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Democrats support Antifa which is nazi like in their behavior

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1) burn books and destroyed statues
2) violently limits free speech
3) smashed windows of businesses
4) euthanized babies that aren't ideal
5) uses mob tactics to intimidate opposition

Antifa - nazi - Democrats

One in the same. The Antifa flags are the same construct as nazi flags just changed around.



True colors and actions have come out.



Democrats denounce violence. You are an idiot.

'nuff said!



Ok... denounce antifa, blm, bamn, black panthers... etc. We'll wait... lol.


PkrBum wrote:Ok... denounce antifa, blm, bamn,  black panthers... etc.  We'll wait... lol.

Won't happen.....



It will never happen, you are right. It is part of the liberal propaganda....brain wash the masses to promote their agenda.



Y'all are dazed & confused.



panhandler wrote:Y'all are dazed & confused.  

And you can't examine your convictions... even tho they are a dnc construct.



PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:Y'all are dazed & confused.  

And you can't examine your convictions... even tho they are a dnc construct.

You Sir, are clueless about my convictions. I think for myself. You should try it sometime.



panhandler wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:Y'all are dazed & confused.  

And you can't examine your convictions... even tho they are a dnc construct.

You Sir, are clueless about my convictions.   I think for myself.   You should try it sometime.

Ok... do you support violent demonstration... or do you condemn groups that practice it.

This is pretty simple for a person that thinks for themself.



PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:Y'all are dazed & confused.  

And you can't examine your convictions... even tho they are a dnc construct.

You Sir, are clueless about my convictions.   I think for myself.   You should try it sometime.

Ok... do you support violent demonstration... or do you condemn groups that practice it.

This is pretty simple for a person that thinks for themself.

Maybe you should start with something easier. If he trying to answer on his own. Arrow



You wingnuts are completely okay with Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Anti-semites, and other violent hate groups (think kkk) demonstrating in Hitlarian garb, chanting racist threats, beating and even murdering people who are opposed to their violent, racist stance.

You know the saying -- violence begets violence. Hooray for Antifa!! It's time for all those haters to pay their bills. Fuck'em all. Yaaaay team! Kill those motherfuckers!

Here's exactly how I feel -- it's about time those racist white christian assholes get a taste of what they've been threatening to do to the rest of us.

Where the hell can I donate to Antifa?



PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:Y'all are dazed & confused.  

And you can't examine your convictions... even tho they are a dnc construct.

You Sir, are clueless about my convictions.   I think for myself.   You should try it sometime.

Ok... do you support violent demonstration... or do you condemn groups that practice it.

This is pretty simple for a person that thinks for themself.

Another "pretty simple" thing is using question marks when you ask questions. It's also "pretty simple" to use agents provocateurs to disrupt an otherwise peaceful demonstration.



Wordslinger wrote:You wingnuts are completely okay with Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Anti-semites, and other violent hate groups (think kkk) demonstrating in Hitlarian garb, chanting racist threats, beating and even murdering people who are opposed to their violent, racist stance. 

Wrong... there's no acceptable violence or destruction. Why is this so hard?



Floridatexan wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:Y'all are dazed & confused.  

And you can't examine your convictions... even tho they are a dnc construct.

You Sir, are clueless about my convictions.   I think for myself.   You should try it sometime.

Ok... do you support violent demonstration... or do you condemn groups that practice it.

This is pretty simple for a person that thinks for themself.

Another "pretty simple" thing is using question marks when you ask questions.  It's also "pretty simple" to use agents provocateurs to disrupt an otherwise peaceful demonstration.

The groups that you make excuses for don't make any pretence as to their violent methods.

There's a disconnect... and it's not provocateurs.



Wordslinger wrote:You wingnuts are completely okay with Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Anti-semites, and other violent hate groups (think kkk) demonstrating in Hitlarian garb, chanting racist threats, beating and even murdering people who are opposed to their violent, racist stance.

