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Bleach Bit was used to delete Benghazi related emails

6 posters

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While Hillary tries to paint trump is a racist, it's time for her to just shut down her run for POTUS



And you don't just use this software for shits and giggles


If you are going to delete something, why would you want to do it half asz? Please explain how the FBI found no problem with deletion, yet you think it is an issue because the delete was complete?

If you have not figured it out, there is no crime, there is only your poor compatriots trying to tell America that President Obama was born in Kenya......what sad desperation. Just like you told us she would be indicted, you just move onto something else which lacks the requisite criminal intent and think you can bootstrap some criminal activity......she is laughing at you and your hero Gomer.......who the F does not double delete something so it is everybody is as stupid as those who find this the ground......goodbye truck.



You try that tactic when you are bound by law to retain something. It's cute that you can excuse your dear leaders of things that you or I would never get away with. Those were OUR records and she had no right to withhold them... much less delete them. Why don't you want govt accountability and transparency?



Tellthetruth (aka PeeDog) refrained from providing a link to this new information he provides in order to back up his assertions....

I wonder which obscure blog or which chain email sourced this notion, since he seems too reluctant to post it for us?






2seaoat wrote:If you are going to delete something, why would you want to do it half asz?   Please explain how the FBI found no problem with deletion, yet you think it is an issue because the delete was complete?

If you have not figured it out, there is no crime, there is only your poor compatriots trying to tell America that President Obama was born in Kenya......what sad desperation.   Just like you told us she would be indicted, you just move onto something else which lacks the requisite criminal intent and think you can bootstrap some criminal activity......she is laughing at you and your hero Gomer.......who the F does not double delete something so it is everybody is as stupid as those who find this the ground......goodbye truck.

Thank you BoardsofFL, thank you very much!

Bleach Bit was used to delete Benghazi related emails  E801ddf6-a8ff-4ee4-af6d-c9786bd4ceb9_zps7beeee22



Bleachbit is an amateur tool and a free download.

However, BleachBit may not be quite as sinister as Gowdy makes it out to be. It's one of many services you can download online to free up space on your computer by removing old unused files and clearing out internet history and cookies.

Jonathan Zdziarski, a computer security expert, characterized BleachBit as a fairly "amateur" tool that doesn't raise any red flags.

"It looks like the type of tool someone would run who's conscious of cleaning old crud off their system," Zdziarski said. "Someone trying to cover their tracks would likely pay for and use a much more expensive, specialized data destruction tool."



Floridatexan wrote:BENGHAZI!!

Anyone care to guess how many threads Peedog and lame dork poster Markle will create citing Benghazi between now and January of 2024? That is a long period of time......



Markle, Peedawg and Pkrbum: You guys keep repeating your Benghazi and Hillary email mantras, and clearly because you choose to do so over and over, it's clear your party has zero to offer. You don't push a single Trumpian promise or offer -- not a single republican premise -- you simply keep whining the Benghazi and her email record. Obviously you must believe you will dissuade liberal or independent voters by doing so. I can't believe you're that dumb! The ONLY folks who are turned on by such drivel are already 100% behind Trump -- you know, the white trash white Christian crowd. And you've already got their votes. Your problem is, you can't win with their votes alone and you can't convince anyone to change with more news on Benghazi or Hillary's emails. Reality.


Please tell me oh wise ones what law was broken when the FBI found nothing in violation of the law.....I double delete all files I want gone, but the key is the overwrite......even the double delete is not need to overwrite the space....there are many software application I have used to clear my disk space and delete folks are comedic.........Donald Trump is a present danger to America and you folks are still talking about emails. There has to be something missing in your is absolutely keep doing the same thing over and over.....and expect a different result.



2seaoat wrote:If you are going to delete something, why would you want to do it half asz?   Please explain how the FBI found no problem with deletion, yet you think it is an issue because the delete was complete?

If you have not figured it out, there is no crime, there is only your poor compatriots trying to tell America that President Obama was born in Kenya......what sad desperation.   Just like you told us she would be indicted, you just move onto something else which lacks the requisite criminal intent and think you can bootstrap some criminal activity......she is laughing at you and your hero Gomer.......who the F does not double delete something so it is everybody is as stupid as those who find this the ground......goodbye truck.

They were deleting in a hurry and criminals have never been known to be that smart.



2seaoat wrote:Please tell me oh wise ones what law was broken when the FBI found nothing in violation of the law.....I double delete all files I want gone, but the key is the overwrite......even the double delete is not need to overwrite the space....there are many software application I have used to clear my disk space and delete folks are comedic.........Donald Trump is a present danger to America and you folks are still talking about emails.   There has to be something missing in your is absolutely keep doing the same thing over and over.....and expect a different result.

