Pensacola Discussion Forum
Bob wrote:I'll give you ten to one odds and bet you that merkel did not vote for Henry Ross Perot. I guarantee you merkel voted for the republican. lol
Bob wrote:All things considered, markel is a very nice person, I agree.
And that's even though he keeps spewing such utter bullshit as me being "a progressive who believes everything that comes out of barrack hussein obama's mouth" only because I don't worship a bunch of right-wing disk jockeys. lol
Bob wrote:It's not rocket science. When Asia came online with unlimited 50 cent/hour labor, that was the beginning of the decline of American economic power.
Was it helped along by democrat and republican politicians who were in bed with the corporations which wanted to take advantage of the 50 cent/hour labor? Yes of course it was.
But regardless of that, it was inevitable that $25/hour American labor could not continue to compete with unlimited 50 cents/hour foreign labor. It wasn't just the corporate fat cats who wanted it. It was also American consumers who wanted much cheaper goods than could be produced with American labor.
It was all exemplified by the big sign inside the front of every Walmart.
In the beginning it said "we buy USA products". Eventually all those signs were taken down. Walton knew that Americans wanted cheaper products regardless of where they're made.
Floridatexan wrote:Bob wrote:It's not rocket science. When Asia came online with unlimited 50 cent/hour labor, that was the beginning of the decline of American economic power.
Was it helped along by democrat and republican politicians who were in bed with the corporations which wanted to take advantage of the 50 cent/hour labor? Yes of course it was.
But regardless of that, it was inevitable that $25/hour American labor could not continue to compete with unlimited 50 cents/hour foreign labor. It wasn't just the corporate fat cats who wanted it. It was also American consumers who wanted much cheaper goods than could be produced with American labor.
It was all exemplified by the big sign inside the front of every Walmart.
In the beginning it said "we buy USA products". Eventually all those signs were taken down. Walton knew that Americans wanted cheaper products regardless of where they're made.
Sam Walton was actually trying to fill a niche market for availability of goods in rural areas. He accomplished this by setting up regional distribution centers and negotiating price on volume purchases...all good business decisions. I'm sorry his children lost that vision he had for promoting products made in the USA. I rarely shop at WalMart and always look for products made at home. This doesn't mean I won't buy something foreign, but I won't promote what amounts to slave labor in other countries.
2seaoat wrote:Sorry to bust your hero Perot........all he did was get Bill Clinton elected and all the things he claims he was against you need a road map.
2seaoat wrote:Make that sucking sound seaoat, you do it so well.. for some fun. What would you and Perot do with Nafta and Gatt?
Bob wrote:See, since we aren't in love with republicans and sean patrick hannity and rush hudson Limbaugh, markle says that makes us all progressives, liberals, muslims and commies. Merkle even says we "believe every word that comes out of barrack hussein obama's mouth" since we aren't in love with sean patrick hannity and rush hudson limbaugh and george walker bush and and richard bruce cheney.
BUT, as we can see from this thread, all three of us, Chrissy and Teo and me, have this one thing in common. We all voted for Henry Ross Perot.
Merkel will now say this really makes us progressives, liberals, democrats, muslims and commies. lol
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