During his commencement address at Harvard more than thirty years ago, former atheist Alexander Solzhenitsyn offended the narcissistically inflated sensibilities of America’s up-and-coming “ruling class” aspirants when he warned that America was tilting towards evil because its’ ruling class and intelligentsia have rejected God and embraced instead atheist evolutionary scientistic-socialism, the politics of destruction. Solzhenitsyn clearly discerned that the godless faith of the ruling class and its apostate clergy had already produced a spiritual, moral, and intellectual sickness responsible for replacing traditional freedom for the good, true and right with destructive freedom that makes society defenseless against human decadence and criminality. America, said Solzhenitsyn, is traveling the highway to hell taken previously by the Russians.
During his commencement address at Harvard more than thirty years ago, former atheist Alexander Solzhenitsyn offended the narcissistically inflated sensibilities of America’s up-and-coming “ruling class” aspirants when he warned that America was tilting towards evil because its’ ruling class and intelligentsia have rejected God and embraced instead atheist evolutionary scientistic-socialism, the politics of destruction. Solzhenitsyn clearly discerned that the godless faith of the ruling class and its apostate clergy had already produced a spiritual, moral, and intellectual sickness responsible for replacing traditional freedom for the good, true and right with destructive freedom that makes society defenseless against human decadence and criminality. America, said Solzhenitsyn, is traveling the highway to hell taken previously by the Russians.