and Wall Street.
Did the revelations hurt her? Does a bear poop in the woods? Comey's remarks about possibly re-opening the investigation into Hillary's emails just ten days before the election was the wooden stake driven through Hillary's vampire heart.
Fact: Comey wouldn't have had any email data without Wikileaks releases (sponsored by Putin no doubt).
So did Russia win the election for Trump?
Consider: if there was no disgusting proof of Hillary's connections to Wall Street, or her coordination with the DNC to destroy Sanders's campaign, Hillary would have been unbeatable.
Any governmental outcry brought on by the revelations of the connections between Trump's staff and Putin's, rings hollow. Truth is, we've interfered in other country's elections for decades -- particularly in Africa and South America. We act as though it was our right to interfere in anyone elses' democracy. Ask John Bolton.
There is no question Putin hated Hillary -- for good reason. As Secty of State she condemned Putin for rigging the Russian elections which kept him in power. Call a tyrant a tyrant in public, and don't expect him not to pay you back.
Frankly, I don't hate Putin for anything he's done to help Trump. Putin is loyal to Putin and what he believes are Russia's best interests. Putin's biggest threat for the last four decades is NATO, and the Pussy Grabber mused during the campaign that it might be time to dissolve NATO.
And while Russia may not have the military power that we do, it appears their ability to hack into our governmental computer systems is far superior to our ability to protect our secrets and critical operational software -- power transmission, water pumping, transportation are apparently totally vulnerable to potential enemies or opponents like Russia and China.
Yeah, we have more carriers, aircraft, missiles, tanks and conventional forces than our opponents. But what good are any of them if our power grid suddenly shuts down from sea to shining sea?
No, I don't blame Putin for meddling the way we do all the time. But Trump has no morals or loyalty -- not to anyone, and there's no question he feels deeply indebted to Putin for winning him the Presidency.
Trump, the illegitimate President-elect, would not hesitate for a moment to screw his country if he perceived there was an advantage for him to do so.
Putin -- the biggest thug and murdering gangster on the international scene today is doing what he does best: scheming to harm his political opponents.
Trump is simply a smarmy traitor. And Putin holds the controlling strings.
What's that, America? A foreign gov helped install a puppet leader? Sorry, I can't hear u over the sound of ALL of Latin America laughing.
4:07 PM - 10 Dec 2016
1,113 1,113 Retweets
Yes, the Russians interfered and the leaks they fed, plus how the FBI joined the effort did, in fact, destroy Hillary Clinton's campaign. But what those leaks actually revealed was the foul underbelly of the DNC's and Hillary's efforts to destroy Bernie Sanders. Add to that disgusting revelation the impact of the leaks that proved Hillary was getting huge donations and speaking fees from Wall Street, while at the same time she was proclaiming her dedication to leveling the rigged economic system that was destroying America's middle class. What a stench!
Did those revelations hurt Hillary? Of course they did. But I have mixed emotions: consider -- without the leaks none of us would have known of the disgusting conspiracy and collusion between the DNC and Hillary's campaign, or how beholden she was to Goldman Sachs and Wall Street.
Did the revelations hurt her? Does a bear poop in the woods? Comey's remarks about possibly re-opening the investigation into Hillary's emails just ten days before the election was the wooden stake driven through Hillary's vampire heart.
Fact: Comey wouldn't have had any email data without Wikileaks releases (sponsored by Putin no doubt).
So did Russia win the election for Trump?
Consider: if there was no disgusting proof of Hillary's connections to Wall Street, or her coordination with the DNC to destroy Sanders's campaign, Hillary would have been unbeatable.
Any governmental outcry brought on by the revelations of the connections between Trump's staff and Putin's, rings hollow. Truth is, we've interfered in other country's elections for decades -- particularly in Africa and South America. We act as though it was our right to interfere in anyone elses' democracy. Ask John Bolton.
There is no question Putin hated Hillary -- for good reason. As Secty of State she condemned Putin for rigging the Russian elections which kept him in power. Call a tyrant a tyrant in public, and don't expect him not to pay you back.
Frankly, I don't hate Putin for anything he's done to help Trump. Putin is loyal to Putin and what he believes are Russia's best interests. Putin's biggest threat for the last four decades is NATO, and the Pussy Grabber mused during the campaign that it might be time to dissolve NATO.
And while Russia may not have the military power that we do, it appears their ability to hack into our governmental computer systems is far superior to our ability to protect our secrets and critical operational software -- power transmission, water pumping, transportation are apparently totally vulnerable to potential enemies or opponents like Russia and China.
Yeah, we have more carriers, aircraft, missiles, tanks and conventional forces than our opponents. But what good are any of them if our power grid suddenly shuts down from sea to shining sea?
No, I don't blame Putin for meddling the way we do all the time. But Trump has no morals or loyalty -- not to anyone, and there's no question he feels deeply indebted to Putin for winning him the Presidency.
Trump, the illegitimate President-elect, would not hesitate for a moment to screw his country if he perceived there was an advantage for him to do so.
Putin -- the biggest thug and murdering gangster on the international scene today is doing what he does best: scheming to harm his political opponents.
Trump is simply a smarmy traitor. And Putin holds the controlling strings.