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The Profiling of Black Males

Hospital Bob
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1The Profiling of Black Males Empty The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:00 pm



The big discussion today on the news channels is how Black males are repeatedly being profiled.
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the cloths that look like the criminals, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young Black men and boys boast about being arrested and having been in jail. If it looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a duck.



It's a big problem. It needs to be addressed instead of focusing all the attention on a rare case like Zimmerman. I say rare because most blacks are killed by blacks, most whites are killed by whites, etc.

But only blacks can talk about it being a problem because when whites talk about it, we're racist.



Slicef18 wrote:The big discussion today on the news channels is how Black males are repeatedly being profiled.
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the cloths that look like the criminals, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young Black men and boys boast about being arrested and having been in jail. If it looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a duck.

Watch out Slice you will get labeled by our deaf, dumb and blind liberals.

Hospital Bob

Hospital Bob

I agree with every word of that, slice. But the thing that makes it become a problem is when totally innocent people are profiled too.

If you tell the innocent black person "you'll just have to put up with the profiling too because it's the only way we can fight crime", he's not going to go along with that. And if you and I were in his shoes we probably wouldn't either.

Of course the real solution is to stop so many young black males from committing crimes. Then no one would even have to do profiling.
But so far, accomplishing that is like saying we need to make some more used cars. Nobody's figured out how to do it.



Slicef18 wrote:The big discussion today on the news channels is how Black males are repeatedly being profiled.
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the cloths that look like the criminals, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young Black men and boys boast about being arrested and having been in jail. If it looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a duck.

Watch out Slice you will get labeled by our deaf, dumb and blind liberals.



Slicef18 wrote:The big discussion today on the news channels is how Black males are repeatedly being profiled.
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the cloths that look like the criminals, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young Black men and boys boast about being arrested and having been in jail. If it looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a duck.

Kind of like Muslims?

Regarding the Trayvon case, what young person doesn't have a hoodie? Hell, I have a couple of hoodies.






My son attends a prestigious school in an affluent neighborhood and part of their uniform is a black hoodie with the name of the school embroidered on it.

I don't worry about him gettng shot for wearing it.

Give me a fucking break.

Does this look like a criminal to you?

The Profiling of Black Males K-bigp11

It looks like a dead teenager to me.

If you think he looks like a criminal, maybe the problem lies within you.


Ah yes.......then do we not have the slave patrols alive and well......those black boys dressing like criminals.....many scholars argue that the second amendment was demanded so that slave patrols and militias could function in the federal constitutional system, and now with the gun merchants gutting traditional self defense and removing any liability from a shooting where all you need to do is show reasonable fear, what have we become? I think this very thread may have established that a black person can dress a certain way, that because of that dress a person can declare that person is a criminal(a suspect), can follow that person with a loaded gun, if that person fearful or otherwise defends himself and is shot dead, the traditional self defense instructions are gone, and defacto immunity exists for shooting a black person dressed a certain way in America.

The trial was fair, the question remains have we reverted back to the days of slave patrols, where just the color of one's skin was the threshold of criminality or suspicion? I argued this point with T when the terrorists invaded the United States, in the City of York Pa they took free men off the streets of York and took them back to the South after getting whooped at Gettysburg......again simply making that initial judgment based on skin color. We now have defacto open hunting season on young black males, and if they try to defend themselves, well they better be a wimp and be packing.....cuz dead does not cut it.

10The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:32 pm



Slicef18 wrote:
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the clothes that look like sluts, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young women boast about having sex. If it looks like a slut, and talks like a slut, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a slut.

The ol' "she was asking for it" excuse.

Duly noted.

11The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:36 pm



Nobody is saying sluts should be raped or gangstas shot..Nobody..Just live and let live....

12The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:44 pm


Nobody is saying sluts should be raped or gangstas shot..Nobody..Just live and let live....

It is worse than that is the public acknowledgment by many on this forum that they are afraid.....that a young black male wearing a hoodie is a that fear.....if they are a wimp with a gun.....and if that fearful black kid with the clothes which makes one think like a duck that they are dealing with a criminal.....that the fear is reasonable and they can kill that black person........or rape that young woman who dresses seductively, but to date they have not had the rubber lobby make a simple smile consent to rape......or the liquor lobby exempt folks charged with DUI from civil liability.......nope the absurdity of the logic escapes any people who live their lives with only makes sense to the weak and fearful........and I honestly do not know how to instill courage into cowards, and therein lies the long as an industry can profit by selling a product to cowards, and as long as they can exempt them from thousands of years of law.....then we might as well let the rubber industry and the liquor industry set the new standards.

13The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:44 pm



nadalfan wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:The big discussion today on the news channels is how Black males are repeatedly being profiled.
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the cloths that look like the criminals, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young Black men and boys boast about being arrested and having been in jail. If it looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a duck.

Kind of like Muslims?  

Regarding the Trayvon case, what young person doesn't have a hoodie? Hell, I have a couple of hoodies.

