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Not since early 1950 has a presidential candidate not mentioned our nation's war at convention

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Bill Krystol has blasted Romney for a complete absence of discussion of our troops in Afghanastan. I never thought I would live to see a wimp representing Republicans and a foreign policy stud representing the Democrats. My world has been turned upside down. Maybe Mitt decided to go to France this fall rather than address the situation our troops are facing. Lies.....nothing but lies, and I do not care what your politics are......if you cannot see the lies and omissions......then they own you.



2seaoat wrote:Bill Krystol has blasted Romney for a complete absence of discussion of our troops in Afghanastan. I never thought I would live to see a wimp representing Republicans and a foreign policy stud representing the Democrats. My world has been turned upside down. Maybe Mitt decided to go to France this fall rather than address the situation our troops are facing. Lies.....nothing but lies, and I do not care what your politics are......if you cannot see the lies and omissions......then they own you.

Lakeview needs to take away your computer. If Obama was so tough on FP, then why did he just try to negotiate a deal to not support an Israeli strike on Iran if Iran does not hit our bases in the region? Hmmmmm. Got caught with your Depends down around your ankles again dude.


Did you really serve in the military? Are you really a teacher in SR schools? Did you really attend UWF and graduate?

I had a boss in the early 1970s who built a road through Iran which ran north and south from the gulf to the border of the Soviet Union. They ran supplies to Stalin which had more to do with the success of the Eastern front collapse in the German defeat than all the Russian claims. He said that it was the most mountainous region of the world that he had ever been, and that the northern regions of the country were almost impossible to cut basic roads.

Now you think we are having some problems with some tribal regional bands of Taliban in a tough mountainous environment, and you think we are going to fight a war in Iran like our national interests are threatened by some folks who are holding onto power in Iran by a shoelace, as growing dissent and anger is building. The only way they stay in power is to create a foreign threat. So like a dumbazz, you expect the President and the CIA to stop their covert efforts to overthrow the regime and start playing checkers instead of chess. The Israelis are knee deep in the covert activities in Iran and Syria, and they are smart enough to know that their best chance to find lasting peace in the mideast is to overthrow the fundamentalist who have occupied that country since the Shah. Stupid sells, but you must think the Israelis and the President are stupid.....they are not. Iran is a timebomb. The sanctions are having real impact on the average Iranian, and I can tell you that you are clueless about the average Iranian.

They are more westernized than Iraq. They had close relations with the west for forty years before the overthrow of the Shah, and there were massive student exchanges in the 60s and 70s, and those folks know that their current leadership is entirely bogus. Our best chance to neutralize Iran, is to unleash a pretty sophisticated populace who like Syria has had enough. There is a revolution coming in Iran, and if we want three year olds guiding our foreign policy.....then keep talking, but getting tough with Iran does not require being stupid, and yes.....we will win in the end.....democracy will win.....and it may not be a perfect union.....but folks are going to get those folks who think theology should be incorporated in government booted out the door.......and my personal belief is that we have plenty of those folks right here in the USA, and they post frequently here and on the old PNJ.



2seaoat wrote:Did you really serve in the military? Are you really a teacher in SR schools? Did you really attend UWF and graduate?

I had a boss in the early 1970s who built a road through Iran which ran north and south from the gulf to the border of the Soviet Union. They ran supplies to Stalin which had more to do with the success of the Eastern front collapse in the German defeat than all the Russian claims. He said that it was the most mountainous region of the world that he had ever been, and that the northern regions of the country were almost impossible to cut basic roads.

Now you think we are having some problems with some tribal regional bands of Taliban in a tough mountainous environment, and you think we are going to fight a war in Iran like our national interests are threatened by some folks who are holding onto power in Iran by a shoelace, as growing dissent and anger is building. The only way they stay in power is to create a foreign threat. So like a dumbazz, you expect the President and the CIA to stop their covert efforts to overthrow the regime and start playing checkers instead of chess. The Israelis are knee deep in the covert activities in Iran and Syria, and they are smart enough to know that their best chance to find lasting peace in the mideast is to overthrow the fundamentalist who have occupied that country since the Shah. Stupid sells, but you must think the Israelis and the President are stupid.....they are not. Iran is a timebomb. The sanctions are having real impact on the average Iranian, and I can tell you that you are clueless about the average Iranian.

They are more westernized than Iraq. They had close relations with the west for forty years before the overthrow of the Shah, and there were massive student exchanges in the 60s and 70s, and those folks know that their current leadership is entirely bogus. Our best chance to neutralize Iran, is to unleash a pretty sophisticated populace who like Syria has had enough. There is a revolution coming in Iran, and if we want three year olds guiding our foreign policy.....then keep talking, but getting tough with Iran does not require being stupid, and yes.....we will win in the end.....democracy will win.....and it may not be a perfect union.....but folks are going to get those folks who think theology should be incorporated in government booted out the door.......and my personal belief is that we have plenty of those folks right here in the USA, and they post frequently here and on the old PNJ.

