Texas can no longer complain that it gives more than it gets from federal government
One frequently cited validation for that go-it-alone attitude is that Texans get a bad deal by paying more in federal taxes than they receive in federal spending. For decades, that was true: Texas received 90 cents or less for every dollar its residents and businesses sent to Washington.
But that’s no longer the case. Thanks to demographic shifts, a surge in military spending and other factors, Texas has crossed the break-even line. In six of the past eight years, including the entire tenure of President Barack Obama, Texans got more out of the federal Treasury than they put in.
Republican state officials and candidates have recently shifted their attention to arguments about the size of government rather than bang for the state’s buck. Ted Cruz, the GOP nominee for Senate, rarely mentions the disparity issue — one that the senator he’ll likely replace, Kay Bailey Hutchison, frequently tried to fight.
And the situation is not likely to flip back soon: With an exploding population of younger, more urban and increasingly poor residents — and a state government making cuts to its already minimal spending — more Texans will rely on the federal government for basic services in the years to come.