The 12 years of warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan have been a gift to China in many ways. They were happy to lend America money to overthrow Saddam Hussein and chase-after ragtag Muslim insurgents halfway across the world. They absolutely knew these wars would put the United States deeply in debt and make it a weaker nation, unable to afford the large military it has traditionally maintained. Meanwhile, they are spending on military improvements like wildfire.
So, we overthrow Saddam Hussein and pave the way for Western oil companies to revive Iraqi oil development so its 145 billion barrels of recoverable crude has an easier path to market. And who benefits from this? Why, the Chinese. According to this article, the Chinese are now buying 50% of Iraq's oil production:
China's leaders must be giddy with laughter. They lend money to the U.S., the U.S. fights a war in Iraq and overthrows a brutal dicator, spending a trillion dollars in the process, and China reaps the reward---all the oil it can buy!!!
I don't suppose Bush43, Cheney or any of the neocons on their team ever dreamed any of this would occur when they cooked-up their plans to invade Iraq. What a bunch of dorks!
The 12 years of warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan have been a gift to China in many ways. They were happy to lend America money to overthrow Saddam Hussein and chase-after ragtag Muslim insurgents halfway across the world. They absolutely knew these wars would put the United States deeply in debt and make it a weaker nation, unable to afford the large military it has traditionally maintained. Meanwhile, they are spending on military improvements like wildfire.
So, we overthrow Saddam Hussein and pave the way for Western oil companies to revive Iraqi oil development so its 145 billion barrels of recoverable crude has an easier path to market. And who benefits from this? Why, the Chinese. According to this article, the Chinese are now buying 50% of Iraq's oil production:
China's leaders must be giddy with laughter. They lend money to the U.S., the U.S. fights a war in Iraq and overthrows a brutal dicator, spending a trillion dollars in the process, and China reaps the reward---all the oil it can buy!!!
I don't suppose Bush43, Cheney or any of the neocons on their team ever dreamed any of this would occur when they cooked-up their plans to invade Iraq. What a bunch of dorks!