You know the saying -- violence begets violence.  Hooray for Antifa!!  It's time for all those haters to pay their bills.  Fuck'em all.  Yaaaay team!  Kill those motherfuckers!

Here's exactly how I feel -- it's about time those racist white christian assholes  get a taste of what they've been threatening to do to the rest of us.

Where the hell can I donate to Antifa?  

Silly boy, Nazis, Neo-Nazis, Anti-semites, and other violent hate groups kkk. You forgot your violent party. Antifa, BLM, Black Panthers,

Democrats across the country have lost their collective minds because of the election. The democrat party of hate have been rioting, burning the American flags, throwing fire cocktails at police, setting fires and destroying property. College brats to distaught to attend schoolso they sit in the strees crying. You have massive women protestors dressing their little girls up to look like vaginas while they where vagina hats.....Good God Almighty.

Now your lying party of hatred is spreading Natzi propaganda to sup port your cray BS...accusing all Trump supporters of supporting Nazis, white supremacists......

Take a look at yourself, your party, your life....hate nothing but hate.



PkrBum wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:Y'all are dazed & confused.  

And you can't examine your convictions... even tho they are a dnc construct.

You Sir, are clueless about my convictions.   I think for myself.   You should try it sometime.

Ok... do you support violent demonstration... or do you condemn groups that practice it.

This is pretty simple for a person that thinks for themself.

Another "pretty simple" thing is using question marks when you ask questions.  It's also "pretty simple" to use agents provocateurs to disrupt an otherwise peaceful demonstration.

The groups that you make excuses for don't make any pretence as to their violent methods.

There's a disconnect... and it's not provocateurs.

You have no way of knowing who and what caused violent actions at peaceful protests. What you can know is that the white supremacists were "in your face" violent and trying to provoke violence in kind, because that's the only way they can gain any kind of legitimacy...and that a young woman was killed and many more injured as a result.



Floridatexan wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
panhandler wrote:Y'all are dazed & confused.  

And you can't examine your convictions... even tho they are a dnc construct.

You Sir, are clueless about my convictions.   I think for myself.   You should try it sometime.

Ok... do you support violent demonstration... or do you condemn groups that practice it.

This is pretty simple for a person that thinks for themself.

Another "pretty simple" thing is using question marks when you ask questions.  It's also "pretty simple" to use agents provocateurs to disrupt an otherwise peaceful demonstration.

The groups that you make excuses for don't make any pretence as to their violent methods.

There's a disconnect... and it's not provocateurs.

You have no way of knowing who and what caused violent actions at peaceful protests.  What you can know is that the white supremacists were "in your face" violent and trying to provoke violence in kind, because that's the only way they can gain any kind of legitimacy...and that a young woman was killed and many more injured as a result.  

There is certainly a "way of knowing"... open your eyes and your mind.

Last weekend in Berkeley, California, a group of neo-communist antifa — “anti-fascist” — thugs attacked peaceful protesters at a “No to Marxism in America” rally, wielding sticks and pepper spray, and beating people with homemade shields that read (I kid you not) “No Hate.”

The Washington Post reports how one peaceful protester “was attacked by five black-clad antifa members, each windmilling kicks and punches into a man desperately trying to protect himself.” Members of the Berkeley College Republicans were then stalked by antifa goons who followed them to a gas station and demanded they “get the (expletive) out” of their car, warning, “We are real hungry for supremacists and there is more of us.”

The organizer of the anti-Marxism protest is not a white supremacist. Amber Cummings is a self-described “transsexual female who embraces diversity” and had announced on Facebook that “any racist groups like the KKK (and) Neo Nazis … are not welcome.” The protest was needed, Cummings said, because “Berkeley is a ground zero for the Marxist Movement.”

As if to prove Cummings’ point, the antifa movement responded with jackboots and clubs — because their definition of “fascist” includes not just neo-Nazis but also anyone who opposes their totalitarian worldview.

Deus X

Deus X

PkrBoy, JoaniPhonie and ALTLEFTCRIMINALS at a reception in their honor.

