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What's it Worth To Save Obama's Credibility and Ego?

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The current estimate is 200 plus Tomahawk and Cruise missiles at over 1 million dollars each ... and based on the record, you can double that cost and you'll still be under the costs of this forthcoming midEast adventure to punish Syrians for killing Syrians by killing Syrians ...

I have not included our costs in U.S. forces killed, captured or maimed.

Just how man people wasted is worth Obama's ego?

Scew Amerika Inc.!!



What worth? Every time I turn around that big eared dumbo has his fingers in my wallet.



I don't think Obama has much cred to save anymore. The right wingers have always hated him, and now people like Ed Schultz and the progressives on the left don't trust him either.  He's kissed butts with people that were never going to like him or respect him for way too long. It's a shame.
Colin Powell did the same thing. He lost his reputation that day he told lies to the UN for his boss, thinking W would have never lied to him. W didn't care about Powell's rep, he used the guy.  I guess it's a challenge for a black leader to try to be liked by people that will never respect him  no matter what he does.

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