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Santa Rosa will wait until a catastrophe or such happens to the courthouse before it is replaced

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I'm saddened for the vote tallies on this issue. The place is bad for workers, the public who does business there and is tasked with jury duty, as well as even the inmates who are stuffed in claustrophobic conditions to dole out justice in this county.

We have made a fool of ourselves by voting NO on a decent courthouse that is not ADA compliant and makes people sick while having to spend too much time there. It's almost as if GOD needs to send a calamity for people to wake the heck up on this POS building we call a courthouse.

Most judges move as soon as they can from Santa Rosa. We can attest to this by noting that Rasmussen, Bergosh, and others have quickly vacated to Escambia County after doing their time in Santa Rosa.

Inmates and civilians are in arm's reach of each other while attending to business in this facility. Do we need a murder suspect to bash the brains of a potential jury member before we create a new courthouse that makes sense? What other courthouse aside from Mayberry RFD lets inmates and the public nearly co-mingle? Those inmates for certain hearings where family is allowed are rarely seen by family members unless they show up even before the courthouse security shows up for work each day and wait in a long line to do so. The courtrooms are TINY with little capacity for seating. Then the courtrooms are terribly cold or hot because the POS AC/Heat system is from 1927 too when the courthouse was built. We even had Judge Goodman get on to the maintenance workers only to have to apologize when it was stated there was nothing they could do to fix the thermostat which causes deputies to bring in space heaters to stand by while they maintain security. Face it...the place sucks.



I felt certain the voters would vote "no" on a tax to fund a new courthouse. Crying or Very sad


It is not needed. You can put two volume call courtrooms in the administrative building. Plenty of parking and let the lawyers and judges drive back and forth. The voters have been sending a message on this for years. There is plenty of existing commercial space or utilizing the administrative building to get a few more courtrooms and take the load off the man courtroom. No taj this time.



You haven't been in the courthouse for jury selection or even to so business on a busy day.



Have you seen the temp building used for the clerks? Another Ivan will wipe that erector set right into the Blackwater river



Judges shouldn't have to park or mix with the common folks, especially with the mentally ill population that frequents the legal proceedings. They don't anywhere else either.



SRC already uses other buildings for court hearings. We need a new court house.



We need clean drinking water a helluva lot more than a new courthouse.

And a bus line for the elderly and those who need transportation to get to jobs would make a lot more sense than a new courthouse.

The reason the new courthouse didn't win voters support, is that most of us don't do business at the courthouse at all and it's not on our priority list.




When the Feds order it the costs will be higher to go along with the fines for not being ADA compliant. SRC has good drinking water. The bus route is a waste of money that can't be paid for by ridership which has already been proven. More people will use the courthouse than ride a bus.



Well gee maybe if they got rid of SWAT teams and military vehicles and went back to law officers instead of playing fallujah of Northwest Florida I would have voted for it....We really need another courthouse to feed the 3 million pop private corporate slave prison would make it a more clean and modern slave trade. I am tired of supporting bloated law enforcement systems at all levels ....I certainly am more concerned with their evil behavior than I am terrorists. Let them use some of the billions they get from robbing people and calling it asset forfeiture.


For pennies on the dollar they could put modular courtrooms in and utilize existing buildings. Hell, I remember thirty years ago when the recorder's office and other County offices were in the courthouse and I could walk in any door without security. Enough with a wish list for Judges and lawyers. Make them drive to another field court. Transfer all civil to the field courts and keep the old courthouse criminal.......being done all over the country when the voters have said enough. BS to the cost to make that building BS. Also, the typical reaction after a loss referendum is to begin jacking around with scheduling to make the public pay for not approving the boondoogle. In Europe courts are three hundred years old, and we whine if something is south of a century.



Modular? Reallly? You are on crack.

Teo, not every event at the courthouse is criminal and that MRAP the sheriff has isn't costing taxpayers anything other than upkeep.



BS to the building being ADA compliant? Now I know you are losing it. You won't be here or live here to pay the fines that will be associated with the procrastination.


BS to the building being ADA compliant? Now I know you are losing it. You won't be here or live here to pay the fines that will be associated with the procrastination.

If you move civil out of the downtown courthouse over to the Admin building, and you transfer as much scheduling load to the branch courts, the main courthouse would be a ghost town. There is more than ample space to run criminal out of that building for the next 25 years. If the building was currently not ADA compliant, or fell under exceptions to the law, the AG would have already given notice of failure to comply. Once the load is cut in half on the existing building, it should be able to serve the needs of the citizens for a quarter of a century. Also, some of the support functions which are currently taking space could be moved to adjacent offices freeing up more space for SMALL modifications to the building. Use what is there efficiently. I am so tired of people calling themselves Republicans on the National scene, but act like a drunken democrat sailor on shore leave when it comes to spending money on unnecessary local things where the good old boyz always get a piece. The entire criminal justice system in SR is a bloated hippo, and there is nothing Republican about the same.



