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Petrodollar begins the end....

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Yeah you guys are all smarter than this guy....

Well yea.....a monkey eating a banana is smarter than this guy. Part of the shift which is happening right now is Nato nations putting in place importation of LPG as an economic replacement for Russian gas and is being done right now. Russia is going to have a crushing collapse when this intentional redirection happens. Nato will not be blackmailed by Russia, and they already have the facilities for importation of LPG, and with our huge excess supply the timing is perfect to improve our balance of trade, secure Western Europe with dropping gas prices, and crush the Russian economy which was only saved from bankruptcy in the 90s by the flow of hard dollars from the sale of gas and oil......sorry.....please show some semblance of paying attention what NATO is doing and why they are doing it.....Russia have you noticed is not sabre rattling anymore.....why because just the opposite of that idiotic blog is happening. No manufacturer in the world puts all their marbles in one supplier, and certainly the leaders of Western Europe and particularly the Germans and British have made it clear they will not be economically blackmailed, and our fracking technology breakthroughs have changed the game.



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Yeah you guys are all smarter than this guy....

In any event, a switch to pricing petroleum in anything other than dollars exclusively – whether a single alternative currency, gold, or even a mix of currencies or commodities – would spell the end of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

For that reason, Sinclair – no fan of either Russia or Putin – urges American leaders to back away from an economic confrontation with Russia, arguing that the U.S. would be the loser.

If either (especially china)... or both of their markets break out it could put real pressure on the dollar as the reserve currency.

Now that could spell the end... since our strength at this point has become how much we can borrow. But our market subjected to another large correction again would have nearly the same effects. Leftists keep bragging there's no inflation... but it can happen very quickly. If interest rates start climbing... we have no capacity to grow quickly enough... given our current market... to service our debt.


Well actually we are the greatest. You think Russia is this military power which we should quiver with fear.......yea with 10% of our spending, and a rapidly changing cash flow problem for Russia, they are as hollywood as the little guy riding a horse least get the decade right. Also, China is preparing for a 10 year economic retrenchment similar to could happen at any time.........We are still the big dog, and India and China are certainly showing signs of incredible economic growth, but when you put all the cards in our hand......nobody beats, nor is anybody in the near future going to pass our position. However, the sky is falling has been working for 8 years of posting on the PNJ and here......maybe in 2150 it will become a reality.



Oh I see how you qualify the greatest..we are a huge debtor nation , like a bully that forced all the other kids to give them their lunch money but we are so big no one dares ask for their money back...yes that is a thing to be proud of....


Pay attention.....some of the issues you have raised were valid twenty years ago, but the balance of trade will protect the dollar......the exports are going to be huge, and we are conserving energy and have become a net exporter....this simply was not even imagined twenty years ago.......the dollar is going nowhere......and if anything it is the same old Euro will take over the dollar argument, but with half the sense of that argument because of the realities of balance of trade. We are the big boy.....and anybody who thinks not....does so at their peril.



Ya... as long as we keep borrowing and printing it's all unicorns and rainbows.

What could go wrong?


Ya... as long as we keep borrowing and printing it's all unicorns and rainbows.

What could go wrong?

Inflation and a dropping golly how is that working out for you.



Not terrible... debt is the new gold right now... but not many poor people can get it. Was that the strategy all along?



2seaoat wrote:the balance of trade will protect the dollar......

duh .....

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