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Smartest Man in the Room Can’t Remember the National Debt as he yucks it up on David Letterman

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Smartest Man in the Room Can’t Remember the National Debt

Posted by Jammie on Sep 19, 2012 at 1:23 pm

Maybe if he didn’t spend so much time fundraising, playing golf, watching football and appearing with butt-kissing rumpswabs like David Letterman he’d know what the number is.

In his interview with David Letterman last night, President Obama admitted that he didn’t know the amount of the national debt.

“Now, do you remember what that number was? Was it $10 trillion?” asked Letterman.

“I don’t remember what the number was precisely,” responded Obama.

The national debt, of course, was $10 million when President Obama took office, but is now currently at 16 trillion and counting.

“If this is me, I got the credit card guy calling me every day, I start to get scared,” Letterman responded. “As Americans should we be scared that we owe that kind of money? Who do we owe that money to?”

“Well a lot of it we owe to ourselves,” Obama explained. “Because if you invest in a treasury bill or something like that, essentially you’re loaning the government money.”

Absolutely clueless.



Markle wrote:Smartest Man in the Room Can’t Remember the National Debt

Posted by Jammie on Sep 19, 2012 at 1:23 pm

Maybe if he didn’t spend so much time fundraising, playing golf, watching football and appearing with butt-kissing rumpswabs like David Letterman he’d know what the number is.

In his interview with David Letterman last night, President Obama admitted that he didn’t know the amount of the national debt.

“Now, do you remember what that number was? Was it $10 trillion?” asked Letterman.

“I don’t remember what the number was precisely,” responded Obama.

The national debt, of course, was $10 million when President Obama took office, but is now currently at 16 trillion and counting.

“If this is me, I got the credit card guy calling me every day, I start to get scared,” Letterman responded. “As Americans should we be scared that we owe that kind of money? Who do we owe that money to?”

“Well a lot of it we owe to ourselves,” Obama explained. “Because if you invest in a treasury bill or something like that, essentially you’re loaning the government money.”

Absolutely clueless.

An empty chair, empty suited imbecile.



he knows exactly what the debt is... he just didn't want to say it. i don't know why... it doesn't matter what he says to his voters.



i haven't seen a thread... but obama said something last week that got covered by nobody i guess. he was being questions by a latin-american group and they asked why he hadn't made immigration reforms like he had promised to do in his first year. well... he hymned and hawed for awhile with half assed excuses and then said... while i promised immigration reform... i didn't promise to keep all of my promises. lol... maybe (i hope) i heard it wrong.



Obama's going to go down as one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived for changing healthcare in this country.



PkrBum wrote:i haven't seen a thread... but obama said something last week that got covered by nobody i guess. he was being questions by a latin-american group and they asked why he hadn't made immigration reforms like he had promised to do in his first year. well... he hymned and hawed for awhile with half assed excuses and then said... while i promised immigration reform... i didn't promise to keep all of my promises. lol... maybe (i hope) i heard it wrong.

I heard it too pkr, I think you were correct in what he said.



knothead wrote:
PkrBum wrote:i haven't seen a thread... but obama said something last week that got covered by nobody i guess. he was being questions by a latin-american group and they asked why he hadn't made immigration reforms like he had promised to do in his first year. well... he hymned and hawed for awhile with half assed excuses and then said... while i promised immigration reform... i didn't promise to keep all of my promises. lol... maybe (i hope) i heard it wrong.

I heard it too pkr, I think you were correct in what he said.

thanks... i was hoping i was wrong... sigh...



Dreamsglore wrote:Obama's going to go down as one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived for changing healthcare in this country.

He's going down as the worst that we ever had aside from Carter. HIs healthcare plan will bankrupt this nation and make the depression of the 30's look like child's play.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:Obama's going to go down as one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived for changing healthcare in this country.

He's going down as the worst that we ever had aside from Carter. HIs healthcare plan will bankrupt this nation and make the depression of the 30's look like child's play.

So say you and all your ilk but ya'll are never right anyway-ever!



Dreamsglore wrote:
PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:Obama's going to go down as one of the greatest Presidents who ever lived for changing healthcare in this country.

He's going down as the worst that we ever had aside from Carter. HIs healthcare plan will bankrupt this nation and make the depression of the 30's look like child's play.

So say you and all your ilk but ya'll are never right anyway-ever!

Keep dreaming fool. Your BOY will be unemployed IN January. The sad thing is that he's quite young to be retiring from public office and will probably milk the taxpayers for another 30 years or so.



When Obama wins in a landslide I hope you won't carry on too long about how terrible four more years of Obama will be. LOL

You really should try to look at some unbiased reports about how the campaigns are going. You are in for a big disappointment. Nothing like a reality check to sober one up.

Even the Republicans don't like Romney. He is just one big shapeshifting mess and they all know it. You can't tell what he stands for because he doesn't know him self. Can't wait for the first debate.



othershoe1030 wrote:When Obama wins in a landslide I hope you won't carry on too long about how terrible four more years of Obama will be. LOL

You really should try to look at some unbiased reports about how the campaigns are going. You are in for a big disappointment. Nothing like a reality check to sober one up.

