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FREE Books on

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1FREE Books on Empty FREE Books on 6/14/2012, 8:03 pm



Everyone probably is already aware, but just in case:

If you got to and enter the Kindle page, up near the top is Discussions.
If you enter there is a thread which list free books daily.
Most of them are new authors and some are quite good.

Disclaimer: This is a "running" thread. The books are only free for 1 or 2 days and then it goes back to normal kindle prices. I check in everyday and pickup 2 to 6 books everyday.
If you are new to the thread just go to "newest first" at the top right and you can start perusing there.
I like the thread because several people save me countless hours by going through and labeling the genre and/or giving a brief description of the book.
I love Sci Fi, but there is Non-fiction, romances, historicals and guy stuff.
Good Hunting!

Last edited by RottiesRule on 6/14/2012, 8:41 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : additional info)

2FREE Books on Empty Re: FREE Books on 6/15/2012, 7:57 am

no stress

no stress

Thanks for the info Rottie

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