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A young man who may be wise beyond his years

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After he pisses away his money, he will find that working aint all that fun either. Poor Baby Just do what is fun. That's the ticket.


After he pisses away his money, he will find that working aint all that fun either. Poor Baby Just do what is fun. That's the ticket.

He is probably in the process of a divorce and based on the domestic call he is lowering his future earnings until he dumps the wife, all the while he is saying these things.....

It does not take much to have a deep and dark perspective.



Mr Ichi wrote:After he pisses away his money, he will find that working aint all that fun either. Poor Baby  Just do what is fun.  That's the ticket.
Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Markle wrote:
Find a job you love and you'll never work a day in your life.
Very very true. But I don't take it for granted either because I know most people aren't lucky enough to fall into that situation like I was.

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