2SO has never worn a uniform other than possibly a Mcdonalds shirt yet considers himself an expert on all things military. Check
Yep, and Civilians are the commander and chief of our military, and we have a say which infuriates the kids who had no grades to get into college, nor opportunity as the military becomes the life preserver for the vast majority of those who are employed by the government. Some of us found our way without a government check, and in fact did graduate studies and have written published papers on international relations......lets see the kid with the C average in high school, who had no options, and now becomes an expert by osmosis on Korea.....Hilarious, and I did not even have to wait 24 hours to have my predictions of the real threats that North Korea represents to materialize. Play with the big boyz when you can do the same in real time, and I am sorry that your GED does not impress me as to your opinions which have been consistently wrong on these forum pages and easily exposed. Iran is a lesser threat to American interests than North Korea, and take all week to prove me wrong, and then explain why a foreign leader can change our national priorities? If this is too difficult you can have Pace help....he is taking graduate courses.