Even the Republicans don't like Romney. He is just one big shapeshifting mess and they all know it. You can't tell what he stands for because he doesn't know him self. Can't wait for the first debate.

There are no unbiased polls unfortunately as the MSM is controlled by liberals hell bent on getting the Communist elected. Four more years of Obama will guarantee a civil war and a permanent socialist state in America(reason for civil war).



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:When Obama wins in a landslide I hope you won't carry on too long about how terrible four more years of Obama will be. LOL

You really should try to look at some unbiased reports about how the campaigns are going. You are in for a big disappointment. Nothing like a reality check to sober one up.

Even the Republicans don't like Romney. He is just one big shapeshifting mess and they all know it. You can't tell what he stands for because he doesn't know him self. Can't wait for the first debate.

There are no unbiased polls unfortunately as the MSM is controlled by liberals hell bent on getting the Communist elected. Four more years of Obama will guarantee a civil war and a permanent socialist state in America(reason for civil war).


Can I channel Ann Romney here?

Dog, STOP IT and I mean STOP IT. Can you not recognize that we live in a democracy and if your guy does not win be a big enough person to say Obama is OUR President . . . . MY President. Seaoat has said multiple times that if Romney wins then so be it . . . he will be OUR President. Calling the President names like Communist and that Socialist bullshit makes you look very very small. Demeaning trash talk only makes YOU look like a turd when you may really be a rose.



If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, smells like a duck, then it is a duck. The fact that most people don't refer to Obama as their President should be fair enough warning to the rest of the Obama supporters. People are fed up with his game. Nobody wants what he wants for America. We don't want socialism, marxism, communism, to live collectively as he likes to say, or even redistribution. The Pilgrims were not about any of these things. Neither were the Puritans. Of course, maybe that because those were Christians and we have an abundance of non-Christians living in this nation now that squeal like a pig when they don't get their way and run to the ACLU every chance they get, well that is the problem. Freedom of religion is not freedom FROM religion. Obama is not a leader that eschews democracy or the values that built our DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (not democracy). GO ROMNEY GO!!!



KarlRove wrote:If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, smells like a duck, then it is a duck. The fact that most people don't refer to Obama as their President should be fair enough warning to the rest of the Obama supporters. People are fed up with his game. Nobody wants what he wants for America. We don't want socialism, marxism, communism, to live collectively as he likes to say, or even redistribution. The Pilgrims were not about any of these things. Neither were the Puritans. Of course, maybe that because those were Christians and we have an abundance of non-Christians living in this nation now that squeal like a pig when they don't get their way and run to the ACLU every chance they get, well that is the problem. Freedom of religion is not freedom FROM religion. Obama is not a leader that eschews democracy or the values that built our DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (not democracy). GO ROMNEY GO!!!
Well, you did get one thing right. LOL



KarlRove wrote:If it walks like a duck, talks like a duck, smells like a duck, then it is a duck. The fact that most people don't refer to Obama as their President should be fair enough warning to the rest of the Obama supporters. People are fed up with his game. Nobody wants what he wants for America. We don't want socialism, marxism, communism, to live collectively as he likes to say, or even redistribution. The Pilgrims were not about any of these things. Neither were the Puritans. Of course, maybe that because those were Christians and we have an abundance of non-Christians living in this nation now that squeal like a pig when they don't get their way and run to the ACLU every chance they get, well that is the problem. Freedom of religion is not freedom FROM religion. Obama is not a leader that eschews democracy or the values that built our DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (not democracy). GO ROMNEY GO!!!



Your comment was quite rambling but I get what you are saying (I think).

"Nobody wants what he wants for the country." Well would you agree that this is what our elections are for, will it not make a statement of the country's desires? You brought religion into the narrative but Obama is a Christian and Romney is a Mormon and yes we have freedom of religion and in some cases and circumstances freedom from religion as well. I disagree with your assertion that the President is not a leader and does eschew(s) democratic values and has done quite well for our democratic republic.



I wonder why pacedog decided to go karlrove on us again?



Lurch wrote:I wonder why pacedog decided to go karlrove on us again?

Good question lurch . . . . . it'll be Grover Norquist next!



Lurch wrote:I wonder why pacedog decided to go karlrove on us again?

Seen this? Too funny! I can never see Rove without this popping into my mind. Ham head.

Smartest Man in the Room Can’t Remember the National Debt as he yucks it up on David Letterman S-step10



Lurch wrote:I wonder why pacedog decided to go karlrove on us again?

He likes to assume split personalities and post on the same thread as two different posters (PaceDog and Karl Rove). He did this daily over at the PNJ, where he was SRCTEACHER and Catssock. I don't know why he can't just be one person like most everybody else. He doesn't fool anybody with his socks.



I have enough trouble keeping up with what I post much less trying to follow two of me! LOL!



I don't care who gets elected, period.

I care about my family and their future. I'll make money on either side. It's about family.

You folks argue about elections, I prepare my investments for any out-come.

Good Luck on your 401ks as investing overseas is a no-no, ask OBAMA.

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