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A well prepared team 30 seconds from the slaughter at the Navy yard was called off....this smells like a setup !

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The elite Capitol Police Containment & Emergency Response Team is based just a few blocks from the Navy Yard. A law enforcement source told WUSA-TV the unit was less than 30 seconds from the gate and responded as Metropolitan Police pleaded for help.

A Capitol Police watch commander "wouldn't let them go in and stop people from being slaughtered," one officer told the Washington TV station, which is owned by Gannett, USA TODAY's parent company.


However, they responded in full force to kick someone's door down because of a drug infraction.



The Capitol Police say "their primary mission consists of rescuing Congressional members, their staff, and visitors who have been taken hostage by terrorists. Secondary missions include, countering threats made against dignitaries, responding to critical incidents and providing security for major events, such as the Presidential Inauguration."

The Navy Yard isn't full of Congressmen or dignitaries.  Maybe the workers at the Navy Yard weren't considered "special" enough to save?    Teo, I don't think it was a setup, but I think it's despicable if a unit trained to take on this kind of attack was right there but they were stopped from going in.  And it sounds, from this article, like that's what happened.  And it makes me angry thinking that this is what happened. 

Seaoat, do the Capitol Police go after drug offenders?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob


The elite Capitol Police Containment & Emergency Response Team is based just a few blocks from the Navy Yard. A law enforcement source told WUSA-TV the unit was less than 30 seconds from the gate and responded as Metropolitan Police pleaded for help.

A Capitol Police watch commander "wouldn't let them go in and stop people from being slaughtered," one officer told the Washington TV station, which is owned by Gannett, USA TODAY's parent company.
Smells like another government false flag to me. I bet count rothschild and the jews are behind it.



Bob wrote:

The elite Capitol Police Containment & Emergency Response Team is based just a few blocks from the Navy Yard. A law enforcement source told WUSA-TV the unit was less than 30 seconds from the gate and responded as Metropolitan Police pleaded for help.

A Capitol Police watch commander "wouldn't let them go in and stop people from being slaughtered," one officer told the Washington TV station, which is owned by Gannett, USA TODAY's parent company.
Smells like another government false flag to me.  I bet count rothschild and the jews are behind it.

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