That's Joani in the fur collar, PkrBoy pointing and the out-of-focus doofus is ALTLEFT...         but you knew that.

Democrats support Antifa which is nazi like in their behavior  7sTiitx


When a group states that its purpose is to kick the snot out of white supremacists, and loads of conservatives get terrified and say "those people beating up white supremacists are real bad guys and the only ones whose violence we're concerned with," what that really is is the best confession ever.  You really don't know how many of your cards you're showing, do ya?

And the efforts to lump Black Lives Matter -- which is officially a peaceful movement -- in with Antifa just takes a highlighter to it. Your fear of BLM is very telling -- even black people saying "please stop murdering us" seems a threat to your way of life.

The real truth is, ya'll want all protesters labeled as "dangerous" because you're desperate to crack down on any resistance to you.  Your motivation is transparent.  You're stupid, mean-spirited people who elected a garbage president,  you secretly realize you fucked up, and the fact that a whole lot of the country knows it, recognizes your nasty motivations, and really, really doesn't like you terrifies you.  You don't want people to see it.  You don't like looking at the size of the crowds that show up who think you're shitty people and not "good Americans."  You're upset that you're not approved of universally.

Too bad.  For years we put up with TEA Partiers and jerks who carried automatic rifles into Target stores and Chilis restaurants and we shrugged that off.  Now it's your turn to face some opposition, and, surprise, you're whining about it.   Especially since our crowds are a hell of a lot bigger than you ever managed.  You didn't "get your country back" (whatever that means) after all. And you're never going to.  You're not going to be able to enforce conformity or squash resistance.  You're never going to have everyone approve of you.  And a lot of people -- oh, god, so MANY people -- are going to keep knowing you really, really suck at being a human being.

I've never said every conservative or Trump supporter was a racist.  I've stated the exact opposite.  But since that accusation keeps getting made here anyway, over and over again, it's obvious I get no credit for giving benefit of the doubt.   So I'm 'bout five seconds away from one big hell-with-it and claiming that all the ones on this site damn well might be.  If I'm gonna be accused of it anyway, I have nothing to lose by no longer granting slack.  It's looking like I was giving too much credit for this particular corner, anyway.  The only Trump supporter here who actually tries to rationally discuss things is Gatorfan, once in a while.  The rest just seem to be using this as a remedial-language-skills thing.  

Oh, and about that... if you truly have any pride in America at all, can you at least make an effort to properly use its language?  I'm not talking typos -- we all make those -- or being unreasonable about dashed-off messages, but some of you don't even understand that a question mark (this thingie --> ? ) goes at the end of sentences that ask a question, or that periods don't go in the middle of sentences that aren't finished.  You wouldn't make it through an ESL class with that, and you're screaming about closing borders because "they can't speak the language."   If you're going to get upset when people think you're stupid, start by not writing like an imbecile.  Please.  I don't even have to look at the names anymore to tell who on this board is conservative or liberal.  If it's got good grammar usage, it's a liberal, and if it writes things like "which is nazi like in their" or "College brats to distaught to attend schoolso they sit in the strees crying" it's a conservative.  And it's getting really hard to be generous with you anymore.  You guys holler to high heaven when people who don't work hard ask for things they didn't earn, and, I'm sorry, but that ethic works for intelligence, too.  No more credit for smarts should be flowed to people who don't work at their writing.  It's all we have on this board, so take a little pride in it.



Blah blah attack blah blah attack. How many times have I forgotten a question mark?

You only attack the person because you can't defend the truth. MLK would spit in your face.

Last weekend in Berkeley, California, a group of neo-communist antifa — “anti-fascist” — thugs attacked peaceful protesters at a “No to Marxism in America” rally, wielding sticks and pepper spray, and beating people with homemade shields that read (I kid you not) “No Hate.”

The Washington Post reports how one peaceful protester “was attacked by five black-clad antifa members, each windmilling kicks and punches into a man desperately trying to protect himself.” Members of the Berkeley College Republicans were then stalked by antifa goons who followed them to a gas station and demanded they “get the (expletive) out” of their car, warning, “We are real hungry for supremacists and there is more of us.”

