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I am enoying the SO reprieve.

Ghost Rider
Hospital Bob
12 posters

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51I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 10:24 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Let me explain it this way. If Gulf Breeze had put a park like this on the Gulf Breeze side of the bay (and did it in a way that only the Gulf Breeze residents were the bondholders of last resort), I WOULD BE POSTING NOW TO SAY I HAVE NO OBJECTION TO IT AND I'M ALL IN FAVOR OF IT.

Get it?

52I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 10:29 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

It's really no different than what was done to keep Government Motors afloat.
Hell, it didn't matter to me. I could be a cheerleader for Government Motors from sun up to sun down and even go buy a Chevrolet from Sandy.

But it's not my opinion that matters. The opinion that mattered was the opinion of GM's bondholders who lost their asses on it. Not me.

53I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 10:44 am



To be honest if it was built east of Palafox street I would not give a shit.  They have done an amazing job with Aragon courts, the old Police station, the Wall South and the Bay front east of Palafox.  My hats off to the Merrills and the "Fish House".  Damn good job.  It just galls my ass to listen to all the revisionist history of  Main street. A pipe dream, look for the Golden Unicorn, something that will makes tons of money with little or no effort.

Over looked is the perfect business model that  is within a stones throw of the park.  A business that is known all over the United Staes and brings in 1,000s people 364 days a year to buy, and visit our area.  But it requires hard work, dedication and a genuine love for the community.  Something that is sorely lacking with the downtown elite.

54I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 11:44 am



Class warfare now? How unique.

Yes, Knot SO has been very verbal on our issues regarding the beach with no dog in the fight. I don't want fee simple either.

55I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 12:51 pm



stormwatch89 wrote:Class warfare now?  How unique.

Yes, Knot SO has been very verbal on our issues regarding the beach with no dog in the fight.  I don't want fee simple either.

Heck we're still waiting on the FL Supremes to rule on the case . . . lol
I guess (hope) no news is good news, huh?

56I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 1:00 pm



knothead wrote:
stormwatch89 wrote:Class warfare now?  How unique.

Yes, Knot SO has been very verbal on our issues regarding the beach with no dog in the fight.  I don't want fee simple either.

Heck we're still waiting on the FL Supremes to rule on the case . . . lol
I guess (hope) no news is good news, huh?

I'm guessing you and I are just hoping our property is what was presented.

57I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 1:01 pm



stormwatch89 wrote:
knothead wrote:
stormwatch89 wrote:Class warfare now?  How unique.

Yes, Knot SO has been very verbal on our issues regarding the beach with no dog in the fight.  I don't want fee simple either.

Heck we're still waiting on the FL Supremes to rule on the case . . . lol
I guess (hope) no news is good news, huh?

I'm guessing you and I are just hoping our property is what was presented.

Precisely . . . nothing more nothing less!

58I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 1:04 pm



knothead wrote:
stormwatch89 wrote:
knothead wrote:
stormwatch89 wrote:Class warfare now?  How unique.

Yes, Knot SO has been very verbal on our issues regarding the beach with no dog in the fight.  I don't want fee simple either.

Heck we're still waiting on the FL Supremes to rule on the case . . . lol
I guess (hope) no news is good news, huh?

I'm guessing you and I are just hoping our property is what was presented.

Precisely . . . nothing more nothing less!


59I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 3:13 pm



have ran for office and when I got up and gave speeches, I spoke the truth. You do not get elected telling the truth. You finish third out of four candidates. You get endorsements on integrity and honesty, but you do not win elections. I believe to the very essence of my soul how successful Maritime Park has been, and I think Friday I will take a walk about celebrating what a beautiful park has been created, and then play poker that night realizing what probabilities are and how with a winning hand you sometimes lose, and how with a losing hand you sometimes win, but understanding the probabilities is the key to winning more than you lose.......Maritime Park is winning more than it loses.

That would be run, your excellence.

60I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 4:21 pm



Seaoat's OK. This particular issue is one of only a few where I believe he's being unreasonable. The facts: the CMP is not what was sold to the public and very well could (probably will) cost the taxpayers of the City. The contractor was shaky and corrupt. The original least the public faces, besides Studer, were Adm. Fetterman, Vince Whibbs, and Dr. John Cavanaugh, then President of UWF. Adm. Fetterman and former Mayor Whibbs both passed away in 2006. Dr. Bense didn't play a role in the early decisions, and after the economic crash, who could blame her for not following through with the UWF presence? So, ultimately, it's the City taxpayers who will foot the bill, and if I read what Attorney Kerrigan wrote correctly, there is nothing holding either Studer or the Wahoos to deliver on profitability. Plus, there is the very real probability that activities at the site will pull business away from the downtown core.

Seaoat love baseball; baseball good.

61I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 4:29 pm



You guys keep Harpijng and saying the cmp will cost you extra money, but none of you is a prophet.

62I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 4:45 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:You guys keep Harpijng and saying the cmp will cost you extra money, but none of you is a prophet.

You dont have to be a prophet to see the obvious.