2seaoat wrote:BS to the building being ADA compliant? Now I know you are losing it. You won't be here or live here to pay the fines that will be associated with the procrastination.

If you move civil out of the downtown courthouse over to the Admin building, and you transfer as much scheduling load to the branch courts, the main courthouse would be a ghost town. There is more than ample space to run criminal out of that building for the next 25 years. If the building was currently not ADA compliant, or fell under exceptions to the law, the AG would have already given notice of failure to comply. Once the load is cut in half on the existing building, it should be able to serve the needs of the citizens for a quarter of a century. Also, some of the support functions which are currently taking space could be moved to adjacent offices freeing up more space for SMALL modifications to the building. Use what is there efficiently. I am so tired of people calling themselves Republicans on the National scene, but act like a drunken democrat sailor on shore leave when it comes to spending money on unnecessary local things where the good old boyz always get a piece. The entire criminal justice system in SR is a bloated hippo, and there is nothing Republican about the same.

You forget that there is one set of courthouse security folks working not even one on one with judges as it stands. Are you going to want to pay the family of an incident millions (and still have to build that complex for non ADA compliance) just because you knew that there were security concerns and didn't address them properly to begin with? A decent lawyer can show that is negligence very easily. Show me another court system that is subdivided Seaoat? That's not how it is done. You have a band aid fix for something about to explode given the conditions. You want to rob Peter to pay Paul. Why do things half-assed? Did you run your business in that manner? Oh yeah, you never answered me on a question I asked last week about the "living minimum wage" you support.

Did you pay your lowest, entry level employees $15 an hour? That same wage you propose for other businesses to pay their same skilled workers?



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Modular? Reallly? You are on crack.

Teo, not every event at the courthouse is criminal and that MRAP the sheriff has isn't costing taxpayers anything other than upkeep.
It's the attitude the vehicle conveys. I am sick of the fricken drug WAR. Whoever first called it a drug WAR should have been hung by the neck till dead.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

TEOTWAWKI wrote: I am sick of the fricken drug WAR. Whoever first called it a drug WAR should have been hung by the neck till dead.

A strong majority of 16% more Floridians voted to end the drug war than voted to keep it going.  But of course the 42% minority gets to rule over us.   But only until they die off.



Bob wrote:
TEOTWAWKI wrote: I am sick of the fricken drug WAR. Whoever first called it a drug WAR should have been hung by the neck till dead.

A strong majority of 16% more Floridians voted to end the drug war than voted to keep it going.  But of course the 42% minority gets to rule over us.   But only until they die off.

Drugs are a medical issue....people need it treated as such. If people want to commit slow suicide whether by a buffet or a bar we let them. If they want to blow their minds on drugs we should let them. If they violate a traffic law arrest them. If they hurt someone else while on drugs arrest them and jail their asses.



by TEOTWAWKI Today at 11:54 am
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

Modular? Reallly? You are on crack.

Teo, not every event at the courthouse is criminal and that MRAP the sheriff has isn't costing taxpayers anything other than upkeep.
”It's the attitude the vehicle conveys. I am sick of the fricken drug WAR. Whoever first called it a drug WAR should have been hung by the neck till dead.
Where have you seen it aside from the Internet? As Seaoat says, "Are you a scaredy cat?"



PACEDOG#1 wrote:by TEOTWAWKI Today at 11:54 am
PACEDOG#1 wrote:

Modular? Reallly? You are on crack.

Teo, not every event at the courthouse is criminal and that MRAP the sheriff has isn't costing taxpayers anything other than upkeep.
”It's the attitude the vehicle conveys. I am sick of the fricken drug WAR. Whoever first called it a drug WAR should have been hung by the neck till dead.
Where have you seen it aside from the Internet? As Seaoat says, "Are you a scaredy cat?"

Israel has nuclear weapons I have never seen but their attitude is very apparent. They attack and rob their neighbors of their property...of course total slugs believe god wants that....yeah keep on believing that.. Christ ain't comin back get that through your numbskull. All your bending of events and pushing square pegs into round prophecy holes is just delusional BS.



Israel has never threatened anyone and has only attacked those who attacked them.

Sorry you have given up on Christ. Will pray for you.



PACEDOG#1 wrote:Israel has never threatened anyone and has only attacked those who attacked them.

Sorry you have given  up on Christ. Will pray for you.
Right that's what Sherman said about the Indians....please don't pray for me...The prayers of a righteous man are effective but those that serve the Synagogue of Satan probably are worse than useless.
P.S. Christ came in AD 70 for the last you ain't gettin raptured out of this mess....



I despise "Pastor"Hagee.....and false prophets. I probably shouldn't be so rough on you because you are going through what I did 30 years ago...Same old song...



I'm not getting where you are coming from so break it down for me

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