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Yeah Seabass, there's no war in the Ukraine....

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Moscow (AFP) - When Russian paratrooper Nikolai Kozlov was deployed to Crimea to help Moscow take over the peninsula from Ukraine, his parents were proud of him

Six months later Kozlov is disabled for life, an amputee now recovering in hospital from wounds incurred on a Kremlin-orchestrated covert mission to Ukraine to prop up separatists fighting against Kiev.

"Seva called yesterday and said that Kolka had been wounded in Ukraine, and had lost a leg, or both legs -- I didn't ask," Kozlov said, referring to his brother and nephew by their nicknames.

Kozlov's written comments to AFP are part of an emerging trickle of first-hand accounts which -- along with secret burials -- are providing grim evidence of Russia's intervention in Ukraine amid a virtual blackout imposed by state television.

The Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, the main rights group representing the military, has said up to 15,000 soldiers could have been sent into Ukraine over the past two months.

An adviser to Ukraine's defence minister, Oleksandr Danylyuk, said on Facebook this week 2,000 Russian troops had been killed in Ukraine.

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