63I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 4:56 pm

Ghost Rider

Ghost Rider

Can anyone tell me what is being built in front of the stadium? All I can say is that whatever it is definitely ruins the view of the stadium. I am not a baseball fan and have never been a proponent of the stadium, but building another structure that hides what was once a beautiful structure, just takes the cake. I guess it means more money to line the pockets of Studer.

64I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 5:06 pm



Studers Office building.

I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 2re2uth

65I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 5:55 pm



I'm not trying to get into specifics where SO has blabbed only the methods of his blabbing.

He's a very small person with numerous issues in my opinion.

66I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 6:22 pm



stormwatch89 wrote:I'm not trying to get into specifics where SO has blabbed only the methods of his blabbing.

He's a very small person with numerous issues in my opinion.

Hint: starting a thread about Seaoat is certainly not going to encourage him to want to leave you alone.

Actually, it is kind of funny watching Seaoat get under your skin. My suggestion to you might be to lighten up a bit.

67I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 6:30 pm



Seaoat says a lot of good and interesting things but sometimes his point is muted by an excessive amount of words. He's more the shotgun writer than a sniper. IMHO

68I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/10/2014, 8:22 pm


Actually, it is kind of funny watching Seaoat get under your skin. My suggestion to you might be to lighten up a bit. Cool

Even with kid gloves is way too easy,,,,,,it must be MY issues.

69I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/11/2014, 8:32 am



Nope. Age has it's rewards in that we don't have to do things we don't like.

I don't like SO and hand the floor over to him.


70I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/11/2014, 8:45 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Mr Ichi wrote:Studers Office building.

I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 2re2uth

I think I'm going to go before the City Council with a proposal.
We taxpayers give the community maritime park (stadium and all) over to Studer.
And in return,   we no longer have any financial responsibility for any of it.
He can own the whole thing,  lock stock and barrel.  But for the privelege of owning it,  he pays all the bills for it from now on.  And that includes paying off whatever was borrowed to build the stadium and the rest of it.

That should be a deal everyone could agree too,  including seaoat.  Because as seaoat says,  the thing is gonna make a ton of money.  I say we owe it to Studer to let him make all the money off it as long as we are no longer on the hook financially for any of it.

71I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/11/2014, 10:02 am



stormwatch89 wrote:Nope.  Age has it's rewards in that we don't have to do things we don't like.

I don't like SO and hand the floor over to him.

Ah heck stormy. I only came back to watch you kick his pompous ass all over the forum...damn.

72I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/11/2014, 10:10 am



Good Idea but it more involved than it might appear. Studer will tell you the Stadium only cost 18 million. The rest of the money was for cleaning up the toxic stuff in the grounds, design fees, .Lawyer fees or "soft" money as they say. So we owe a hell of lot of money with little to show for it.This just the start of a very bad run for the City of Pensacola as more and more details come to light. It will take a group of people with a lot of financial skill to save the project. It can be done but with track record of city, I doubt it.
Look for a new savior to appear very soon. Kinda like in wresting where the good guy is down for the count and then some one jumps into the ring with a chair and hits the ref just as his hand is coming down for the 3 count.

73I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/11/2014, 10:32 am



Mr Ichi wrote:Good Idea but it more involved than it might appear.  Studer will tell you the Stadium only cost 18 million. The rest of the money was for cleaning up the toxic stuff in the grounds, design fees, .Lawyer fees or "soft" money as they say.  So we owe a hell of lot of money with little to show for it.This just the start of a very bad run for the City of Pensacola as more and more details come to light.  It will take a group of people with a lot of financial skill to save the project.  It can be done but with track record  of city, I doubt it.
Look for a new savior to appear very soon.  Kinda like in wresting where the good guy is down for the count and then some one jumps into the ring with a chair and hits the ref just as his hand is coming down for the 3 count.

You know I don't understand how they ever thought that park would work to begin with. When I lived there I was against it. because it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that already the area can not even support the civic center. and then going out to the ball games, never full. they gave away tickets left and right.

so I have always agreed with your take on it. frankly anyone who can not see the obvious here either has a vision problem or is on the take one way or another.

I fully believe what you are seeing there now is still just the lime light of all the fresh money dumped there and as you know, that will run out along with interest. to me Pensacola has a problem with wanting to be like a big city but its not. and your leaders there would have to go against the will of the majority of people in order to make it one. its a catch 22, because either way, everybody isn't happy. big dreams, small town reality mindset. you cant have both.

74I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/11/2014, 10:40 am

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Mr Ichi wrote:
Look for a new savior to appear very soon.  Kinda like in wresting where the good guy is down for the count and then some one jumps into the ring with a chair and hits the ref just as his hand is coming down for the 3 count.

Wrestling is a metaphor for everything that happens in the America of today.

And just think, I'm one of the priveleged few who was actually watching the day Cowboy Bob Kelly jumped out of the ring and wrapped the microphone cord around Channel 3 announcer Lynn Toney's neck and strangled him.
Little did I know at the time that I was watching the genesis of a new America.

75I am enoying the SO reprieve. - Page 3 Empty Re: I am enoying the SO reprieve. 1/11/2014, 10:51 am



Replace Lynn Toney with the City of Pensacola and Cowboy Bob Kelly with Studer and you will have it.

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