The FBI never asked her about the five main things that she lied about to Congress. We all know what they are and they didn't ask her about it because we now know Comey is on the take. What has to happen now and is in the works is Hillary to get indicted on her lies told to Congress which was under oath unlike her speech to the FBI



Wordslinger wrote:Markle, Peedawg and Pkrbum:  You guys keep repeating your Benghazi and Hillary email mantras, and clearly because you choose to do so over and over, it's clear your party has zero to offer.  You don't push a single Trumpian promise or offer -- not a single republican premise -- you simply keep whining the Benghazi and her email record.  Obviously you must believe you will dissuade liberal or independent voters by doing so.  I can't believe you're that dumb!  The ONLY folks who are turned on by such drivel are already 100% behind Trump -- you know, the white trash white Christian crowd.  And you've already got their votes.  Your problem is, you can't win with their votes alone and you can't convince anyone to change with more news on Benghazi or Hillary's emails.  Reality.

Reality? It's reported by the MSM who has also now realized how corrupt the hag is. Don't blame the messenger



Tellthetruth wrote:What has to happen now and is in the works is Hillary to get indicted on her lies told to Congress

I do suppose you are willing to wait until Hell freezes over for that indictment, correct?

I can see it now.... Hillary Clinton is waiting to deliver her farewell speech near the end of her second term in January of 2024. Poster Tellthetruth (now under a new screen-name, after leaving the forum a half-dozen more times during the next 8 years) is still waiting for Hell to freeze over so the FBI can indict HRC for alleged 'lies' she told the FBI back in 2016....


The FBI never asked her about the five main things that she lied about to Congress. We all know what they are and they didn't ask her about it because we now know Comey is on the take. What has to happen now and is in the works is Hillary to get indicted on her lies told to Congress which was under oath unlike her speech to the FBI

Your ignorance on the email, Benghazi, and President Obama's impeachment, and his birth is only matched by your total lack of understanding of Congressional sir hopefully are not teaching children history, or anything connected to the Constitution.......but I get as a white nationalist, you want to blow up government.





2seaoat wrote:The FBI never asked her about the five main things that she lied about to Congress. We all know what they are and they didn't ask her about it because we now know Comey is on the take. What has to happen now and is in the works is Hillary to get indicted on her lies told to Congress which was under oath unlike her speech to the FBI

Your ignorance on the email, Benghazi, and President Obama's impeachment, and his birth is only matched by your total lack of understanding of Congressional sir hopefully are not teaching children history, or anything connected to the Constitution.......but I get as a white nationalist, you want to blow up government.

Tossing out the race card like your Mistress Killary I see.



Zero Hedge

Zero Hedge is a batshit insane Austrian school finance blog run by two pseudonymous founders who post articles under the name "Tyler Durden," after the character from Fight Club.[wp] It has accurately predicted 200 of the last 2 recessions.[citation NOT needed]
Tyler claims to be a "believer in a sweeping conspiracy that casts the alumni of Goldman Sachs as a powerful cabal at the helm of U.S. policy, with the Treasury and the Federal Reserve colluding to preserve the status quo." While this is not an entirely unreasonable statement of the problem,[1] his solution actually mirrors the antagonist in Fight Club: Tyler wants, per Austrian school ideas, to lead a catastrophic market crash in order to destroy banking institutions and bring back "real" free market capitalism.[2]
The site posts nearly indecipherable analyses of multiple seemingly unrelated subjects to point towards a consistent theme of economic collapse any day now. Tyler seems to repeat The Economic Collapse Blog's idea of posting blog articles many times a day and encouraging people to post it as far and wide as humanly possible. Tyler moves away from the format of long lists to write insanely dense volumes[3] filled with (often contradicting) jargon that makes one wonder if the writers even know what the words actually mean.[4] The site first appeared in early 2009, meaning that (given Tyler's habit of taking a shit on each and every positive data point), anyone listening to him from the beginning missed the entire 2009-2014 rally in the equities market.
The only writer conclusively identified is Dan Ivandjiiski, who conducts public interviews on behalf of Zero Hedge.[5] The blog came online several days after he lost his job at Wexford Capital, a Connecticut-based hedge fund (run by a former Goldman trader). Later Colin Lokey joined Zero Hedge's writing team in 2015 and left in April 2016 publishing an article identifying the writing team as Dan Ivandjiiski, Tim Backshall, and himself. This is quite a bit less than the 40 or so writers Ivandjiiski claimed to be on staff in earlier years. Note that they chose the pen name from a nihilistic psychotic delusion.
Zero Hedge is not quite the NaturalNews of economics, but not for want of trying.


The race card.....your fricking candidate is running on a white nationalist ticket, his CEO of his campaign is a Nazi, and they all plan to cash in after the election on the dumb turds who actually think he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for the same........again the IQ map says it all.



2seaoat wrote:The race card.....your fricking candidate is running on a white nationalist ticket, his CEO of his campaign is a Nazi, and they all plan to cash in after the election on the dumb turds who actually think he was going to build a wall and Mexico was going to pay for the same........again the IQ map says it all.


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