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Gun Ban Logic

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1Gun Ban Logic Empty Gun Ban Logic 2/22/2013, 8:37 pm

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Rolling Eyes Participating in a gun buy back or legislation banning guns,

because you believe that the criminals have too many guns......

is like having yourself castrated....

because you believe that the neighbors have too many kids!

2Gun Ban Logic Empty Re: Gun Ban Logic 2/22/2013, 8:42 pm



Why do people greatly exaggerate things? There will never be a gun ban just certain types of guns.Good Grief?

3Gun Ban Logic Empty Re: Gun Ban Logic 2/22/2013, 9:32 pm



Right useful guns must be banned...muzzle-loaders are all we need.

4Gun Ban Logic Empty Re: Gun Ban Logic 2/22/2013, 11:39 pm



TEOTWAWKI wrote:Right useful guns must be banned...muzzle-loaders are all we need.

Lets make it easy, ban everything but spears made sharp by burning and scraping the end cave man style.

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5Gun Ban Logic Empty Re: Gun Ban Logic 2/23/2013, 3:34 am



Dreamsglore wrote:Why do people greatly exaggerate things? There will never be a gun ban just certain types of guns.Good Grief?

Certain types? Do you really think that criminals will NOT be allowed to get the weapons they have now under a ban? Clueless!!!! Ever hear of the BLACKMARKET?

6Gun Ban Logic Empty Re: Gun Ban Logic 2/23/2013, 2:58 pm



PACEDOG#1 wrote:
Dreamsglore wrote:Why do people greatly exaggerate things? There will never be a gun ban just certain types of guns.Good Grief?

Certain types? Do you really think that criminals will NOT be allowed to get the weapons they have now under a ban? Clueless!!!! Ever hear of the BLACKMARKET?
Oh shut up,PD! You and the gun whiners have started before any gun laws have even been passed. Law abiding citizens will also have those guns.They do now.

7Gun Ban Logic Empty Re: Gun Ban Logic 2/23/2013, 3:50 pm


Prohibition does not work. Simply regulate. Chip, biometric triggers, dynamic foid cards and monitors in cars and we can get rid of 50% of vehicle and gun deaths in America. You do not have to absolutely ban anything, simply allow rational regulation to make sure people are properly trained and responsible, and that unauthorized folks do not have guns and can move around in vehicles with the same. It is that simple. Prohibition never works, but common sense regulation is a vast improvement over the lol lol land we find ourselves where on one extreme we have folks who believe any weapon should be allowed and on the other extreme all weapons should be taken from the middle is a logical and workable solution.

8Gun Ban Logic Empty Re: Gun Ban Logic 2/23/2013, 3:58 pm



Honest citizens participating in a gun buy back program is like castrating yourself because your neighbors have too many kids.

9Gun Ban Logic Empty Re: Gun Ban Logic 2/23/2013, 4:22 pm


Honest citizens participating in a gun buy back program is like castrating yourself because your neighbors have too many kids.

My experience with those programs they offer amnesty and no questions asked and it is not the honest citizens who need the cash and are selling the is the dirt balls who have a chance to make some money on their illegal guns.......the programs actually have a pretty good history of getting guns out of the idiots hands......but then they just go out and steal as to the utility of the program.....I agree....probably over the long term......not a good program.

10Gun Ban Logic Empty Re: Gun Ban Logic 2/23/2013, 11:42 pm



Dreamsglore wrote:
Oh shut up,PD! You and the gun whiners have started before any gun laws have even been passed. Law abiding citizens will also have those guns.They do now.
Yes those of us in the older generations who got them before the laws were passed but what about our children/grandchildren who are not old enough to buy them now.
but then again our government does such a great job at preventing illegal drugs, aliens, prostitution, and everything else from coming over the border so this will be easily controlled to. And eventually no one will have any but us older citizens who got them before the ban went into effect.

11Gun Ban Logic Empty Re: Gun Ban Logic 7/10/2022, 8:23 am



"Republican-Leaning states, meanwhile, were far more likely to have a robust gun industry. In fact, the top 20 States in the study voted Republican in the 2020 election."

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