It's not unlike what seeing a group of Harley Riders wearing black leathers was like in the 50's 60's and 70's. An element of being weary and cautious was used those of us on foot.
Example of "How brave are you?"
Your sitting at a traffic light at night that is red. It turns green and nobody goes. Would you honk your horn?
At two young girls in a convertible returning from the beach?

At a sedan containing a family of four?

At a off road muddied pick-up truck with two young men playing loud music?

At two Harley riders holding a beer in their hand?

14The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:46 pm



Slicef18 wrote:The big discussion today on the news channels is how Black males are repeatedly being profiled.
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the cloths that look like the criminals, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young Black men and boys boast about being arrested and having been in jail. If it looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a duck.

Dress, no doubt, has an impact, but you don't have to be young or wearing baggy pants or whatever to be profiled by law enforcement...quite the contrary.

15The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:47 pm



Slicef18 wrote:
nadalfan wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:The big discussion today on the news channels is how Black males are repeatedly being profiled.
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the cloths that look like the criminals, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young Black men and boys boast about being arrested and having been in jail. If it looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a duck.

Kind of like Muslims?  

Regarding the Trayvon case, what young person doesn't have a hoodie? Hell, I have a couple of hoodies.

It's not unlike what seeing a group of Harley Riders wearing black leathers was like in the 50's 60's and 70's. An element of being weary and cautious was used those of us on foot.
Example of "How brave are you?"
Your sitting at a traffic light at night that is red. It turns green and nobody goes. Would you honk your horn?
At two young girls in a convertible returning from the beach?

At a sedan containing a family of four?

At a off road muddied pick-up truck with two young men playing loud music?

At two Harley riders holding a beer in their hand?

My husband once got out of the car to yell at a station wagon full of people for that very reason...but everyone is not my husband.

16The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:50 pm



If all young blacks males would just dress like this, all would be well ...

The Profiling of Black Males Tumblr_ls0s1qOYRE1qhughh

Jebus H. Christ on a pogo stick ...

Rolling Eyes 

17The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:51 pm



Nekochan wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:The big discussion today on the news channels is how Black males are repeatedly being profiled.
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the cloths that look like the criminals, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young Black men and boys boast about being arrested and having been in jail. If it looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a duck.

Watch out Slice you will get labeled by our deaf, dumb and blind liberals.


You can both KMA.

18The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:51 pm



Good point, Sal. No one is afraid of that kid.

19The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:51 pm



Floridatexan wrote:
Nekochan wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:The big discussion today on the news channels is how Black males are repeatedly being profiled.
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the cloths that look like the criminals, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young Black men and boys boast about being arrested and having been in jail. If it looks like a duck, and talks like a duck, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a duck.

Watch out Slice you will get labeled by our deaf, dumb and blind liberals.


You can both KMA.


20The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:54 pm



Sal wrote:
Slicef18 wrote:
I suspect that is true, however when you dress and use the clothes that look like sluts, you can expect to be scrutinized. I have seen time after time, young women boast about having sex. If it looks like a slut, and talks like a slut, don't be surprised when others are suspicious it is a slut.

The ol' "she was asking for it" excuse.

Duly noted.

Actually, Sal is one of those people that qualify as a lair. I did not write the paragraph attributed to me.
I don't know what this persons problem is and I don't care, but I'm sure like most pimples, it'll go away one day.

21The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 4:57 pm


Some want to make this about liberals and conservatives......I think in the end it is about people who are scared and fearful, and people who have courage. It is about the militarization of wimps in America. Well, it will only take a few years because when this becomes the wild west, maybe we will become a nation of courageous men and women. People who do not cower at harley riders or kids in hoodies. Have we become so soft and complacent that we all need to sleep with a night light, or have the police or government protect us. Even in my weakening state I hope I never become the wussy where I have a concealed weapon and every black kids clothing scares me......a coward dies a thousand deaths.....a brave man but one......George Zimmerman will die a thousand deaths for the balance of his life.....all because he was a coward.

22The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 5:02 pm



Slicef18 wrote:

but I'm sure like most pimples, it'll go away one day.


I'll be right here pointing out your egregious double-standards.

23The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 5:03 pm



I am personally glad to see Slice back posting again.

24The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 5:05 pm


I am personally glad to see Slice back posting again.

as we all are....and as usual.....he is being subtle in his role as devil's advocate.

25The Profiling of Black Males Empty Re: The Profiling of Black Males 7/15/2013, 5:08 pm



Bob wrote:I agree with every word of that,  slice.   But the thing that makes it become a problem is when totally innocent people are profiled too.

If you tell the innocent black person "you'll just have to put up with the profiling too because it's the only way we can fight crime",  he's not going to go along with that.  And if you and I were in his shoes we probably wouldn't either.

Of course the real solution is to stop so many young black males from committing crimes.  Then no one would even have to do profiling.
But so far,  accomplishing that is like saying we need to make some more used cars.  Nobody's figured out how to do it.

Having a household of children and no permanent man for guidance and support is much of the problem.A recent study revealed Pensacola has the highest incidence of syphilis in Florida and it is mostly in the Black community. Syphilis doesn't profile it's victims.

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