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Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow

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26Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow 10/29/2015, 2:41 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Let's put it this way.  Up until today the worst thing I'd ever heard on radio,  was "Reverend Roosevelt Franklin" out of Macon, GA. He used to come on WLAC Nashville for years.
Roosevelt made Jimmy Swaggart and Oral Roberts actually look like real christians in comparison.  The most loathsome thing to ever come over the airwaves.
Until today.

27Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow 10/29/2015, 4:31 pm



Salinsky wrote:
2seaoat wrote:It has gotten so boring.  The format sucks.  I would rather have four people given four questions over two hours and have a substantive discussion on problems facing the nation.   I am bored after getting by the clown bus.....but this format does nothing for America.

The format is not the problem.

It's the lack of substance.

Maybe have the ambush tactic reporters ask questions of substance to start...hmmmmm just like Cruz pointed out

28Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow 10/29/2015, 4:32 pm



Salinsky wrote:
PkrBum wrote:
Salinsky wrote:It's not the format of the debate that's the problem.

It's the quality of the candidates.

^ pure partisan bias. Unable anymore to recognize when a game is not fair. Yea Team..!!

You better hope that the tide never turns back again... like it usually does.

Give me a break.

There were three forms of responses from your candidates last night.

1) Ignore the question and regurgitate an unrelated horseshit talking point.

2) Whine about the media.

3) Bald-faced lie.

You don't need to worry about the debate format when that's all you've got.

You've been warned for years that the GOP was careening off the rails.

Don't come crying to me now that you finally see the train wreck.

must be off your meds....the delusion is kicking back in...

29Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow 10/29/2015, 4:45 pm



The IDEA of the debates is to have the candidates answer the tough questions. We are, after all, electing a President.

30Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow 10/29/2015, 5:11 pm



Floridatexan wrote:
The IDEA of the debates is to have the candidates answer the tough questions. We are, after all, electing a President.

'Donald Trump, are you a comic book villain?’

‘Ben Carson, can you do math?’

John Kasich, will you insult two people over here?’

‘Marco Rubio, why don’t you resign?’

‘Jeb Bush, why have your numbers fallen?’

How about talking about the substantive issues?”

He added, “Contrast that with the Democratic debate, where every thought and question from the media was, ‘Which of you is more handsome and why?’”

Cruz’s criticism was echoed by Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), who expressed his displeasure by saying “Democrats have the ultimate super PAC. It’s called the mainstream media.” Donald Trump weighed in, too, accusing CNBC of being “unfair” and asking questions he described at one point as “nasty.”

31Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow 10/29/2015, 6:59 pm


For the record.....that is the biggest collection of wussies counting the kids table debate. Christy and Kasich are the only tough sobs on that stage.....the rest of the candidates are whining prima donnas. It is a joke. Whining about tough questions. What an opportunity to jam the moderator, but instead with the exception of a little bit of Trump and Cruz, they just changed the subject and wimped along......Rubio will never make it in the general election.....he will be butchered, but he is going to be ahead of Christy and Kasich.....what a train crash.

32Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow 10/29/2015, 7:44 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

It's like the Supreme horse race.  Like some kind of demented Kentucky Derby of politics. 
But it's a weird horse race.  The horses are still a year from the finish line.
Gotta give em some points just for endurance.  Most of em are either so old or so out of shape,  it's a miracle there already hasn't been a heart attack.
But even if there already was one,  and it was a small one,  we'd never know about it because they'd do anything possible to cover that up.  Because they know a heart attack would probably mean 10 or 15 pts. in the polls.

33Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow - Page 2 Empty Re: Oh Yeah, Another GOP Freakshow 10/29/2015, 7:56 pm

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I don't know about ya'll, but Trump has always struck me as somebody who probably has a taste for booze. 

But turns out I was wrong.
Trump was on Morning Joe this week,  and Scarborough or somebody on the cast asked him "what is the lowest point in your life?"
Trump immediately responded "when my brother (Fred) died". And then very calmly began to relate that his older brother Fred was his mentor and confidant and his teacher.
And during all that,  Trump got really personal and revealed that it was only because of his brother that he isn't now a homeless drunk.  That he has an alcoholic personality and hasn't had a drink since his brother died 20 years ago as a tribute to him.

What I like about that is it didn't involve AA and all that christian stuff.
It was because of something much more personal than any of that nonsense.
But of course I may not be the typical Trump voter.  Although Sal would take exception to that.  lol

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