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Ghandi's favorite books.

2 posters

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1Ghandi's favorite books. Empty Ghandi's favorite books. 8/28/2012, 8:20 pm



1. Part 1 of the dark tower series, the gun slinger by Stephen King.

2 Swansong by Robert R. Mccammon

2Ghandi's favorite books. Empty Re: Ghandi's favorite books. 9/8/2012, 11:22 pm



ghandi wrote:1. Part 1 of the dark tower series, the gun slinger by Stephen King.

2 Swansong by Robert R. Mccammon

Can you come up w/ one good reason why anyone would care what your favorite books are?

3Ghandi's favorite books. Empty Re: Ghandi's favorite books. 9/9/2012, 6:34 pm



Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:1. Part 1 of the dark tower series, the gun slinger by Stephen King.

2 Swansong by Robert R. Mccammon

Can you come up w/ one good reason why anyone would care what your favorite books are?

I think I have a stalker.
Is there just one of my posts that you can resist?
Get a life.

4Ghandi's favorite books. Empty Re: Ghandi's favorite books. 9/11/2012, 9:51 pm



ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:1. Part 1 of the dark tower series, the gun slinger by Stephen King.

2 Swansong by Robert R. Mccammon

Can you come up w/ one good reason why anyone would care what your favorite books are?

I think I have a stalker.
Is there just one of my posts that you can resist?
Get a life.

I ignore the majority of your posts. Nothing of any substance.

5Ghandi's favorite books. Empty Re: Ghandi's favorite books. 9/12/2012, 8:08 am



Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:
ghandi wrote:1. Part 1 of the dark tower series, the gun slinger by Stephen King.

2 Swansong by Robert R. Mccammon

Can you come up w/ one good reason why anyone would care what your favorite books are?

I think I have a stalker.
Is there just one of my posts that you can resist?
Get a life.

I ignore the majority of your posts. Nothing of any substance.

Anybody else being followed around by a crazy chick?

6Ghandi's favorite books. Empty Re: Ghandi's favorite books. 10/19/2012, 6:21 pm

no stress

no stress

I've read both. Swansong was my favorite.

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