Last edited by knothead on 9/3/2012, 6:10 pm; edited 1 time in total



PACEDOG#1 wrote:

Lakeview needs to take away your computer. If Obama was so tough on FP, then why did he just try to negotiate a deal to not support an Israeli strike on Iran if Iran does not hit our bases in the region? Hmmmmm. Got caught with your Depends down around your ankles again dude.

You write disrespectful posts like this one and then have the nerve to claim that liberals use personal attacks rather than responding with facts? If you had any cogent points to make you wouldn't need to act as if you don't have any self respect much less respect for others who post here.


No disrespect.....Pace and I play hardball......I take none of it personally, and as much as everybody wants to dismiss what he says.....I am probably closer to some of his thoughts than a lot of other people on the forum.......I like him, but when he stops thinking, it disappoints. I like to get him thinking, because he does know the difference between right and wrong.......and I think he cares a great deal about the kids he works with.......he just is angry about something, and I have never been able to get my finger on what is responsible for some of that anger. I think he sees first hand some of the failures of our education system, and what is causing those failures. We need honest discussions, and when he gets it right, his arguments are powerful. I sometimes think he is playing on some issues, but the anger.....I think it is real.



2seaoat wrote:No disrespect.....Pace and I play hardball......I take none of it personally, and as much as everybody wants to dismiss what he says.....I am probably closer to some of his thoughts than a lot of other people on the forum.......I like him, but when he stops thinking, it disappoints. I like to get him thinking, because he does know the difference between right and wrong.......and I think he cares a great deal about the kids he works with.......he just is angry about something, and I have never been able to get my finger on what is responsible for some of that anger. I think he sees first hand some of the failures of our education system, and what is causing those failures. We need honest discussions, and when he gets it right, his arguments are powerful. I sometimes think he is playing on some issues, but the anger.....I think it is real.
That is a very generous point of view. Guess you have a really thick skin. I just think the disrespect is not called for especially since you usually attack ideas or political figures and not individuals here who post. I give you a tip of the hat for such Christian behavior.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
2seaoat wrote:Bill Krystol has blasted Romney for a complete absence of discussion of our troops in Afghanastan. I never thought I would live to see a wimp representing Republicans and a foreign policy stud representing the Democrats. My world has been turned upside down. Maybe Mitt decided to go to France this fall rather than address the situation our troops are facing. Lies.....nothing but lies, and I do not care what your politics are......if you cannot see the lies and omissions......then they own you.

Lakeview needs to take away your computer. If Obama was so tough on FP, then why did he just try to negotiate a deal to not support an Israeli strike on Iran if Iran does not hit our bases in the region? Hmmmmm. Got caught with your Depends down around your ankles again dude.

Why don't you just shut your fat piehole, "teach". You really are disgusting.



2seaoat wrote:No disrespect.....Pace and I play hardball......I take none of it personally, and as much as everybody wants to dismiss what he says.....I am probably closer to some of his thoughts than a lot of other people on the forum.......I like him, but when he stops thinking, it disappoints. I like to get him thinking, because he does know the difference between right and wrong.......and I think he cares a great deal about the kids he works with.......he just is angry about something, and I have never been able to get my finger on what is responsible for some of that anger. I think he sees first hand some of the failures of our education system, and what is causing those failures. We need honest discussions, and when he gets it right, his arguments are powerful. I sometimes think he is playing on some issues, but the anger.....I think it is real.

My personal theory is much simpler...he just never grew up. He's got terminal adolescence. You are way too kind, Seaoat, and God help the kids he's "teaching".


no tip of the hat necessary. I come to these forums to learn. I do not take myself seriously. If someone calls me stupid, I do not get upset, unless I believed that in fact I was stupid. I have very high aptitudes in some areas, and woefully lack of aptitude in other areas. Once you realize your limitations, and strengths you can grow.......I guess my Christian beliefs have been my bedrock since I was a child, but it is not a cognitive response, it just seems to be a very important part of my life which I cannot give you a rational explanation, nor do I try. I respect people with strong beliefs. I rarely find satisfaction challenging a person's beliefs, but I will discuss facts and perception. A person like SRC has very high aptitude in certain areas, and I enjoy that part of it. However, when I quit making mistakes, maybe I can get snootty, but my wife reminds me every day about those low aptitude areas.....and it is fun to be wrong on these forums.......because nobody will cut you slack.....I love it......they will tell you that your are spewing yea, I expect hardball and truth on these is refreshing.



i think it's next too stupid for a candidate (not the incumbent) to speak in much more than generalizations about something about which they don't have the privileged information. See obama 2008... not that it matters about him.



What people forget is TRUMAN started the war in Viet Nam. 30 million dollars, sometimes I forget all of you are history buffs........go figure....

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