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Average Annual Change in Mean Family Income, 1950-2010

boards of FL
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ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
othershoe1030 wrote:What?

What do you think poor people buy? Why do you think they're poor?

They buy lotto scratchers, beer, cigs, dope, and pay child support. That's all.

They don't buy new cars from a certified car dealer or TV's from best buy.

You must have been very poor growing up.You have an enormous disdain for poor people.

I was poor. Ever try to live on E-1 pay with a newborn? I did.

Ever say to yourself that you want a better life and the people that you hang out with won't help you get there? I did.

So if I have no respect for people who can't take advantage of the 100's of programs out there and make their own way, then yes, I hate the poor.

Hand up is one thing but making a career out of being lazy and stupid is another. Welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing should have a time limit. A year or two. Not a lifetime.

Ghandi, why don't you go look up the time limit for welfare before you stick your foot in your mouth?

Why don't you? I never needed to. Did you?

I already know but apparently you're not informed enough to know Clinton signed the "Wefare Reform Act" in 1995! !995, Ghandi! Guess what? You can only collect welfare for 5 years max lifetime. Two years at a time.

5 is more than the 1 or 2 that I suggested. You ain't very bright, are you?

No,you said they collected for a lifetime which is typical of your knowledge about most things. I realize you're not an informed or educated man no matter how much money you brag you have.You should at least try to make statements that are factual.

I'm forgetting who I'm talking to. Nevermind. You're right. 5 is more than the 1 or 2 that I suggested. You win. Will you leave me alone now?

"Hand up is one thing but making a career out of being lazy and stupid is another. Welfare, food stamps, and section 8 housing should have a time limit. A year or two. Not a lifetime.[/quote]" Ghandi

Sure-stop lying about facts and I'll leave you alone.Simple.LOL!



boards of FL wrote:Doh! It's too wide for the forum. Click here for the full image:


Click on "Edit" for your post with the graph.

Scroll down on the graph as far as you can go. Then click on the graph. Then "grab" the lowest, right little white square so it just shows a short diagonal line with an arrow at each end. Move that up and to the left an equal amount until the graphs left side is about an inch from the border. Then click "Send" Re-do as necessary.

Average Annual Change in Mean Family Income, 1950-2010 - Page 2 Pew_History_Middle_Class_Families_Income_History-1



Markle wrote:
boards of FL wrote:Doh! It's too wide for the forum. Click here for the full image:


Click on "Edit" for your post with the graph.

Scroll down on the graph as far as you can go. Then click on the graph. Then "grab" the lowest, right little white square so it just shows a short diagonal line with an arrow at each end. Move that up and to the left an equal amount until the graphs left side is about an inch from the border. Then click "Send" Re-do as necessary.

Average Annual Change in Mean Family Income, 1950-2010 - Page 2 Pew_History_Middle_Class_Families_Income_History-1

wow. look at that top 5% upswing and that was under clinton and a repub congress. looks like the top got rich and created some more middle class peeps.

I wonder what happened in 2000 to cause such a significant and quickly declining middle class income? I remember early on when the world trade center was bombed so many middle class people lost thier asses with thier retirment funds. I bet thats it.



the crash too.



PkrBum wrote:the crash too.


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