2seaoat wrote:Seagoat is going to take that common sense as a direct challenge... nice try tho Bob.
It is not common sense. It is submission and subjection to special interests who think the American public is too stupid and complacent to demand representation from our congressmen and senators. .
We have only one vote in the congressional election.
Here's how the game is rigged for us here.
Our congressman stays in office until he doesn't want to be in office anymore or he dies.
Whenever we have a chance to install a new one, for any candidate to have any chance to win, he needs to subscribe to his job description.
And the job description for a congressman in our district is to protect the federal money flowing into the district's military installations. Period.
Our local economy is now so dependent on that federal spending, that a congressman in our district is essentially a lobbyist for that spending.
The only thing he needs to do is get on the related appropriations committees which they all do.
Once that Congressman gets that seniority, he's in like flint for as long as he wants unless "he's found with a live man or a dead woman in his bed" (as they say).
Oh sure I know, you'll now tell me "all the voters have to do is stop being stupid ignorant assholes and vote in the white knight on the white horse" (whatever that would be).
Nah, that doesn't explain it. The voters need the local economy to thrive because their jobs are dependent on it. They vote in favor of their jobs.
It's not brain science or rocket surgery. It's "follow the money" like it is with everything. And in this case the jobs are what give the voters their money.