QueenOfHearts wrote:boards of FL wrote:TEOTWAWKI wrote:In the proper understanding of the English language literally everything is general. But political is very limited. Is that a concept you have a problem with. Obviously it is.The boards of FL wrote:TEOTWAWKI wrote:Well there ha go you see. Those topics as political and I see them as a much gNder scheme even spiritual in nature. That places them in general in my estimation so we have a difference in perception which you use to ban me. Really what does it matter ? It gives you an opportunity to do your superior dance that deluded progressives love so much. i.e. See Salboards of FL wrote:Joanimaroni wrote:Sal wrote:Look what we have here.
Pkrbum, Joanie, Teo, nostress, Chrissy driving this "election" bullshit.
What do they all have in common?
Well, for one thing, they're regulars at that knitting circle called Everyday Pensacola.
They got what they wanted over there (a forum devoid of strong opposing voices and viewpoints), but that's not enough.
They want a change over here where they get their asses handed to them on a daily basis.
Boards is the administrator.
Sack up and learn to run with the big dogs or go back to your knitting circle, ya bunch of pantywaisted milksops.
Is it your desire to have just a democratic membership on this forum?
Everyday Pensacola is a forum that does not dwell nor turn every topic into a political issue. The requirement for civility is a problem for some.
You realize that this entire charade is at least in part due to the fact that I have tried to keep general discussion and politics separate, right?
You realize that I'm being labeled as exhibiting liberal bias because I temporarily banned the only person who struggles with that concept, right?
You realize that, if I were not moderating this forum, the general discussion page would be loaded with "9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOBS!!!!" and "CRAZY LIBERALS ARE COMING FOR YER GUNS!!!!", right?
I rest my case.
Words have meaning. You are the only one here who doesn't understand this. Don't you consider that odd? Is it really everyone else who doesn't understand the difference between "General Discussion" and "Politics"?
Why is Dreams' "Chrissy is calling me a cunt" threads posted in Politics?
Because that's where she was calling me that at.