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Has the government done anything worthwhile since the Zimmerman trial sucked all the wind out of the other news?

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Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Since the "news" became all Zimmerman all the time, what's the latest with the endless war? What's the latest with the government scandals? What's the latest with anything other than Zimmerman?

But most importantly, what has the Congress accomplished to the benefit of anybody except the Congressmen themselves? And what has Obama accomplished other than taking a hundred million dollar African vacation?
If we sent all the Congressmen and Obama home to wherever they came from, what fucking difference would it make. They said the "sequestration" would be the end of life as we know it and that didn't happen. I'm wondering if we would discover the same thing if we sent the politicians home too.



With Israels help we managed to piss Russia off and now the Rooskies are putting on the biggest war games since the cold war....Twisted Evil 

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Three-day workweeks. A full pension. Retirement benefits. Gym memberships. Car service. Free flights to anywhere in the world and travel allowances worth thousands of dollars...

With so many Americans struggling to just find a job, isn't time we put an end to Congressional perks like these?

That's the question we put to you just a few short weeks ago. And we're happy to say the response has been overwhelming.

So far, 8,746 readers (99% of you) have voted to end Congressional perks while 78 readers - presumably Congressmen - voted against the initiative.



Meanwhile, most federal employees are on forced furloughs. It's something that isn't being talked about much at all in the news. Why isn't all of Congress on a forced furlough?

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

Nekochan wrote: Why isn't all of Congress on a forced furlough?
Because we don't get to decide what the salaries and perks and furloughs will be for our employees (congressmen).  Our employees get to decide that for themselves.  
Our employees are the bosses.  Not their employers (us).



John Spooner got convicted. What a sorry cowardly piece of white trash.

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