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The prosecutor at Ferguson knew witness 40, his best witness for Wilson's defense, was lying.

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To pretend that this grand jury proceeding was conducted in anything close to proper fashion demonstrates a stunning disconnect with reality.



Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:Her statement is as unjust as the witnesses that said Brown had his hands up,

The MAJORITY of the eyewitnesses, by a sizable margin, said he had his hands up.

NOT when they were under oath. Even his "friend" recanted when the autopsies proved Brown was NOT attempting to surrender.



Markle wrote:
Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:Her statement is as unjust as the witnesses that said Brown had his hands up,

The MAJORITY of the eyewitnesses, by a sizable margin, said he had his hands up.

NOT when they were under oath.  Even his "friend" recainted when the autopsies proved Brown was NOT attempting to surrender.




Stories were changed, after the autopsy.






Markle wrote:
Sal wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:Her statement is as unjust as the witnesses that said Brown had his hands up,

The MAJORITY of the eyewitnesses, by a sizable margin, said he had his hands up.

NOT when they were under oath.  Even his "friend" recanted when the autopsies proved Brown was NOT attempting to surrender.

What part of the prosecutor has admitted that he allowed a witness he knew was lying to testify...thus suborning hard for you to grasp?



You simply don't understand the testimony and evidence, Joanie.

Some of the witnesses thought Brown was hit in the back as he ran away.

Very understandable, as the testimony is consistent that Wilson was firing on him as he ran away.

But, there is a consensus that Brown was facing Wilson when the kill shots were fired.

And, the majority of eyewitnesses claim Brown's hands were raised.

You are defending a cold-blooded murderer.



Sal wrote:You simply don't understand the testimony and evidence, Joanie.

Some of the witnesses thought Brown was hit in the back as he ran away.

Very understandable, as the testimony is consistent that Wilson was firing on him as he ran away.

But, there is a consensus that Brown was facing Wilson when the kill shots were fired.

And, the majority of eyewitnesses claim Brown's hands were raised.

You are defending a cold-blooded murderer.

And you are defending a fleeing felon.



Wordslinger wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
What does the fact that the prosecutor allowed a witness to testify that he knew was lying have to do with "the goals of progressives".  You're really a sad little troll, aren't you, Markle?  

The prosecutor at Ferguson knew witness 40, his best witness for Wilson's defense, was lying. - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS1u0nO-KWA08Aq2RMXpXjLPD_3GJO2CQ69j02OUqgD1_uO0Nqp

Seems to me that quite a few witnesses perjured themselves when testifying. It was the job of the grand jury to determine falsehood and whether an indictment was necessary. They found that there was no need for an indictment.

Yet progressives like Wordslinger, Seaoat, Sal, Boards, and yourself, can't let it go. This in turn has lead to people like yourself screaming for blood and violence... or condoning those screams with your silence. Which is exactly what you got in the recent assassinations of two policemen in New York City.

The deaths of the two policemen who had nothing to do with the Brown or Garner incidents are on your heads.



My thoughts and prayers are with the two officers and families who died for no reason other than you relentless need to seek scapegoats and moral justification for your progressive beliefs.

I can only speak for myself as a Progressive here, but thank you for according me and the others in this forum with the responsibility of the execution of the two NY cops.  I never really understood the powers we evidently have.

You're welcome.

Damaged Eagle wrote:And by the way, the thousands upon thousands of NY protestors who have flooded the streets of New York city the past few weeks, were made up of old people, young people, blacks and whites and browns.  And I'd bet that not one of them ever read this forum's discussions.

Many of whom are screaming for dead cops.

Damaged Eagle wrote:It's interesting how you express such sorrow over the murder of these two cops, but have never expressed any concern whatever for the unarmed,  blacks whose unnecessary deaths at the hands of violent cops were no less a murder.

My condolences are for the two assassinated police officers and the families of Brown and Garner...

As for Brown and Garner they were resisting arrest. The grand jury has made it's call and declared no indictment. So your continued libel about the incidents is uncalled for and will only bring on more people screaming for dead cops and actually carrying out the act. So I suggest you stop.

The prosecutor at Ferguson knew witness 40, his best witness for Wilson's defense, was lying. - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS5BSt4meHy0ReUKgN9eqGPAF5eJk0muxBb39v1ZdW7GQlwMWHp



Last edited by Damaged Eagle on 12/23/2014, 11:32 am; edited 3 times in total



nadalfan wrote:
Damaged Eagle wrote:
Floridatexan wrote:
What does the fact that the prosecutor allowed a witness to testify that he knew was lying have to do with "the goals of progressives".  You're really a sad little troll, aren't you, Markle?  

Seems to me that quite a few witnesses perjured themselves when testifying. It was the job of the grand jury to determine falsehood and whether an indictment was necessary. They found that there was no need for an indictment.

Yet progressives like Wordslinger, Seaoat, Sal, Boards, and yourself, can't let it go. This in turn has lead to people like yourself screaming for blood and violence... or condoning those screams with your silence. Which is exactly what you got in the recent assassinations of two policemen in New York City.

The deaths of the two policemen who had nothing to do with the Brown or Garner incidents are on your heads.



My thoughts and prayers are with the two officers and families who died for no reason other than you relentless need to seek scapegoats and moral justification for your progressive beliefs.

No reasonable person has been screaming for blood and violence; people have been seeking justice.  I would assume that is something everyone can get behind.  The guy was a criminal with mental health issues, and although the murder of these two cops is  brutal and  senseless, it does not negate the need for reform in our police departments and justice system.

The prosecutor at Ferguson knew witness 40, his best witness for Wilson's defense, was lying. - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQkqdcXUgV0ymmhZ9Cx5KGhLvd50sfYIObjaO4CfGF4outqXnBpsA

Looks like there's a whole lot of them doing just that in New York City.





Sal wrote:To pretend that this grand jury proceeding was conducted in anything close to proper fashion demonstrates a stunning disconnect with reality.

The prosecutor at Ferguson knew witness 40, his best witness for Wilson's defense, was lying. - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSDCD-0wlma5Hb90x4W9wRt8NDeBF5UWjbzhaauTxToMdsqr3C7EQ

Oh! I see... So now not only the police but the whole justice system is in on it.





adjective: paranoid

1. Of, characterized by, or suffering from the mental condition of paranoia.
"paranoid schizophrenia"

•unreasonably or obsessively anxious, suspicious, or mistrustful.
"you think I'm paranoid but I tell you there is something going on"

synonyms: oversuspicious, paranoiac, suspicious, mistrustful, fearful, insecure
"all the layoffs in my department have made me paranoid"


Noun: paranoid; plural noun: paranoids

1. A person who is paranoid.


...Hey! I know this guy that you might want to call and talk to about your problem.



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