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Yeah I am smart.

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1Yeah I am smart. Empty Yeah I am smart. 9/14/2012, 3:58 pm



Results of a study recently conducted at the University of Amsterdam
show that those who are sexually aroused performed better in critical
thinking tests than those who did not – that sex essentially makes you
The biological benefits of sexual activity are chronicled in detail,
with stress reduction and the release of happiness-inducing hormones
high on the list of pros.

I know a lot of the posters here are self educated...

2Yeah I am smart. Empty Re: Yeah I am smart. 9/14/2012, 4:30 pm




Results of a study recently conducted at the University of Amsterdam
show that those who are sexually aroused performed better in critical
thinking tests than those who did not – that sex essentially makes you
The biological benefits of sexual activity are chronicled in detail,
with stress reduction and the release of happiness-inducing hormones
high on the list of pros.

I know a lot of the posters here are self educated...

This obviously proves something. Wink

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