Seaoat , Virginia is not pulse of usa
Actually, it is. There are probably 12 states in national elections which are considered open to swing. Virginia is one of those States. Traditionally, since 1968 when the Dixiecrats migrated to the Republican Party, Virgina was not really one of these swing states. With the expansion of the DC metropolitan area government employees are flooding Northern Virgina. I have visited Bull Run (battle of Manassas) two times. A decade apart. The battlefield was isolated and rural, but now development comes right up to the historic battlefield, and with that economic development the demographics are changing. Virgina is essential to put a Republican in the White House. The election tonight is critical in accomplishing the same in 2016. In order for the Republican Party to be relevant they need to expand the 12 states to about 18 and take the battle to former strongholds of the Democratic Party and have the Reagan democrats find the Republican Party. The loss of Virgina is a major blow, and in my opinion may be the tipping point for the destruction of the Republican Party as we have known it for the last 40 years.