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Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland

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1Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland Empty Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland 12/21/2012, 3:17 pm



2Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland Empty Re: Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland 12/21/2012, 3:37 pm

Born_ n_ RaisedNPcola

I still find it hard to believe that they have an outdoor ice skating rink in Florida. But the video was interesting.

Not that I am into the politics of the Maritime Park, I dont live in Pensacola and I dont know the ins and outs of the building of the park, but does the city get any money from the skating rink or does that go to Studer? Just wondering.

3Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland Empty Re: Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland 12/21/2012, 5:09 pm



I have no idea.

4Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland Empty Re: Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland 12/21/2012, 5:54 pm



Born_ n_ RaisedNPcola wrote:I still find it hard to believe that they have an outdoor ice skating rink in Florida. But the video was interesting.

Not that I am into the politics of the Maritime Park, I dont live in Pensacola and I dont know the ins and outs of the building of the park, but does the city get any money from the skating rink or does that go to Studer? Just wondering.

Born 'N Raised, it isn't an ICE skating rink. It is an assemblage of large plastic tiles that are laid end-to-end. I don't know the details but have seen a pic of them fitting the tiles together. If I remember correctly the tiles are 3-4" thick and maybe 3 feet on a side.


5Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland Empty Re: Blue Wahoo Winter wonderland 12/23/2012, 1:02 pm



Is that place open carry, in case some jerk bumps into me while I pretend I'm ice skatin'...?

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