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Laura and Marco....and Seaoat

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1Laura and Marco....and Seaoat Empty Laura and Marco....and Seaoat 8/23/2020, 1:31 am


With two tropical cyclones soon heading into the Gulf, I'm feeling:

1.  Relieved the tracks are no longer including NW Florida, at least for now, and
2.  Sorry for those in the storms' predicted paths, and
3.  Sad not to be able to argue with Seaoat about the accuracy of the National    Hurricane Center's projections.

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2Laura and Marco....and Seaoat Empty Re: Laura and Marco....and Seaoat 8/23/2020, 12:33 pm



Keep heading west. Seaoat would be in his element with two storms.

3Laura and Marco....and Seaoat Empty Re: Laura and Marco....and Seaoat 8/25/2020, 10:22 am



RealLindaL wrote:With two tropical cyclones soon heading into the Gulf, I'm feeling:

1.  Relieved the tracks are no longer including NW Florida, at least for now, and
2.  Sorry for those in the storms' predicted paths, and
3.  Sad not to be able to argue with Seaoat about the accuracy of the National    Hurricane Center's projections.

I miss him, too, Linda. And I hope my New Orleans friends are safe.

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