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Memorial Day is special to us all and I am compelled to express my own feeling of appreciation for the many sacrifices of our military service members. I spent part of my day watching The Thin Red Line about the agony and sacrifices on Guadalcanal . . . . this played out on many other occasions since the birth of our nation. I simply say a Thank You!



It took six months to win Guadalcanal. A hell of a battle



PD, how does it feel to be spit upon and shat upon daily all year long and then get one thank you just for one day?



Chrissy wrote:PD, how does it feel to be spit upon and shat upon daily all year long and then get one thank you just for one day?

Who is now spitting and shitting on veterans?  Rolling Eyes 

There was a time when this happened--during the Vietnam era; but not now. Those vets got to spend 13 months in country, and they only thing they got out of it was a black wall with the names of 58,000 dead on it. They did not get a "heroes welcome" when they returned--there were no yellow ribbons or "Support our Troops" banners. They were instead labeled "Baby Killers," and they got no treatment for their PTSD, which had to be handled completely on their own. And many of them did not even volunteer to be sent off to war, because there was a draft. That's right, if you were between 18 and 25, you had to plan your life around the possibility that you would be drafted. And, military pay was low in a not all volunteer force. Today's military is spoiled compared to the military of the late 1960s.



Chrissy wrote:PD, how does it feel to be spit upon and shat upon daily all year long and then get one thank you just for one day?

Who is now spitting and shitting on veterans?  Rolling Eyes 

There was a time when this happened--during the Vietnam era; but not now. Those vets got to spend 13 months in country, and they only thing they got out of it was a black wall with the names of 58,000 dead on it. They did not get a "heroes welcome" when they returned--there were no yellow ribbons or "Support our Troops" banners. They were instead labeled "Baby Killers," and they got no treatment for their PTSD, which had to be handled completely on their own. And many of them did not even volunteer to be sent off to war, because there was a draft. That's right, if you were between 18 and 25, you had to plan your life around the possibility that you would be drafted. And, military pay was low in a not all volunteer force. Today's military is spoiled compared to the military of the late 1960s.

The left on this forum rail against military every friggin day in here. And he has to see your shit. Then a holiday comes up and all of a sudden the left wants to act all patriotic.

And the left still spits on the military. Groups like code pink and occupy wallstreet for examples. So please don't pretend for a day, I think its insulting to do that myself. Unless PD likes that.



I thank you on behalf of my husband and my father, Knothead.  sunny 



PBulldog2 wrote:I thank you on behalf of my husband and my father, Knothead.  sunny 

You are very welcome PB . . .



Thanks Mr Z and Knothead and all the rest of you.   A simple thank you means a lot.  But our thoughts should be with those who did not come back or came back a shell of themselves.  

..........No one every spit on me.......................



Mr Ichi wrote:Thanks Mr Z and Knothead and all the rest of you.   A simple thank you means a lot.  But our thoughts should be with those who did not come back or came back a shell of themes.  

..........No one every spit on me.......................

How sweet it is that the forum progressives get together once a year to bask in the glory and thank those who served or even push that ego military chest out if they served. When all year long they bitch and whine about evil murders and the MIC. I suppose when they speak of the military all year long they really are not talking about the people. They do have a tendency to put people into groups and forget about that groups are made up of individuals.

At least they are patriotic once a year LOL



and PS: If you just wanted to thank vets instead f making it a political debate you should have posted your thank you in the right forum. You stuck it here in politics, so it gave me the perfect opportunity to share my grievance about people who hate soldiers( the left) all year long then say thank you on one day.




Chrissy wrote:and PS: If you just wanted to thank vets instead f making it a political debate you should have posted your thank you in the right forum. You stuck it here in politics, so it gave me the perfect opportunity to share my grievance about people who hate soldiers( the left) all year long then say thank you on one day.


Thanks Chrissy your point-of-view is duly noted . . . nothing new from you!



knothead wrote:
Chrissy wrote:and PS: If you just wanted to thank vets instead f making it a political debate you should have posted your thank you in the right forum. You stuck it here in politics, so it gave me the perfect opportunity to share my grievance about people who hate soldiers( the left) all year long then say thank you on one day.


Thanks Chrissy your point-of-view is duly noted . . . nothing new from you!

Nothing new from you either. Up next will be wordslinger saying happy 4th of July LOL



knothead wrote:Memorial Day is special to us all and I am compelled to express my own feeling of appreciation for the many sacrifices of our military service members.  I spent part of my day watching The Thin Red Line about the agony and sacrifices on Guadalcanal . . . . this played out on many other occasions since the birth of our nation.  I simply say a Thank You!  
Go to Arlington or Barrancas and do so as this day is about the folks who paid the ultimate price. It's not about those of us who were able to survive whatever peril we were put into while serving. Veteran's Day is for those of us that did not die in the line of duty. It's sad when people do not understand the meaning of Memorial Day. It's turned into a cookout/gayfest around here.



Mr Ichi wrote:Thanks Mr Z and Knothead and all the rest of you.   A simple thank you means a lot.  But our thoughts should be with those who did not come back or came back a shell of themselves.  

..........No one every spit on me.......................

Since I doubt I will ever meet you, Welcome Home and thanks for your service! I would trade all of my homecomings of seven deployments for you to have just one that made a difference.




Not interested some tongue in cheek thank you from a liberal.

If you liberals want to give thanks give it to those who gave their life's blood defending your rights to speak ill about them and what they've done for you.










TO OUR PAST AND PRESENT MILITARY MEMBERS - THANK YOU! 1958487_795555137122319_4607978301070959841_n
knothead wrote:Memorial Day is special to us all and I am compelled to express my own feeling of appreciation for the many sacrifices of our military service members.  I spent part of my day watching The Thin Red Line about the agony and sacrifices on Guadalcanal . . . . this played out on many other occasions since the birth of our nation.  I simply say a Thank You!  

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