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Sarah Vowell books....

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1Sarah Vowell books.... Empty Sarah Vowell books.... 8/9/2010, 8:46 pm



Anybody ever read her books? I first saw her on Jon Stewart's show a couple of years ago and got really hooked. I'm reading "Assassination Vacation" right now which has taught me a lot about the history of political assassinations in the US. She's smart, funny and looks at things in a truly unique way. I highly recommend her.

2Sarah Vowell books.... Empty Re: Sarah Vowell books.... 8/9/2010, 9:59 pm

boards of FL

boards of FL

I have not read her. But I have read a few books from authors that I have seen from The Daily Show. With the exception of Dennis Leary, he usually hosts interesting authors. (I do not like Dennis Leary.)

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