The organizer of the anti-Marxism protest is not a white supremacist. Amber Cummings is a self-described “transsexual female who embraces diversity” and had announced on Facebook that “any racist groups like the KKK (and) Neo Nazis … are not welcome.” The protest was needed, Cummings said, because “Berkeley is a ground zero for the Marxist Movement.”

As if to prove Cummings’ point, the antifa movement responded with jackboots and clubs — because their definition of “fascist” includes not just neo-Nazis but also anyone who opposes their totalitarian worldview.


zsomething wrote:The only Trump supporter here who actually tries to rationally discuss things is Gatorfan, once in a while.  .

Actually I'm not a Trump supporter, didn't even vote for him. What I do support is basing commentary on facts, something a few folks on here have great difficulty understanding.

Another problem here is broad-brushing an entire group because of the actions of a few.

This is a casual forum so a reasonable person can expect laxity in comment presentation. Misspelled words or failure to insert a comma or question mark is not indicative of stupidity. I make my share of grammatical errors on here but then I'm usually in a hurry to throw a comment up and get on with doing something else.



gatorfan wrote:
zsomething wrote:The only Trump supporter here who actually tries to rationally discuss things is Gatorfan, once in a while.  .

Actually I'm not a Trump supporter, didn't even vote for him. What I do support is basing commentary on facts, something a few folks on here have great difficulty understanding.

Another problem here is broad-brushing an entire group because of the actions of a few.

This is a casual forum so a reasonable person can expect laxity in comment presentation. Misspelled words or failure to insert a comma or question mark is not indicative of stupidity. I make my share of grammatical errors on here but then I'm usually in a hurry to throw a comment up and get on with doing something else.

Gosh darn unlike your beraters have a life. They have all day and night to knit pick posts made by the people they do not like.... Razz


gatorfan wrote:
Actually I'm not a Trump supporter, didn't even vote for him. What I do support is basing commentary on facts, something a few folks on here have great difficulty understanding.

Yep.  You're kinda the lone ranger for your side to even try using facts.  Mostly there's just hysteria and crazy accusations.  "The people who fought the Nazis are the real Nazis!"  I mean, sheesh.

Another problem here is broad-brushing an entire group because of the actions of a few.

Which is why I've repeatedly said I don't think all Trump supporters (or conservatives, at least, in your case) are racist.  And yet I keep hearing the same arguments that, supposedly, we're all saying that they are.   After a while ya just give up and figure out you're only going to get punished for trying to give credit, so why make the effort?  If they use a broad brush I'm fully capable to taking it away and using it back on 'em.

This is a casual forum so a reasonable person can expect laxity in comment presentation. Misspelled words or failure to insert a comma or question mark is not indicative of stupidity. I make my share of grammatical errors on here but then I'm usually in a hurry to throw a comment up and get on with doing something else.

Understood, and I said as much.  I'm sure people can find glitches I've made, too, without a lot of trouble.  It's just a little forum and I'm not expecting Shakespeare.   But some people are barely managing to pass for English, and it gets frustrating.  PkrBoy (back before he passed away from the paint chips and fireworks and generally being crushed under the weight of his own uselessness) used to drive me nuts with his wackass prose, even when I was still trying to like the guy.  It's like the boy's grammar teacher ran over his dog and he had to block out the memory to make the nightmares go away.  And Joanie reads like texts from somebody having an aneurysm.  I'm not gonna put you on the spot and ask you to agree, but really, read her.  It's like an episode of Drunk History.   And the guy whose name changes from week to week can't even handle subject-verb agreement, even though he only tends to write trolling fragments.  People do have to try to read these things, so basic courtesy toward 'em isn't that much to ask.  I'm not asking any effort out of 'em that I don't make myself.  I think it's fair.



Big deal Z . I couldn't care less. On my phone, I dictate and it's hard to see and prevent auto correct, especially when I have other activities going on...

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