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Obamacare pushing doctors to commit suicide....

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 Daniela Drake, an internist in Los Angeles, wrote in the Daily Beast that being a doctor is now “the most miserable profession.”
“Just processing the insurance forms costs $58 for every patient encounter,” she wrote. “To make ends meet, physicians have had to increase the number of patients they see. The end result is that the average face-to-face clinic visit lasts about 12 minutes.”
The Affordable Care Act has made the situation worse by forcing everyone to have health insurance, according to Drake. Many doctors have closed their practices because of the sheer difficulty of dealing with insurance companies.
The Heritage Foundation has written about how Obamacare will increase doctors’ workloads, adding to the stress in their lives. In addition to the millions of new patients, ACA regulations will impose enormous new paperwork requirements. Heritage estimated Obamacare will add 190 million hours of paperwork to the health-care industry per year. The workload will greatly increase costs and decrease a physician’s time available to spend with patients.
The medical profession is challenging enough as it is. Doctors must work and study long hours in medical school, keep up on all the latest developments in medicine and, above all, never make mistakes. It’s a stressful job. But Obamacare, by flooding the system with millions of new patients, increasing tedious paperwork and regulations and incentivizing doctors to leave the profession, promises to increase the stress of the job even more, critics have noted.



Stupid article.



Horse Ca Ca . . . . . .



According to a Newsweek article April 19, 2008, "Doctors Who Kill Themselves," every year, between 300 and 400 doctors take their own lives—roughly one a day. No other profession has a higher suicide rate.



Unfortunately, things are only getting worse for most doctors, especially those who still accept health insurance. Just processing the insurance forms costs $58 for every patient encounter, according to Dr. Stephen Schimpff, an internist and former CEO of University of Maryland Medical Center who is writing a book about the crisis in primary care. To make ends meet, physicians have had to increase the number of patients they see. The end result is that the average face-to-face clinic visit lasts about 12 minutes.
Neither patients nor doctors are happy about that. What worries many doctors, however, is that the Affordable Care Act has codified this broken system into law. While forcing everyone to buy health insurance, ACA might have mandated a uniform or streamlined claims procedure that would have gone a long way to improving access to care. As Malcolm Gladwell noted, “You don’t train someone for all of those years in [medicine]… and then have them run a claims processing operation for insurance companies.”
To make ends meet, physicians have had to increase the number of patients they see. The end result is that the average face-to-face clinic visit lasts about 12 minutes.
In fact, difficulty dealing with insurers has caused many physicians to close their practices and become employees. But for patients, seeing an employed doctor doesn’t give them more time with the doctor—since employed physicians also have high patient loads. “A panel size of 2,000 to 2,500 patients is too many,” says Dr. Schimpff. That’s the number of patients primary care doctors typically are forced to carry—and that means seeing 24 or more patients a day, and often these patients have 10 or more medical problems. As any seasoned physician knows, this is do-able, but it’s certainly not optimal.



If I was a Gynecologist and either one of you two showed up in my office I'd probably "check-out"........



I said before we are seeing a decrease in health care staff and a huge increase in the buisness/ insurance staff.



It's been that way since the seventies... and progressively getting worse.

The best decision I ever made was getting out... but I wish I hadn't been forced to.



Obamacare pushing doctors to commit suicide.... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRw_7ln5ccJj8hyVg0XHMM6Y-9L2-qHHz17HbFsx5b61EYLNgyI

Of course there's going to be more paperwork and cash diverted into the insurance aspect of this at the clinics.

How do you expect Seaoats and Boards to make any money on their stock options?





A number of studies suggested that physicians have a higher rate of attempting and committing suicide. In general population, the overall prevalence of suicide is 1-2%; however, in physicians this rate can be as high as 2- 4%. But it should be remembered that the other 96 to 98% have a very healthy and productive lifestyle with overall better quality of life than general population.

The most significant determinants are: availability and access to highly lethal drugs in sufficient quantities; knowledge about the toxic or lethal dose that make more attempts successful.

Thread title more than deceiving . . .



Most common is overdose and firearms.



Joanimaroni wrote:Most common is overdose and firearms.

Where does the study list the PPACA as THE reason for pulling the trigger?



Obamacare pushing doctors to commit suicide.... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRHuu7aTNuZ4mz3wsRa8WsHVF2HIV9-qAq6Mls2AH_X_1mEC2t3Kg

Had a restaurant cook, who was having financial and woman difficulties, just walk right out on the tracks as a train was coming right after I left the service.





knothead wrote:
Joanimaroni wrote:Most common is overdose and firearms.

Where does the study list the PPACA as THE reason for pulling the trigger?

? Most common methods of physician suicide is overdose and frearms.


he truth is some people should not be doctors. There is an easy answer, quit and do something they enjoy. What a horrible thing helping more Americans who now have health care available.......the horror of the thing.



2seaoat wrote:he truth is some people should not be doctors.  There is an easy answer, quit and do something they enjoy.   What a horrible thing helping more Americans who now have health care available.......the horror of the thing.

The horror lies within the bureacrary of providing healthcare......


The horror lies within the bureacrary of providing healthcare......

Oh the horror of it.......Most doctors are paid well. In fact, a physician's average salary ($191,520) is higher than any salary of our Best Health Care Jobs.



2seaoat wrote:The horror lies within the bureacrary of providing healthcare......

Oh the horror of it.......Most doctors are paid well. In fact, a physician's average salary ($191,520) is higher than any salary of our Best Health Care Jobs.

It's not about the pay.


It's not about the pay

Then if a person is unhappy change jobs. There are 43K people lining up at medical schools each year to take that job.



2seaoat wrote:It's not about the pay

Then if a person is unhappy change jobs.  There are 43K people lining up at medical schools each year to take that job.

It's not about being unhappy providing patient care.



2seaoat wrote:It's not about the pay

Then if a person is unhappy change jobs.  There are 43K people lining up at medical schools each year to take that job.

Obamacare pushing doctors to commit suicide.... Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR4ODYh-nlQGlz5-5oJ6yCJdwD1IOChVt-RtG_uaRgUUCSdPGVG

Perhaps you can have another few thousand pages added to Obamacare demanding that physicians and other health care worker be evaluated for their mental health on a regular basis. Thereby adding a whole new department and evaluation process to the health care industry and creating thousands of more jobs. After all more is always better not?




knothead wrote:A number of studies suggested that physicians have a higher rate of attempting and committing suicide. In general population, the overall prevalence of suicide is 1-2%; however, in physicians this rate can be as high as 2- 4%. But it should be remembered that the other 96 to 98% have a very healthy and productive lifestyle with overall better quality of life than general population.

The most significant determinants are: availability and access to highly lethal drugs in sufficient quantities; knowledge about the toxic or lethal dose that make more attempts successful.

Thread title more than deceiving . . .

Yes, it's utter bullshit as usual.

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