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Does anyone know what happened to Obamasucks, aka Peedawg, aka War Hero?

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It was apparent to me, and probably many other members of this forum that PDawg had serious emotional problems, including PTSD. I'd like to hear from anyone who knows what happened to him after he dropped out from participation in this forum. I wonder if he's still teaching?



Was he ever able to stop beating women and molesting puppies?


This was a tough place to post absolutely stupid positions and expect kid gloves. He was regularly beat up, and despite his trying to tell us how tough ex military was, he simply cut and ran when challenged and exposed that he came to this forum like the cowardly lion looking for courage, by trying to be a bad asz and ended up simply afraid. I personally liked him when he was being rational.



It's odd this is in politics... when the issue is general civility. How many have you nasty caustic leftists run off?



He has come and gone at least three times in the past. My bet is he will be back before the November election.

I am certain he monitors the forum on a frequent basis, and he even posted once a couple of months ago as a guest.


caustic.......if you post certainly should expect caustic.......I mean if I go to a sports forum, and keep arguing that Will Perdue was the best center in basketball in the 1990s......somebody is not going to handle me with kid gloves......they are going to handle stupid the way it should be handled.....with open ridicule.



Please tell me you're capable of distinguishing the difference between argument and personal attacks/threats... and even beyond that line to threatening and causing harm to a persons family and employment. Why defend those tactics?


I never took part in those discussions. When I saw people doing the same, I told them to knock it off. However, there are consequences to repeatedly posting absolute will be challenged and it will be caustic. I do not believe in some of the personal crossing over into the real world, and I certainly must be naive about Pace being attacked in the real world. He certainly told us he was a teacher. Now if somebody contacted his school, or in some way used the information he provided to chase him off, I would agree that would be wrong, but I am unaware of any of that.....rather I saw him getting trounced regularly, and getting angry as he had done repeatedly picking up and leaving......only to come back later.......and posting more stupid under another name which took one day for all of us to know who he was.



It is scary to think he really was a teacher . . . . . . . bone chilling scary!



knothead wrote:It is scary to think he really was a teacher . . . . . . . bone chilling scary!

Scary enough to threaten to... or to contact his employers to have his career harmed or terminated?

Don't forget... he's not the first to experience this treatment and tactic.


Scary enough to threaten to... or to contact his employers to have his career harmed or terminated?

Don't forget... he's not the first to experience this treatment and tactic.

Who did that? I must have been asleep at the wheel, because he talked about his teaching all the time and I never saw anybody threaten him with contacting his employer. Again.....who did that?



PkrBum wrote:
knothead wrote:It is scary to think he really was a teacher . . . . . . . bone chilling scary!

Scary enough to threaten to... or to contact his employers to have his career harmed or terminated?

Don't forget... he's not the first to experience this treatment and tactic.

If you're referring to the Queen of Nasty, I have no doubt whatsoever that she got herself fired.


Nobody threatened Peedogs job.This is just Pkr. being dishonest again and bringing up Chrissy and all the crapola that went w/ her. In fact, it was one of their own who called her job-not a leftist. It was she who threatened physical harm. It was one of their own, GBB, who offered money for posters identities and threatened leftists including myself. It was several of them who invaded children and grandchildren"s facebook pages and posted personal info. from the clerk of courts. If Pkr. wants to bring up past grievances he should at least be truthful. He is not a truthful man.



How many have y'all chased off with objectionable or unethical tactics... 8, 10, 12?

They didn't leave because they lost an argument or missed a prediction. They tired of suffering abuse or worse.

Get a clue comrades.


Stop lying Pkr. they heaped as much abuse as they got.



Then why did they leave?


Well I never knew 12 people were run off because people crossed over into the real world and intimidated people. This is the first time I have heard this. I figured they could not make lucid arguments and ran......I think I am right and you are wrong on this. Who was personally attacked and left because their job was threatened.....I have never heard this.......never.



In order to post here, you need to insulate yourself a little by not telling too, too much about yourself; and you also need to be thick-skinned an invulnerable to the thrusts of others.

You have to be flexible and able to take it as much as you dish it out. If you can do those things, you will become a successful poster. If you can't, you will frequently change your handles, pick up your toys and go home (but then come back), and whine a lot.



ZVUGKTUBM wrote:In order to post here, you need to insulate yourself a little by not telling too, too much about yourself; and you also need to be thick-skinned an invulnerable to the thrusts of others.

You have to be flexible and able to take it as much as you dish it out. If you can do those things, you will become a successful poster. If you can't, you will frequently change your handles, pick up your toys and go home (but then come back), and whine a lot.

cheers cheers cheers



Yeah, GBB offered $200 to anyone who could provide my personal info.

I offered to provide it for half-price, and he ran like a scalded dog.


I have been threatened more times than I can count in the last 12 becomes silly. Run away.....why.....if you can defend your ideas you stay....if you cannot you run and threaten. We have had some real mental health issues with some folks who posted here.....some almost posted normal until you scraped the surface.....those folks usually are the first to leave.


2seaoat wrote:Well I never knew 12 people were run off because people crossed over into the real world and intimidated people.   This is the first time I have heard this.  I figured they could not make lucid arguments and ran......I think I am right and you are wrong on this.  Who was personally attacked and left because their job was threatened.....I have never heard this.......never.  

You were here when all of this was going on.Chrissy was fired from her job at Baptist by one of their own calling them and reporting her vulgar posts. She identified herself as the supervisor of the lab there. I believe they warned her but she wouldn't stop so they fired her. She moved down to South Fl and started it all again. I mean they were very bad pornographic pictures of old women"s vaginas and people performing sexual acts. I said someone was going to call her employer again if she didn't stop. Who I didn't know.. but it only stood to reason someone would. Pkr. claims I called her employer but he would be wrong. Whether someone called her new employer...I don't know but she finally stopped posting here after they went on a rampage and invaded my children's and grand children's face book page posting personal info.


I stayed clear of that goofiness and never realized she lost a job in Pensacola.


PkrBum wrote:Then why did they leave?

Some of the people left because of the dirty vulgar things that were being posted by your friend.The conservatives all thought it was funny and defended it.


2seaoat wrote:I stayed clear of that goofiness and never realized she lost a job in Pensacola.

She probably wouldn't have if she hadn't identified herself as an employee.She says she didn't but she did as I have the post saved where she clearly did. The posts and pictures were so bad it was an embarrassment to Baptist.She depicted herself as unstable.

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