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Gang rape in the military.

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1Gang rape in the military. Empty Gang rape in the military. 8/29/2013, 8:15 am



How could something like this happen?

Oh. Nevermind. Now I know how.

2Gang rape in the military. Empty Re: Gang rape in the military. 8/29/2013, 8:20 am



So what do you have against bald men ? I take offense to such narrow mindedness. Oh wait they just have close cropped hair. I don't get it why you picking on these gentlemen ?

3Gang rape in the military. Empty Re: Gang rape in the military. 8/29/2013, 8:56 am



TEOTWAWKI wrote:So what do you have against bald men ? I take offense to such narrow mindedness. Oh wait they just have close cropped hair. I don't get it why you picking on these gentlemen ?
Someone lowered the standards for appointment to the USNA.

4Gang rape in the military. Empty Re: Gang rape in the military. 8/29/2013, 9:01 am



Careers ruined for 5 minutes of lust.

5Gang rape in the military. Empty Re: Gang rape in the military. 8/29/2013, 9:16 am



Another way that men and women serving together in the military are NOT the same.

That said, there is never any excuse for rape. I have no sympathy for the guys involved. Their promising futures are now ruined. They do not in any way belong to be officers in the Navy. Instead, they are probably headed to prison. But then the woman who was raped isn't exactly the smartest girl either. No, it is not an excuse for them raping her but Please--young women--THINK- before you get so drunk with a group of guys that you have no control over your body!

6Gang rape in the military. Empty Re: Gang rape in the military. 8/29/2013, 9:25 am



Oh...and the victim doesn't sound like Navy Officer material either.

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